
Johnny Canuck #racist halturnershow.blogspot.com

How humiliating !

My condolences to White American Patriots.

This is a big victory for the parasitical Jews and Niggers.

I remember visiting the States as a kid in the 60's and 70's, God, I was so excited ! It was the Big Show ! Not the socialist nightmare that Canada had become. Booze and cigarettes, cars and groceries were so inexpensive! Americans fought against tax increases and assenine political-correctness.
They were proud gun-owners, defenders of free speech, and spilled their childrens blood fighting those Godless commie Jew-Chink-Polack marxist Bastard Pinkos around the world.
Niggers knew their place; at the back of the bus, and we did not have to share the drinking fountains with them in the deep south.
But the Jew, true to his reputation of taking over a country within 50 years, has done it again. This time , to the country that INVENTED the middle-class, and was a leading light to the rest of the world. Canada and other countries were forced to offer citizens some freedom or face losing them to the States.
I can't help wondering if the Whites of South Africa or Rhodesia should have fought to hold on to a peice of their land: I hate to use the Jews as an example, but they have done a good job of holding on to occupied Palestine (Israel). One secret of their success is that they are both a religion AND a race, the equivalent of that for whites would be the Creativity movement, but I digress....Good Bye White America, it was nice knowin ya.

Pastor James Wickstrom #racist halturnershow.blogspot.com

If you can't eat it, wear it, or shoot it.....you don't need it. The 3 "its" to survive. Stay focused and in the "loop" with Hal's blog. What you are getting here is the straight skinny. Don't stray outside the loop or you will be quickly lost to false propaganda by the Jew media outlets. Remember, Y(U are the best person to take care of yourself. Not FEMA, not Homeland Security and the Jew Chertof, not 911. Never forget this. Now suck it up, and let shit happen. This rotten bedbug Jew nation must fall in order to put it back together again right. Right meaning no Jew, race traitors, or alien races. Just the White race.
Pastor James Wickstrom

Hal Turner #racist halturnershow.blogspot.com

(Apparently when Obama was elected, we "committed national suicide)

America committed national suicide tonight because we turned control of this nation over to inferior people who, in the history of the world, have never created or maintained the kind of advanced nation that we White people created here.

America committed national suicide by allowing millions of illegal aliens and other non-citizens, to vote and get away with it. Again, republicans were afraid to be called racists by demanding enforcement of the law while socialist democrats were willing to lie, cheat and multiple-register ineligible people to steal the election.

If I had my way, I would line up the GOP leadership from every city, county and state and cut their heads off. On second thought, that's too much effort for this trash. A bullet for each will do just fine.

In the meantime, those of us who saw this coming will get a few laughs. . . . Uncle Sam has just become Uncle Sambo.

Hal Turner, Hal Turner Show #conspiracy halturnershow.blogspot.com

We can no longer sit idly-by and simply accept the debauchery, manipulation and usurpation. It is going to be corrected very soon by extraordinary and stunning means....

...UPDATE: 9:11 AM 20 November 2008 -- The government knows "something big" is coming; they just don't know what.

They are mailing "general mobilization" letters to EVERY former member of EVERY branch of the U.S. military, no matter their age or physical capability, telling them to prepare for recall into the armed forces for a "general mobilization." The last time the USA made a general mobilization was in December, 1941.

That's how big this "thing" is going to be. Prepare yourselves and DO NOT be afraid.

Anonymous #racist halturnershow.blogspot.com

This is what alien run amerikwa has been dreaming about since day one, all chri$tian$ should be hung, drawn and quartered!!!!

Never, EVER, forget what the $emtic, ALIEN, whore$ have done to Nature. obongo is a true plight on nature and he knows it. Mccunt is too though!! as is all of politic$!!!

Rejoice in this though...

''the end''...well, it will FINALLY begin!!!!


All candidates in this ''election'' had INFERIOR IRI$H FUCKING BLOOD, always note that, ALWAYS!!!


hal turner #racist halturnershow.blogspot.com

Barack Obama has signed another Executive Order revoking the so-called "gag rule" on abortions.

...Of course, the pro-life folks are very upset about this, but even though I am pro-life, I am not upset by it. My reasoning is quite simple: It won't be WHITE babies being aborted.

I know that sounds terrible, but it isn't. The simple truth is that by killing-off third world savages while they're still in the womb, we're doing the whole planet a real service.

Face it: those brown and black skinned kids will never amount to anything. They won't invent anything. They won't discover anything. They won't dream grand dreams or create grand civilizations. They never have and never will.

In real life, they're a huge danger to civilized people and a major drain on the planet. They wreck the environment, they need huge amounts of medical and pharmaceutical assistance because they're so backwards. They are a huge strain on the treasuries of developed nations.

After all, it's us civilized folk who end up paying tens of billions to treat them for AIDS, pay hundreds of billions to grow and ship them food, pay unimaginable quantities to rebuild their pathetic nations after they go to war with each other. I mean, really. . . . . what good are they?

So while I am pro-life, I support Barack Obama's decision and look forward to the abortion mills turning on full blast in every third world cesspool on earth.

Maybe we can use the aborted darkies as some sort of bio-fuel to power our cars? We should look into it.