
Original Knight Riders of the Ku Klux Klan #fundie #homophobia originalknightriders.net

What most do not fully understand is that the homosexual lifestyle is an assault on our Christian freedoms and liberties. Everyone needs to wake Up and realize that we are in a spiritual war. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. (Ephesians 6:12.)

Whether you believe it or not, Satan is at work all around us building his earthly kingdom. Satan wants to remove God and any reference to God and Jesus Christ from our schools, institutions, government offices, churches, and even penalize those that believe in the Holy Bible. Today if you are a Christian you are labeled by the federal government as being a “domestic terrorist”.

If you are a Christian and stand firm in Christ's teachings and what the Bible says about homosexuality, if you honor God and stand firm in your religious beliefs, then you will be persecuted by gay activists and the federal government. You may be fined or even put into jail simply because of your religious convictions.

As of today, the Federal government continues to promote the homosexual lifestyle far more than it recognizes a Christian's right to his/her religious freedoms.



20% of homosexuals report of participating in sadomasochism where their partner is hurt, scratched, bruised and/or bloodied. 41% of male homosexuals and 8% of lesbians report "fisting"; where the arm is inserted up the rectum of one's partner. Over 90% of male homosexuals participate in the insertion of the penis into the rectum of their sexual partner.

This practice carries great risk for both participants. Fecal matter can enter through the urethra, and sperm breaks through the single layer of the columnar epithelium of the rectum, causing massive immunological disruptions in the blood system, making the person at much greater risk for infection. Homosexuals are 245% more apt to report 2 or more sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) at a time, than heterosexuals.

We find, and believe, that the homosexual agenda is an assault on our religious freedoms as well as a perversion of the original intentions and meanings of the United States Constitution. These are the things that we, as members, leaders, and officers of the Invisible Empire, Original Knight Riders, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan vow to fight against and oppose not only for the safety of our children and future generations, but because it is our responsibility to fight all things that are contrary to God's Word.

Original Knight Riders of the Ku Klux Klan #racist originalknightriders.net

We don't harass or intimidate any person of another race. We do not have time for ignorant behavior. We are a law-abiding organization with Christian beliefs and we feel our race is, and has for a long time, been taken advantage of.

Our Ancestors built this great nation, and as white, Christian, legal American citizens and taxpayers, we feel as the quality of life for white Americans is deteriorating rapidly. Our own government has almost taken God completely away from us and is only interested in taking control of our lives. Whites are quickly becoming the minority race with all the race-mixing out there, and for some odd reason, some whites, possibly like you, aren't trying to do a single thing about it. Some whites are so comfortable in their own little world, that they don't even realize what they, their children and their grandchildren are facing, let alone understand that we, in order to survive as a race, need to remain separate from the non-white races in this nation.

Learn the truth, before it gets too late for you, yours, and all us of the Aryan race. Our Founding Fathers would not be happy with our nation today. You know it and I know it. Help us do something to protect our U. S. Constitution, our nation, and preserve our founding white, Christian race. Think of your future generations, think of the past...

Serious inquiries from white, Christian, men and women of good moral character, with Christian values, and reasons are always welcome.

Our contact information can be found on our "Contact Us" page.

If we are Racists for believing God's word and being proud of our ancestry, our heritage, and our race, or for being proud of who we are and everything we, alone have accomplished... Then let it be so!

We aren't doing anything any different than the blacks, the Muslims, the Jews, and so on, and so on,and so on... So then why are we discriminated against?

Exalted Cyclops #racist originalknightriders.net

In the Invisible Empire, I am the Exalted Cyclops of the Original Knight Rider Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. I would like to thank you for your interest in our organization and visiting our site. We are one nation under God, a white Anglo Saxon race who is slowing becoming a minority in our own nation. Why is this?Our nation is of free speech but there are a lot of people in our country who use the right of free speech to twist things around to meet their own agenda and needs. The belief that a white race should mix within other races has been twisted and glorified by the Jews and the media. Everywhere we look we are exposed to inter-racial relationships and are shown that all is well and it is a wonderful thing.

If we refer back to God’s word in the book of Leviticus Chapter 19 vs. 19 “You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your livestock breed with another kind. You shall not sow your field with mixed seed. Nor shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you.” When I look at this verse closer it makes me believe that animals are examples of Gods true meanings. They are not exposed to the “right of twisting our freedom of speech.” They do not watch television, movies or read the newspaper. They are unaware and not brainwashed by the outside world to believe that it is ok to mix among races. They have stayed true to God’s word. If you look at animals you know that cattle don’t breed with pigs, dogs don’t breed with cats and birds don’t breed with reptiles and so on. When something of this tragedy does happen it is because it is forced upon them or done by some scientific creation which in turn is done by humans not our creator or what he wanted.This then destroys the pure race of the animal, and the very same principal is being drilled into the heads of every man woman and child in America and around the world. That it is ok to mix breed, pollute our country with mongrels, drug addicts and homosexuality, take prayer out of schools and anything else to destroy our great nation and our youth. This then becomes what people believes is the right thing to do, But then in reality all it is doing is what it was designed to do and that is destroy the pure and innocent.

We as Klansman and Klanswomen must do as much as we can to educate what is left of the white Aryan race to stand up and help put a stop to all the nonsense before its to late. I understand that restoring America to what is right and the way it should be and what so many has died for to be right will be a very long and hard road. But if we all stick together as one I also believe we can and will make a difference in bringing America back to what it was once intended.

Things have changed a lot since the last restoration of America so we now find ourselves battling many other different ethnic groups who are trying to put us white Americans on our backs and we shall fight this by defending this war in 100% legality until we are pushed so far that we may need to resort to another plan.

Grand Dragon #racist originalknightriders.net

We Klansmen and Klanswomen are very proud of our race and our heritage, you of the Aryan race should be too. The Klan saved this great nation before and it looks like we will have to save it again. Yes, you read that right, the Klan saved this nation. You won't find much about us in the current educational systems history books because the Zionists don't want you to know. They control what our children's history, as well as all, books teach them. They don't want you to know the truth about how the Klan was the first legal policing system in this nation. The Klan served and protected the citizens of this nation and tried to keep them from harm. The Klan separated good from evil. But that's not important right now. Right now, I want to talk about what we need to do now to secure the existence of our race and a future for White children. The 14 words that ring true today as when they were first coined by Mr. David Lane, may he rest in peace.


Now getting back to the truth about the Klan. We did save this country before during the reconstruction period after the war of northern aggression. The rights were taken from the white people and the blacks, carpetbaggers and scalawags were running rampant destroying our way of life. We as a people, were already tired of fighting, we needed something else. Someone to step forward and take control of this mess. And there was someone, someone named Nathan Bedford Forrest, founder of the Klan. He saw what was happening and stepped up and formed the Ku Klux Klan. They managed to get the people back in line, got all things back under control, and long story short, saved this nation. And we are going to do it again! Praise God!

Imperial Kludd #fundie originalknightriders.net

As Christians, when we are forced to confront GOD"S ENEMIES, whether they are in the form of anti-Christ politicians doing their utmost to destroy this nation and to destroy us as a people through their passing of leftist, liberal laws, whether they are in the form of secular humanist teachers in the public school system that advocate and promote a diverse and Godless society, whether they are in the form of false prophets, false preachers, false ministers, false evangelists, or counterfeit churches that are actually the synagogue of Satan and are spewing false doctrines and theologies from their pulpits, or whether they are in the form of those who constantly, consistently, and unashamedly propagate lies heard through slanted, incomplete, and biased newsreels, interviews, and so-called documentaries, we have our choices to make on how we wage war against them! But first, we have to know who the enemy really is.

Let us turn to Ephesians 6:10-20 in God's Holy Word to identify God's enemy. Knowing who the real enemy is allows us to become totally and completely prepared for the battles that lie ahead. While faith and prayer are our two most powerful weapons, and they are to be used without ceasing, we will still have to choose how we enter combat. 1) First, we can choose to silently sit by and do nothing; we can choose to not fight the enemy and simply agree with whatever it is that he sees fit to level at us; this is, evidently, what most so-called Christian churches do today; 2) Secondly, we can choose to fight the enemy's decrees through his political and legal systems run by his minions; in most cases, we will ultimately fail; 3) Thirdly, we can voluntarily disobey the enemy's laws and be prepared to be arrested, thrown into his prisons, and then persecuted for our doing so; this renders us completely ineffectual in our resistance efforts, but, it may also open the doors for others to hear the message that God wants delivered to our people; this has been done, and is being done, to and for many of our brothers and sisters right now; this enables us to actually have Christian Warriors and Christian Soldiers within the belly of the enemy. 4) Our Fourth option of battle, one which has been considered and tried, but has NEVER been successful, is that our people may try to leave the jurisdiction of the enemy and be totally separate from it; many so=called warriors and soldiers today have not reached the point of maturity or self-sufficiency where they could successfully accomplish this feat; 5) Our last option is to combine our second, third, and fourth choices and prepare for war.

The fifth option is our only hope of survival. There will come a time, and it is fast-approaching, that we will have to add to Faith and Prayer a physical presence, a physical form of battle. There will come a time when we will be forced to do more than pray. We will be forced to enter into battle! There will come a time when we will be called upon to become God's Warriors, to become God's Soldiers, to become the Holy Ghost's earthly weapons! We will be called upon to become Militant Christians! We will be called upon to fight for, and defend, OUR GOD, OUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, OUR RACE, OUR NATION, OUR HERITAGE! As MILITANT CHRISTIANS, we must be prepared to use physical force against GOD'S ENEMIES! Already we see the enemy preparing for battle! Already we see his efforts to disrupt us as a people, to indoctrinate our children with lies! Already we see his efforts to strip right-thinking ministers of the gospel from preaching the Holy Bible's truths from the pulpits! Already we see him dismantling the traditional, Biblical-based, God-ordained concept of marriage and what a true family is! Already we see him using the media to force the idea of a Godless Society where man is his own "god" upon us and where all peoples are one and the same! Already we see our nation crumbling before our eyes! Already we are on the verge of becoming a heathen nation!

WE CAN NO LONGER BE SILENT!!! We must no longer accept or obey laws inflicted upon us by Satan's minions that conflict with, and contradict, the teachings of God's Word and His Laws as outlined in His Scriptures! We must prepare to fight the laws by any means possible to have them overturned as any Godly Army would do, and we must be prepared for the attacks that will follow! WE MUST BE PREPARED TO FIGHT!!! WE MUST BE PREPARED FOR BATTLE!!! WE MUST BE PREPARED FOR WAR!!! We are not to be passive! King David, a man after God's own heart, writes in Psalms 18:34, "He teacheth my hands to war..."; In Psalms 144:1 he writes, "Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight"; In Psalms 44:5 he writes, "Through thee will we push down your enemies: though thy name will we tread them under that rise up against us." Victory is already promised to us! We are being told, are being taught, to prepare for battle, to prepare for war! My question to each of you here today is, ARE YOU TRULY PREPARED TO BECOME GOD'S WARRIOR? ARE YOU TRULY PREPARED TO ALLOW JESUS CHRIST, OUR CRITERION OF CHARACTER, OUR WARRIOR KING, TO LEAD YOU INTO BATTLE? ARE YOU PREPARED TO ALLOW THE HOLY GHOST TO EGUIP YOU WITH ALL OF HIS ARMOR? ARE YOU PREPARED SPIRITUALLY AS WELL AS PHYSICALLY FOR WAR?