
Article "Sexual Property" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Sexual property, under patriarchy, is what wives are recognized as. Adultery is a crime against sexual property.[1] In the Jewish faith, women were seen as man's sexual property, but equal in comradeship, homemaking and parenthood (e.g. Fiddler on the Roof).

Carole Pateman notes, "The patriarchal construction of sexuality, what it means to be a sexual being, is to possess and to have access to sexual property. . . . In modern patriarchy, masculinity provides the paradigm for sexuality; and sexuality means sexual mastery. The 'individual is a man who makes use of a woman's body (sexual property); the converse is much harder to imagine."[2]

Stanford M. Lyman writes, "A nearly unbounded wrath is sometimes aroused by the appropriation of another's sexual property. Treated in the classic sociological essay by Kingsley Davis as jealousy, this emotional state and its attendant response are also understandable as an angry reaction to lost self-esteem. . . . Of all the types of properties over which dominion is sought, sexual property seems to evoke the most intimate connection to self-worth. The bonds of love or affection express not only one's own feelings toward the other, but also an implicit reciprocal image of these feelings toward oneself. . . . Sexual property above all others is likely to engender vanity and pride in, and satisfy a fundamental need of, its possessor. Accordingly, an attack on one's sexual property usually cuts a deep wound in one's self-esteem. . . . A jealous regard for one's own dearly purchased prize in the marketplace of love may arouse the most intense fears, deepest insecurities, and ultimately his most ferocious wrath as a threatened possessor fights to preserve his pride, passion, and property. And precisely because jealousy arises out of the most significant elements of self-esteem, its fury might know no bounds."[3]

Thus, it should come as no surprise that when wives refuse to fulfill their proper roles as sexual property, their husbands sometimes get angry, as she is essentially appropriating herself.

Article "Sweden" #racist en.kingswiki.com

The Kingdom of Sweden (Swedish: Konungariket Sverige) is a country in Northern Europe, bordered by Norway and Finland. It is known for its far-left policies and extreme liberalism.

Recently, Earth Hour had to be cancelled in the country in order to protect women from sexual assault by the Rapefugees.

Sweden's official Twitter account

In 2011, the government of Sweden started allowing its citizens to run its Twitter account. The idea was that each week, a normal Swede would get to use the account to illustrate daily life in Sweden.

In late August 2016, the account was given to a woman named Elin, who was harshly criticised by members of the Alt-Right for general harlotry. Many comments pointing out the rapefugee situation were made. On 6 September 2016, the account was handed over to a transgender man calling herself "Gavin". She instantly began to receive the same reaction as her predecessor.

Sweden as Islamic caliphate

Due to the high amounts of rapefugees (Islamic economic migrants) that the country takes in, many believe that Sweden will become the first Islamic caliphate in Europe since the days of the Ottoman Empire. Recently, a prosecutor declared that the flag of ISIS did not constitute hate speech[1], practically legalising it.

Article "Consent" #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Consent is willingness to engage in an activity.

Informed consent

Feminists often argue that sex with a woman is rape unless she not only consents but is able to give informed consent. Arguably, "informed consent" means being informed enough to be a responsible member of the pussy cartel – a whore who knows her price and who won't undercut other women.

Raymond Kertezc #fundie en.kingswiki.com

I think sociopaths will always exist, and may even increase in number, and in ability what they want, because of the feminist/manginist revolution. Situations are gonna arise where wives refuse to submit to their husbands, and at that point it's up to the husband to decide whether he's going to hold frame and keep trying to get her to submit, or give up and retreat from the battlefield, and surrender the fight for dominance. (Note that I don't say, surrender HIS fight, but rather, surrender THE fight. Because the outcome of surrendering isn't that he's going to be an equal partner. When there's war, one party to the conflict or another is going to be the occupying power. Enemy troops are going to be marching into someone's capital, and it's only a question of whose capital.)

The husband is not like a boyfriend, who can just walk out and find another woman. His own conscience won't let him do that, if he has a conscience. But the sociopath doesn't care about rules or anything else but his own desires. He will put himself first.

When the husband looks around and sees that he has no moral support in his struggle, but rather than people blame him for the conflict and advise him to submit to her wishes, he will tend to capitulate, just because it's the easiest path. But the narcissist will put himself first because he believes he's entitled to it. Meanwhile, the Machiavellian will realize that putting himself first is the way to win the fight, because he knows how her mind works.

The beta, even though he may have some Red Pill awareness, is just gonna have trouble keeping frame when the world is against him. He will succumb to the temptation to hand in his balls when she tries to break his spirit. Maybe it was a shit test, but there will come a point where he gets weary and doesn't care whether he fails it or not. He'll just want rest.

There won't be anyone to tell his wife, "Maybe you're carrying these shit tests a little TOO far" or to tell the husband, "Stand firm and win." And to the extent there is someone telling him to stand firm, it's probably going to be someone who doesn't matter, like some misogynist on the Internet (as opposed to, say, a member of the family whom the wife complains to about her husband's dominating ways).

After the husband surrenders, his time is limited, but he doesn't care. When she starts banging another dude, that will be his call to rest and relaxation. He can receive the restraining order and divorce papers, which tell him that his duties toward her are over, except for the financial duties of course, but that's just a matter of writing a check rather than listening to her blaming him for everything. Society will continue to blame him, but he can simply refuse to fight their blaming. He can passively allow his spirit to be crushed rather than insisting he's right.

The dude she'll be banging will be a dark triad guy who won't stand for her shit. He'll slap her around and insist on his way, or else he's walking. His dread game will be effective, and they will live happily ever after. The beta schlub, on the other hand, will just put in his time until he dies, and then perhaps be pleased when he's on his deathbed that it's finally over.

The handing over of the balls is a momentous event, like the cop's handing over his gun to the criminals who have him cornered, or the general's handing over his sword to the victorious conqueror, or the speaker of the house handing over his gavel to the other party's leader. The surrendering husband will always remember it, even though it happens with little fanfare, taking place solely in his mind. He will always recall what finally prompted it, after many battles in the struggle for dominance. He'll remember that last fight when he finally said to himself, "I can't do this anymore."

And yet, paradoxically enough, when you can ask your wife and her new guy, "Would you like Smiley Sauce with that?" from the drive-thru window, and tell the Colonel down the street "you know what? I don't care", it's actually when you regain your balls

Kings Wiki #fundie en.kingswiki.com

Dark triad

The dark triad is a combination of three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Put another way, the "Dirty Dozen" dark triad traits include a desire for attention, admiration, favors, and prestige; the manipulation, exploitation, deceit and flattery of others; a lack of remorse, morality concerns and sensitivity, and cynicism. The Dirty Dozen is a condensed version of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, Mach-IV, and Psychopathy Scale-III.

In practice these traits essentially allude to the following principles which make an alpha male stand out from his beta brethren:

Narcissism - Respecting oneself and putting one's own needs before others' wants. Many beta males do not respect their own needs and go out of their way to try to please others or "be liked".

Machiavellianism - Having street wisdom or good social intuition and being able to make good judgment calls; many betas are naive and take what people say at face value; such as betas who don't read between the lines when girls say they want a "nice guy".

Psychopathy - Not caring about what "society" thinks of you but what you think of yourself, similar to the above, many betas let society or parents decide their own values out of fear of disapproval.

Several mainstream academic, peer-reviewed studies have confirmed that women are sexually attracted to men who exhibit dark triad traits, likely because of women's hypergamous nature.[Sources]

Vinita Mehta notes:[Source]

What might explain this result? Carter and his colleagues offer two possible explanations. First, sexual selection might be at work. This would mean that women are responding to signals of “male quality” when it comes to reproduction. And with respect to short-term mating, women may be drawn to ‘bad boys’, who demonstrate confidence, stubbornness, and risk-taking tendencies. Second, sexual conflict may be at play. The investigators state that “Women may be responding to DT men’s ability to ‘sell themselves’; a useful tactic in a co-evolutionary ‘arms race’ in which men convince women to pursue the former’s preferred sexual strategy.” They note that like a “used-car dealer,” Dark Triad men may be effective charmers and manipulators, furthering their success at short-term mating. The authors are also careful to note that though women rated the DT character as comparatively more attractive, it does not necessarily mean that they would have sex with them.

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