
Chrisboe4ever #fundie armageddononline.org

I know it sounds wrong, but I bet my friend 5 bucks that it would happen. I am a believer in Bible Code, but I don't think it tells what will happen [Miami would be nuked as prophecied above]. I think Bible Code shows what will happen if no one does anything to stop it. And if Miami is bombed, I'll be extremely sad, but 5 dollars richer.

SherryShriner #fundie armageddononline.org

Bin Laden's Going To Nuke Miami... The NWO [New World Order] will use Bin Laden to Nuke Miami! CIA patsy/pawn Bin Laden will 'punish Miami' for being the home of Digital Angel, implantable micro chips. From what I have found in the codes Laden will use a Russian Nuke to cause a literal holocaust in Miami. In swift retaliation, and an excuse to get rid of Damascus, Bush will Nuke Damascus into a parking lot of rubble fulfilling Isaiah 17. Possible months for the Nuking of Miami are January, March or September.

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