
pabramson #fundie cseblogs.com

We can ascertain some things about the pre-Flood world.

Redwood trees grew in (what is now) the Arctic Circle. (Toss out their conjecture of “millions of years ago” per their dating methods that do not work, but keep the REAL evidence - redwood trees grew in the Arctic prior to the Flood.) When? - they are in error due to putting their religion ahead of good science. So they do not know. We do however, since we have a book that tells us of a radically different pre-Flood history.

Palms also grew in (what is now) Antarctica. The pre-Flood (not “pre-historic” as the evolutionists claim) world was very different. The Piri Reis Map shows that men once could go to Antarctica; from long ago; it was mapped in the former time. Like post-Flood peoples, there were explorers among them.

There were tree rings, indicating that even back then there were fruit bearing cycles, the periods when the trees would “reset” internally. In the post-Flood world (since about 2400 B.C.) tree rings usually follow the annual seasons, but it is possible for a tree to have two rings in one year.

The Earth was probably tilted on its axis, as we see it today. The tilt may have been about 1 degree different prior to about 700 B.C. But it was essentially the same. And the original year may have been 360 days, as evidenced by many ancient calendars, that is until about 700 B.C.

Genesis tells us that a mist rose from the ground each morning and that the waters were separated above and below. This would indicate a completely different hydrologic cycle, according to theory. Dragons reigned in some areas, mammals in others. Generally the pre-Flood climates (all at the same time - but in different places) would have been warmer

P.A. #fundie cseblogs.com

[Explaining why the post recommending learning something about radiometric dating before dismissing it was truncated]

[EDITOR’S NOTE: We did have a raging creation vs. evolution debate for many months. Go back but one month and look at this blog’s history, if interested. A few of the skeptics resorted to incessant name calling and using “liar” a lot, when confronted with the real scientific evidence. Many remained willingly ignorant. Unrepentant folks are they.

If we had a blog on particle physics and a few detractors wanted to keep asking overly basic questions about why electrons spin around the nucleus (demanding photos for proof of this) and how come euclidean geometry makes so many straight lines, we may eventually realize that such uneducated questions and distractions hold the rest of us back.

Samphire needs to go back and study, as I stated a few times previously. We do not need unscientific evolutionary beliefs re-re-re-re-stated here as it reduces down to what it really is as a mental hiding place from God.

Either the universe just kinda exploded from nothing into something for no reason and then began to improve itself; each step of the way in defiance of the known laws of science. Or a Supreme Being made all that is, and for some divine purpose. If one chooses something in the middle, a weak-god evolution, that is fine for them, but then that excludes Biblical knowledge of our all-powerful God.

Just as one cannot truly combine voodoo with Christianity, one cannot combine the beliefs of evolution (heartless suffering for “improvement”) with what Christianity teaches.

YoCuzwaasup #fundie cseblogs.com

God, (If there is such a person) love’s uncontrollable. It is a shame that we can’t be the same way. What I don’t get is those that make such and effort to crush a child’s belief in God. Would they do this if it were Santa Claus? Far be it Santa being compared to Jesus. Though they both have the same looks and clothing. White hair and beard, Red clothing, One flies with dears, Jesus on the cloud, Both watching who’s naughty and nice. Too bad the Evolutionist is on Santa naughty list.

P.A. #fundie cseblogs.com

Science and the Bible agree perfectly. But scientists don’t always do good science. Consider the Galileo episode. For some 1200 years the consensus of scientists believed and taught others (like the religious leaders of their day) that the rest of the universe revolves around the Earth. Well, the consensus of scientists were wrong. What they believed and taught on that topic was in error. (The Bible does not say either way.) They fought against waht Copernicus and Galileo had come to realize from the scientific evidence. So it is important to make a distinction between what the scientific evidence indicates vs. what the consensus of scientists (using peer review/pressure) believe. They openly mocked Louis Pasteur. They denied Einstein’s relativity calculation for many years.

P.A. #fundie cseblogs.com

[to a poster who tried to direct readers to accurate information about radiometric dating]

One should study BOTH sides of a debate prior to engaging oneself as a proponent of either side. You have not done this, per your recent posting attempts, Samphire. :-( Please either study, then come back. Or just save your typing for other blogs. We don’t want ignorant skeptics to hold us back any longer. I have made that clear. Start your own blog and I will be glad to post its address here. (Or study, learn that creation is true, then come back.)

P.A. (editor) #fundie cseblogs.com

Peer pressure (peer review) combined with “publish or perish” holds back scientific exploration. If a professor wants to stay employed then he or she must submit to the consensus of evolutionary beliefs. Science then comes secondary. If a publication’s referees reject quality (but evolution contradicting) articles at the outset and then turn around and claim that “creationists don’t publish in the journals” that is a convenient contradiction. Some persons put their religious beliefs ahead of science. Thus creationists publish and teach others as we are able, but largely outside of the anti-God publications.

sonofjapeth #fundie cseblogs.com

I am convinced that during the days of Jared there was an initial group of about two hundred angels who desended into the reigon around Mt Hermon and married human women. Then there was a trickle down of angels up until the flood. After that (the flood) there was a continual trickle down until approximately 1300-800 B.C. My assumption is that by then, those that couldn’t resist the allure of women were just about all here on the earth. I suspect that there are still possibly an occasional angel that falls in love and decides “it’s worth it”.

pabramson #fundie cseblogs.com

[Aliens are really the "sons of God" or fallen angels spoken of in Genesis 6 according to this guy]

It is odd the apparent connection between so-called UFO “alien abductions” and sex. Turn to Scripture. What is going on? Why such a connection? In Old Testament times, they disguised themselves as false gods. If they wanted to trick modern (oh yeah, and really sophisticated, ahem!) humans, how could they disguise themselves?

The Welders Wife #fundie cseblogs.com


For those of you who read this blog & are also packing Shoe Boxes for Operation Christmas Child, have you ever thought about adding Creation Science Material to your shoe box? Even if they don’t speak English, there’s usually somebody who can translate the material for them. This year I am printing stuff up on my printer & enclosing it in some of the boxes. One year I found Creation Science coloring pages somewhere on the internet that we enclosed in the shoe boxes.

pabramson #fundie cseblogs.com

So, the “sons of God” took of the “daughters of men” whichever ones they wanted. They got first choice. There go the models and actresses. We don’t know their criteria but I have a funny feeling that looks had something to do with it. They chose some over others. So, theoretically, if they had first pick and Noah’s wife was not taken by them, how pretty was she? (Yes, I realize that is is somewhat unusual to consider.) How about the wives of Noah’s three sons? If they were then the mothers of all human life afterwards, on average — were pre-Flood women prettier than post-Flood women?

pabramson #fundie cseblogs.com

If you have heard much of Dr. Missler’s teaching you know that he periodically points out that the End Times will be like the times of Noah. He thinks — that the fallen angels may again (among those not bound in darkness now, Jude 6) take women whom they want.

We know that some very large “human” skeletons have been found (over 12 feet tall). There appear to have been some “Nephilim” after the Flood as well: Numbers 13:33 “And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.”

Kent Hovind #fundie cseblogs.com

[from another imaginary conversation]

GOD: Son, would it help you if I told you that my church is about to enter a time when many go to prison and I sent you ahead to show them how to bear up in prison?

Kent Hovind #fundie cseblogs.com

[Some of Satan's supposed reasons for wanting Kent in jail:]

1. You are in God’s family and therefore, you are my enemy. I asked for and received permission to do this to you to destroy your faith in God.

2. Thousands have been converted to Christ because of the simple way you expose evolution. I hate people like you who steal people from my kingdom!

3. Evolution has been my religion since the Garden of Eden. I want people to believe the lie that they are improving and can one day be a god. Your message destroys that, so I hate you and will stop you any way I can.

6. You were encouraging common people to start similar ministries to expose evolution and many were doing it. I don’t mind it as much when the super-intellectuals speak on creation because they use all the big words and complex proofs that only a few understand. But your method of making it simple is way too effective

7. Your “Questions and Answer Session” on Seminar #7 makes me angry because you explain the King James issue clearly and cause people to doubt all my false Bibles. I have worked hard for 6,000 years to make people question or doubt or change God’s words and you are undoing my work. I hate you for this!

8. You have also dared to try to take dinosaurs away from me. I have used dinosaurs for nearly 200 years to teach billions of people that the earth is billions of years old and that God’s Word is not true. Your seminar on dinosaurs strikes at the heart of my kingdom. I intend to destroy both your ministry and your reputation for good. Dinosaurs are especially effective for me to deceive children. You are taking children away from me, so I took yours away from you!

Kent Hovind #fundie cseblogs.com

[Just a few of the reasons Kent thinks God might have allowed him to go to prison:]

1. I broke some law that no one, not even the IRS has been able to show me yet.

9. To show me how corrupt our legal system is, so I’ll understand when You bring judgement on America

33. To let me see the suffering inflicted on millions by our government, as nearly every other government in history has done.

38. To discover those who say they love Jesus yet kick me when I’m down. Judas apparently has cousins alive today.

39. To show me the dangers of 501 (c) (3) and how most of Your children will compromise during the tribulation over these issues.

41. To let me see the well organized tool room in Pensacola for ideas for our ministry.

Paul Abramson #fundie cseblogs.com

Only a few short years later, the teaching of evolution over Genesis began to take its toll. In 1962 and 1963, prayer and the Bible began to be removed from the classrooms. Premarital sex, divorce, drug use, violence, and general rebellion filled the 1960s as evolution’s conclusions were taken and applied en masse.

No longer could one neglect to lock their home, auto, and business. Evolution in practice encouraged “survival of the meanest” and “survival of the most deceitful” instead of “honesty is the best policy”.

Then “no fault insurance” became the norm as enough persons (believing evolution, whether consciously or subconsciously) decided to lie when recounting an auto accident. Wall Street deals used to be done on a handshake. No longer. Eventually it has become necessary to have drivers pay for gas first, then pump, as evolutionary tenets took hold in men’s hearts and minds.

Jersey Girl #fundie cseblogs.com

Take the belief in evolution. Most people who believe in evolution do so because they were told that it is scientific fact. People have a bad habit of believing what others tell them instead of searching for the truth. Be careful what others tell you. I’ll give you an example. Most psych textbooks and psych professors will talk about the placebo effect and how powerful it is. Study after study has been done on this phenomena and in most cases the placebo works just as well or better than the treatment, simply because the people involved believe they are receiving the treatment.

Most Christians will tell you that once we find Jesus/Yeshua/Jehovah/Yahweh/God it is like we had just been told we had been given a placebo all our lives. We were instantly awakened to the truth and left with a feeling of awe that we had actually been duped into believing all the things we had been indoctrinated with since kindergarten. That is just one way that I believe Jesus restores sight to the blind.

P.A. #fundie cseblogs.com

Evolutionists only know ONE side of the debate. Creationists know BOTH sides. —So logically, which side is the one in ignorance?

“You can lead an evolutionist to science, but you can’t make him think.”

Editor #fundie cseblogs.com

We are sinners. Humans are collectively (at least partially) insane. Humans are out of sync with reality in the universe. We are each as a natural man, purposefully separated from our Creator. That is insane, by definition. Therefore, our best consensus even using highly vaunted “peer review” will therefore also be wrong, right? To trust “peer review” is thus to put faith in a consensus that can never be fully right, as long as we are firstly still in sin.

kh #fundie cseblogs.com

[From another one of Kent Hovind's imaginary conversations with God]

God: Yes, son, so far you’ve asked me 181,046 times or about twelve times a day since you got saved. You do ask for wisdom a lot, son. What is the problem? I’ve given it to you each time.

Jim Duffy #fundie cseblogs.com

I have been an airline pilot for a national air carrier, flying the Boeing 717 (a DC-9 derivitive) for the last 9 years. Before that I flew for a commuter airline in the Beachcraft BE1900D, and many corporate multi and single engine aircraft. Being a chistian I always marveled at the unmistakable impressions the remnants of the flood left on the face of our geography. I also used to chuckle as the tour guides in caverns would explain that millions of years of mineral build-up were necessary for the formation of stalagmites in the vacinity, while I observed there were stalagmites 6? and greater growing on their pathway lights that were only 25 years old.

The Welders Wife #fundie cseblogs.com

This past spring I attended the R.A.T.E. conference in Bozeman, Montana. The research that they have done absolutely & totally debunks the theory of evolution!!! The problem is that most of the women at the R.A.T.E. conference didn’t understand 75% to 95% of what was said. I’d walk into the women’s bathrooms during the breaks & listen to the conversations. It was always, “Can you understand what he was saying?”, & the other one would reply, “No. Can you?”. And the first one would reply, “No! It’s way over my head!” [As for me personally, I have been studying Creation Science intently for about nine years & I could barely understand it! And at this point I definitely can’t regurgitate it!!]

EndTimes #fundie cseblogs.com

Although, I would not waste my time reading at all from the NIV, NASB, NKJV or any other Alexandrian based English Version, they do contain the gospel which is what ALL men everywhere are saved by and nothing else, OT or NT. However, if you wish to understand prophecy and other deep mysteries of the Bible, you need a text that has not been corrupted. IN English, that is the KJV. If you wish to grow in the doctrines of the Bible, you need a pure word that will lead in you in the paths of righteousness which means again, you need a pure text.

Soundman #fundie cseblogs.com

It is important to maintain and press forward with the attack on the stupidity of evolution. It is used to bind so many to worldly wisdom (which isn’t wise) and overthrow the faith of so many.

campusministry #fundie cseblogs.com

THERE IS NO GAY DNA! HOMOSEXUALS ARE NOT RIGHT WITH GOD, AND ARE BOUND FOR HELL. In many cases, God has already turned them over to a reprobate mind. That means they CAN NEVER BE SAVED!

The Homo Song:

It’s not ok to be gay,
It’s not ok to be a homo
God didn’t make you that way,
His Word says it’s a big no-no.

It’s not ok to be gay,
It’s not ok to be perverted,
You need to be converted,

Istvan #fundie cseblogs.com

Evolutionists teach that there is no perception after death. So it only smarts while you die, but as soon as you are dead, it is quite alright. No perception. As Hamlet said: ‘The rest is silence.’ According to what you believe those people who are already dead feel no pain whatsoever. You should not worry about them. They are fine. They are so fine they do not even exist. Can you imagine yourself not existing? I cannot. Yet this is what your evolution theory teaches. It also teaches that those who are already dead were no more than a bunch of molecules arranged to make a living being we happen to call man. Why feel sorry for a bunch of molecules.

Editor #fundie cseblogs.com

If DNA is simple, then why does it take some of our most advanced equipment in order to even study it in the first place? Evolution is a “mental hiding place” to deny God’s proper place in our lives. He is our Maker and we each have the choice of making Him our Lord.

One can deceive himself; he or she may also deceive others as well. When Galileo bravely stood against the consensus of scientists and the theologians of the day who had chimed in with “just trust the scientists” he stood with the truth and against peer reviewed error. The scientific consensus who respectively stood against Louis Pasteur and against Albert Einstein were also in error. (Peer review can equal peer pressure, leading to lemmings jumping over a cliff, etc.)

Editor #fundie cseblogs.com

[Re: the Hovind/Youtube dustup]

EDITOR’S NOTE: Folks, there were a few groups of desperate skeptics who had chopped up parts of Dr. Hovind’s seminars in hopes of trying to convince others to hide from our Creator too. They then posted those edited portions on-line. They’ve been there on-line, deceiving folks for some time. CSE recently asserted its rights and asked major video hosting sites that the chopped up seminar parts be taken down.

A win for the good guys! Now we with CSE are getting even more hate Email than usual this week. The bad guys are mad and they are getting loud about how their mental hiding place is absolutely necessary. They don’t want to face the truth. They demand to hide behind evolutionary pseudo-science and to dishonestly deceive others too. It is their “right” they contend. Belief in unscientific evolution is such a great way to deny our place in the universe. How can CSE want to expose them with real science, they contend.

Crystal #fundie cseblogs.com

Thank you for this blessed ministry. I am a first grade public elementary school teacher, and I am so thankful I know how to give an answer now when my kiddos ask. I’ve also been able to filter through all of my books to ensure that there is no reference anywhere in my classroom to anything being millions of years old or evolving.

Editor #fundie cseblogs.com

Biology teaches “heredity & variation” - i.e. built-in limits. Science teaches that variation is limited; that is what we see in real biology. Evolution though teaches unlimited variation over time, and that heredity can be violated.

At each step of the way evolution violates science.

At each step of the way creation is in sync with science.

A creationist can predict that we live in an orderly universe - and we do! It was designed.

An evolutionist has faith to believe that nothing exploded into something for no reason, and oh yeah, gravity invented itself for no reason, and don’t forget the laws governing light, momentum, thermodynamics, etc. You see, at each step evolution defies science. Devout evolutionists deny the Creator’s power because she or he badly wants to ignore His laws regarding our lives and our morals.

An evolutionist (to be consistent with his faith) should predict that we live in a disordered unlawful universe

Editor #fundie cseblogs.com

The end is CREATED by the means. Evolution, with its “might makes right” fosters meanness. When it takes over in men’s minds no more of the: “There but for the grace of God go I.” Instead it’s: “Survival of the ‘fittest’ and slavery and death for the weak.” Pain, suffering, and death are exemplified as purifying and building up, when they actually pull down.

Ekkman #fundie cseblogs.com

It is sad that many in the ministry are killing the little toddlers in the Lord Jesus Christ with the new bibles. They (the new bibles) are one of the major reasons that is causing the great falling away in these last days.

I tell people who give or sell new bibles to “baby” believers are like those natural parents who are giving their babies pop, tea or whatever to drink instead of the pure milk (of the word).

The new bibles are helping in big ways to cause the great falling away. When Satan poisons your food (the word of God) then he will mess you up spiritually speaking. In the natural, when we feed on junk food, we are slowly killing ourselves. In the spiritual, when we are feeding on junk food (new bibles) we are slowly killing ourselves...

I was teaching out of 6 or 7 different bibles years ago and since I only study and memorize the KJV, I was seeing all kinds of contradictions. I was getting close to quitting the faith, I was confused to say the least.

Editor #fundie cseblogs.com

Today on Earth lions and humans live at the same time. But we have learned that lions are dangerous. So we live in different places - but (still) AT THE SAME TIME. Perhaps some of the dragons/dinosaurs were dangerous. It would have made sense then for pre-Flood man to have lived in different places than dragons - but still at the same time.

Editor #fundie cseblogs.com

Today, simultaneously, we have alpine, desert, tundra, savanna, forest, and other ecosystems - all at the same time, and each with respective fauna (animals) and flora (plants).

It was the same before the Flood. You would have had many different ecosystems thriving ALL AT THE SAME TIME, during the 1600 years. I will use the evolution-believed names, but without their mythical “sequence”. In the pre-Flood era, simultaneously, there were: jurassic, cretaceous, devonian, ordovician, silurian, and cambrian ecosystems - all thriving AT THE SAME TIME. That is what common sense shows, as it fits similar to what we see in the world today. -Creation, once again, consistent with common sense and with known science.

campusministry #fundie cseblogs.com

I have a message that I preach on university campuses called “Things I admire about the Muslim Religion.” I think it might be appropriate on this occasion.

1. I admire the fact that Muslims get angry when their god’s name is blasphemed.
2. I admire the fact that Muslims pray 5 times a day, when many Christians don’t pray at all.
3. I admire the fact that Muslims require women to dress modestly in public.
4. I admire the fact that Muslims have a religious and political system that emphasizes the importance of God in daily life.
5. I admire the fact that Muslims still judge sin publicly as in the recent flogging of the man convicted of adultery.
6. I admire the fact that Muslims emphasize masculine rule of the home and nation.
7. I admire the fact that Muslim women are expected to have children and be keepers at home.
8. I admire the fact that Muslims memorize and know their Koran, while most Christians are ignorant of the Bible.
9. I admire the fact that Muslims judge and punish sodomites and other perverts.
10. I admire the fact that Muslims are willing to die for their beliefs.

Timothy Fellows #fundie cseblogs.com

In evolution, there is no law, and there are no laws. The only law is that there is no law. The only law is to expect change. For there to be Law, there must be a Lawgiver, and a Lawgiver can only enforce the law under his own jurisdiction, therefore requiring the necessity of Creation. An evolutionist who believes in law is like a sober drunk, or an honest crook.

How many billions of years ago did 2+2 gradually = 4?

How many billions of years ago did a circle gradually get 360 degrees?

How many billions of years ago did water become wet, or did fire become hot?

How many billions of years ago did a straight line become the shortest distance between two points?

When did water begin to freeze at 32 degrees (F) and boil at 212 degrees (F)?

When did the gradual become the constant?

When will evolutionists stop pretending to be scientists?

Istvan #fundie cseblogs.com

If you believe that there is no God, life and death becomes meaningless. Without an eternal soul, you are no more than a bunch of molecules, a living mass of material. So according to this godless dogma, squashing a human being is exactly like squashing an ant or a tomato.

Ekkman #fundie cseblogs.com

Once what I see is applied to a designer then I know that I can study what I see since now it has a purpose and an intelligent mind behind it showing me that it is worth study. But if things just happened by chance, no design then it would be senseless studying it since it might all change tomorrow. An evolutionist can never know if his data will change tomorrow since things just randomly came together in the beginning. I can see that to an evolutionist there would be really nothing to study since there are no absolutes.

BadBob #fundie cseblogs.com

I am a high school science teacher. So far I have been able to teach creation science a couple years without being stopped by administration. I spend as much time if not more teaching creation science as I do going thru the textbook they make me use. Of course, I skip all the chapters with evolution. I use Dr. Hovind’s seminar notebook and his book Are You Being Brainwashed. In a couple weeks I will be going at it again. I pray I can continue to do the same as I have been.

Dr. Hovind’s plight exposes how corrupt our judicial system has become. With the advent of Verichip we are now just that much closer to the mark of the beast becoming a reality. And there is the prospect of Hillary Clinton becoming our next president. The future of America is very precarious at best. In the public schools and government all across our nation the wicked seem to be securely in charge while the righteous our at their mercy.

Our family prays for the Hovinds daily. It grieves us greatly that our government is treating them as such.
God’s judgment is heating up on America. In my life time I have witnessed drugs abuse, venereal and other fatal diseases, abortion, crime, rebellious youth, illegal aliens, oppressive taxation, perversion, etc. etc. etc.

We either are headed to revival or the end. Most those that claim to be Christians are so confused about what Christianity really is I fear the latter. God is not going to bless a nation and people who have turned their backs on Him and persecute His messengers.

editor #fundie cseblogs.com

Does evolution teach/encourage one to commit adultery or not? —Shouldn’t one “spread their seed” as in “survival of the fittest” and all that? If “God does not see” (according to one’s beliefs) then this directly affects human behavior. // And again, this planet is owned; your soul is owned. FEAR God and keep His commandments. The oversimplified “God is luf, luf, luf” (love—) stuff is incomplete, poor theology, I would contend.

Timothy Fellows #fundie cseblogs.com

Most churches today are basically government opperations, allowed to opperate according to the “rules” of the government. Most preachers today not only have licenses to preach but they conduct marriages under the authority of the state, instead of traditional covenant marriages. We are increasingly living in not just a socialist, but a communist society where the government owns everything, and one must get permission to live, work, travel and freely conduct public affairs of business. Dr. Hovind is being persecuted in the Unites States of America and is a litmus test for the Christians out there — Watch out, They’re coming for you next; unless, of course you conform to a state church system, fully approved and answereable to the government. Whatever happened to the separation of Church and State?

editor #fundie cseblogs.com

The TEACHERS of evolution (unwittingly, at least usually) encourage dishonesty, murder, rape, stealing, etc. Beliefs lead to actions. If one believes that “God does not see” their actions - this encourages some behaviors over others. Honesty is definitely NOT encouraged when one ascribes to evolutionary beliefs. Evolution also teaches the opposite of “Honor your Father and your Mother” (Fifth Commandment) when it implies/teaches that the future is in the offspring, so that one should concentrate on the children. Evolution teaches values.

Millerfamily6 #fundie cseblogs.com

I must say that I, as a sister in Christ, detect rebellion in your heart towards the Word of God. Yes, we are all equal in the Lord’s eyes; however, God our Father has established certain roles for men and women and He does tell us in his Word what those roles are. A woman can share the gospel with others, certainly, but just not in a church leadership role, nor is a woman allowed to teach and lead other men “in the church.” This is clearly laid out as doctrine in the NT for the church—the Lord does not allow women pastors and 1 Tim 2:14 tells us why—.because Adam was was formed first and Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. The Lord does tell us that women are to be keepers at home, and the husband is to work and provide for his family, which is not to say that a woman cannot help out in some way (Prov. 31), but her main role is at home with the children serving her husband and being a helpmeet to him (this idea is so foreign in our culture because of the vain philosophy of women’s lib). The Lord tells us in His word for wives to be submissive and obey their husbands in all things (I’m still not perfect in this area and praying through this).

endtimes #fundie cseblogs.com


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