
A_Former_Democrat #fundie freerepublic.com

(He's referring to gay people)

Politics is all about their perverted lifestyle, nothing else matters. Not the economy war/peace, health, morals, reputation, taxes, nothing. Whatever goes along with that one narrow issue, they’re for it. Muslims hating and killing homos, ignore it, they’re still “Down for The Cause”

Just as long as they can parade without restriction or morals, and spread disease and dysfunction, whatever political buttboyz that go along with it, no matter how wrong or hypocritical.

Gen.Blather #fundie freerepublic.com

I predicted years ago that in order to be in the military or keep your civilian job you would need to not only agree with LGBTQ being okay, you would be required to celebrate it. I think we’re there. However, I think we’re going through a cultural hysteria and less than fifty years from now the pendulum will have swung back. Masculine men and attractive women will be back in style.

mrsmel #conspiracy freerepublic.com

I especially note the verses about sodomites receiving the “due penalty” for their abominations. I note that it was after Stonewall that hiv/aids became an epidemic. I just looked up the year in which "patient zero" was identified. It was post-Stonewall. The sodomite lobby is now claiming that he wasn't "patient zero" for the US/Canada, that that was a useful lie, used to shunt blame onto the Reagan administration and the public for supposedly not caring that it was, at that time (and in truth, mostly ever since) a "gay disease".

The sodomite lobby is now calling for the "right" for high-risk people to give blood. I really do believe that this is their attempt to once again try to "share the misery" (why is this such a common goal of the left, in any issue?), because thanks to certain measures, hiv/aids remains mostly confined to individuals who choose to live high-risk lifestyles, particularly sodomites and intravenous drug users.

Truthsearcher #conspiracy freerepublic.com

These lesbisans are finally finding out that the “LGBT” movement was never actually about helping Lesbians or Gays, it was always a Marxist movement in disguise with the goal of destroying coventional morality and social order.

Now that the movemetn have found the T’s as the latest most effective means of attacking the social order. The lesbians have been tossed aside.

Here is how it’s going to go. First it was destroying the distinction between heterosexual sex and homosexual sex (love is love). Now it’s destroying the distinction between male and female (the trans movement). Next up is destroying the distinction between adult and children (NAMBLA is next). Finally it will be destroying the distinction between human and animals.

The Fop #conspiracy freerepublic.com

Useful idiots, all of them.

If feeding Gay people, illegal immigrants, Blacks, and women through a wood chipper would advance the cause of Socialism, it’s leaders would be all for it.

I happen to believe that Gay people are born that way, and they’re being used as pawns to encourage the hetero population to engage in sick, decadent behavior. Most Gay people I know are quite normal and non-radical. Same sex marriage wasn’t legalized to benefit Gays. It was legalized to encourage bi-sexuality in future generations of heteros.

Anyone still arguing about why Gay people should, or shouldn’t be allowed to get married, has been completely fooled by the Left. It was never about the Gays, it’s about the rest of us. And now some Gays and Lesbians are finally starting to figure it out.

Mrs. Don-o #conspiracy freerepublic.com

I think *all* of the Sexual Revolution projects for the past century, since the Mother of the Sexual Revolution, Margaret Sanger, have the same underlying theme. That theme is the destruction of natural sex on every level. And why would anybody want the destruction of natural sex? For the destruction of natural human procreation. They want to interdict humans, as a species, from procreation.

heterosupremacist #fundie freerepublic.com

The prime minister said nobody "should ever have to hide who they are". That is the root of the problem, homos state, "that is who they are." They may identify as many things, yet they choose to be victims - they always say the are 'gay' this or 'gay' that. Something to consider now in pride month. The sodomites insist they are PROUD of their unrepentant perversions - a manifestation of the psychological disorder they suffer from - because they realize what they do is so repulsive and unnatural, they reject the stigma of homosexuality by claiming to be 'proud' of it!

American in Israel #fundie freerepublic.com

If pointing out that sodomy radically spreads contagious diseases and dramatically shortens the life span of those who engage in such behavior causes unbiased people to “hate” such behavior is it not obvious that such a reaction is not hatred of the pervert but of the results of the perversion?

Suicide is a more extreme version of the same thing. Why is pointing out that suicide can kill you not the ultimate hate crime? Why do we pity a suicide victim, but socially try to promote a sexual pervert, while internally are disgusted. Perhaps it’s not about love and hate but is actually about lust and self control...

If sodomy is so good, why is eat s#!t and die a curse, and not a blessing? Why is everyone pretending that freedom to be evil is a right, and not simply wrong?

IronJack #fundie freerepublic.com

Exactly. Remove the religious element altogether and homosexuality is still an abomination under “natural law” alone. Biologically it makes no sense. Physically it makes no sense. It is, by definition, abnormal — an aberration that many people find naturally repugnant. No one has to be taught to be nauseated by the sight of two homos tongue-wrestling, anymore than anyone has to be taught to cringe at the smell of feces. The repulsion is innate.

goldstategop #fundie freerepublic.com

“Live Free Or Die Free.”

Sununu misunderstands it by trying to ram the gay agenda down our throats. People certainly have the right to live as they want. Government has no right to tell them how to live their life. But the latter is exactly what the State Of New Hampshire is doing in telling gays they can’t change their sexual orientation and telling fake women they’re real women.

This is exactly what is wrong in trying to make the gay lifestyle normal through government diktat. And no,Sununu - we normals are not reprobates, bigots or people who want to impose our values upon others. We want to government to leave us the hell alone so we can live by our values without interference from it. When you tell us we can’t, you sir, have crossed the line.

And don’t sit there and tell us it was necessary to force the gay agenda down our throats for our own good. We will never grow up and adjust our values to please you and the liberals you collaborate with. We will live free or die free - without your unwanted help.

manc #fundie freerepublic.com

How about applying this crap to the indoctrination ,brainwashing of our kids through the media, schools etc.

How can helping someone who says they might be confused, or is saying they think they are a homo hurtful?

It is frigging obvious that in order to have a baby for the human species to carry on then you have to be attracted, or have sex with the opposite sex, not the same sex. Telling someone it is alright to like the same sex is hurtful to them.

mac_truck #conspiracy freerepublic.com

This is my take fwiw...

Elements of the intelligence community in Great Britain perpetrated this fake attack on the Skripals, perhaps with their cooperation, to either gin up support for the Tory government which is failing miserably in the Brexit negotiations...or to topple it as seems likely now that the truth about the poisoning case is starting to leak out.

Meanwhile, Tony Blair and his competent new "centrist" party are waiting patiently to take the stage...

OrangeHoof #conspiracy freerepublic.com

But was it a mistake? I hear there is a large and powerful Gay Mafia inside the Vatican that forced out Pope Benedict and put in one of their own to lead. With Francis, they have cover to diddle all the little boys they want without fear they will be ridiculed or punished. IOW, there’s a Deep State in Rome to rival the one in Washington DC and they are just as adamant about remaining in power.

I’m sorry to say this, for I know many good and righteous Catholics who do amazing things, but this Pope is a clear and present danger to the Catholic world.

bk1000 #fundie freerepublic.com

Lesbians have taken over HR departments. No one dare say anything against them or be threatened with unemployment. At some point people will have to take a chance and speak out. I did. It almost got me fired. Actually was threatened with “consequenses” if I didn’t shut up. My sin? I refused to “celebrate gay pride” and removed a poster from the breakroom that I found offensive. I used all the buzz words: hostile working environment, offensive, against my Christian religion, etc. Aparrantly those only work for disgruntled leftists. A straight white guy has no standing today.

redangus #conspiracy freerepublic.com

They are empowered by a one sided view of the world as portrayed by the media, news, and academia. They control the arbiter of public thought and discourse. The Left has accomplished their long march through the institutions. They teach our children, shaping their beliefs starting in preschool, they determine what s allowed to be seen and how things are resented in books, movies and TV, and they filter the news through their own home made lens.

And just to make sure our unique American culture is destroyed they happily bring in millions of third world immigrants from cultures which are the antithesis of historical America and shield them from assimilation. Is the devil running the operation? I’ll let theologian address that, but whoever is in charge, they have been terribly effective and I doubt it can be reversed. They own most of the younger generation and have created a group of emotion driven, left leaning children. Mix them in with the unassimilated masses streaming across our borders and you have our future. It was fun while it lasted.

fwdude #conspiracy freerepublic.com

What really opened the door of our society to the sodomites was the 4-year-earlier de-pathologization of homosexuality by the APA (under extreme duress.) They capitalized on this conquest to the extreme, deeming it an across-the-board justification of homosexuality in every arena.

The APA’s (both psychological and psychiatric) were putty in their hands after that, as they steamrolled over the entire psychological profession. The legal profession was next. And then the churches.

econjack #fundie freerepublic.com

Personally, I make a rather large distinction between human rights and LGBTQ rights.

In dealing with other countries, I think there are issues far more important within the purview of US stance on human rights than the narrowly-defined agenda of the LGBTQ community.

They have extended their US reach far beyond what is warranted in the US and to extend that even further outside the US would be a diplomatic waste of time given the pressing needs of so many other issues.

DEPcom #fundie freerepublic.com

My neighbor will not talk to me anymore after asking what I believe. I explain that a person can not change their sex. They are what they were born with.

Getting a sex change will not make those people happy. People who are confuse about their sex should just except the fact they are gay and changing your sex is not going to make you not gay.

By the way, his son is gay... He thinks his son is a woman stuck in a man’s body.

EinNYC #fundie freerepublic.com

OK everybody---let's hear it for the LGBT activists: AWWWWWWWWWW.

When a tiny single digit percentage of Americans make the news as "being livid" about anything, you know something is wrong, perverted, screwed up about the media. This would be akin to gnats shaking their fist at a giant. And why they are livid must have something to do with Pompeo putting his foot down about these pervs spreading their mental disease to children or others.

I don't give a flying fig about what other people do in their bedroom, but why should a miniscule group demand "special rights" to not only engage in such practices in their bedroom, but also try to tell us that it's normal and desirable? And try to recruit kids?

polymuser #sexist freerepublic.com

Maybe all men should all start wearing dresses to work, maybe do skin darkening as well. Self-identify as a minority woman. Don’t be flamboyant; just business casual, low heels. Do become more womanly emotional in your work life, and join the girl’s gossip groups.

Make it clear that ANY questions, comments, looks or negative job change regarding zer status will result in at least a formal HR complaint. Become an untouchable. Use the women’s room for that morning dump.

That would throw the workplace into silent paralysis. No one could say anything. Women would be caught in their own game. The cross dressing men would gain great privilege, as women enjoy, against pretty much any complaint against them.

Turnabout tests fairness.

raiderboy #fundie freerepublic.com

This is a mental illness. Put them on a list and take their guns and free speech. Your sex is established by God in the Chromosome- X and XY. That never changes no matter how Satan infects your brain. The best medical treatment is electrical shock with the proper joules. These people are a menace to themselves and to others. They must be stopped from degrading our military in these perilous times.

Conservative Gato #conspiracy freerepublic.com

It's probably mostly Soro's Open Society, Moveon.org, or Media Matters trolls who are invading those social medias. It's what they do when they want to push a narrative or discredit a message, like when 0bama's fake BC came out.

I'm not sure what to do with them other than expose them or ignore them. Personally, I take them head on, expose them, and then remind them their statist liberal ways have failed America for the last 100 years with the massive debt we've accumulated. Since they represent tax and spending, growing government, they have a really hard time defending that and will either just go plain nuts or ignore you.

That's not necessarily going to convert those crazies but to those watching and reading the conversation, you might be able to reach and wake them up to the left's failures and the red-pill seed is planted. Soros just dumped a ton of money in to those groups so they will be an infestation on our social medias for awhile, till the money runs out.

It's only a matter of time because the executive order President Trump signed will most likely keep Soros and his corruptocrats from keeping this up. MAGA!

rdcbn #fundie freerepublic.com

This is just sick and shows how far down we have fallen. We still have a way to go before we hit bottom.

Transgender issue is a weapon to change society norms and enact legislation facilitating LGBT access to potential sex partners, especially the mainstreaming of pedophilia and enabling sexual predators

The end result will be a NAMBLA pedo engaging in a homosexual “ relationship” with your 12 year old child and when you try to intervene YOU are the one that gets arrested and drug through a court system hostile to you and allied with the Pedos ( who will no longer be pedophiles, they will be lionized members of society exercising their basic human right to engage in beautiful, meaningful sexual relationships with your pre teen children)

We are almost there. A strong argument could be made that we already are there

I want the USA back #conspiracy freerepublic.com

The country has gone from a tranny’s picture on the cover of a national magazine, to the government ending your parental relationship with your children!

It went as planned, for the leftists. The horse$hit about “inclusive” bathrooms should have been a warning, that they were not just kidding. This was the original goal: the destruction of the parent-child bond in order to block parents from giving their children their value system.

It is extremely difficult to have any optimism about the future, given the events presented here. Trump was our last hope. I meant every word I said here.

FrankR #fundie freerepublic.com

I don’t get this transgenderism, at all. AT 72, life was complicated enough just handling my “birth” gender, male. Why would any male want to undergo the mutilation and problems of changing into another sex.

The “best looking” SHemale (boy turned girl) I’ve ever seen, was ugly. If I saw Caitland coming down the street toward me, I would know first, “she” is a “he”, and secondly, I’d cross the street to keep from passing he/she/it on the sidewalk.

Most of these male to female transitions look no more like real women than did “Uncle Miltie” (Milton Berle) in the 50’s doing his drag comedy routine on TV. It’s just another step to shock and amaze others, like those with zillions of tattoos, metal studs sticking out of every orifice and available space on the face.

They do these things to themselves, and then lament that others don’t “support” them, or “respect” them. And, in my opinion, I don’t support or respect them. They’re nuts. Starving for attention at the most primal level, the desire to be a completely different person, gender and all. The media eats it up. They live in the same mindset. And, so long as the weirdoes get this attention, they’ll keep acting out these fantasies.

One day, they might wake up. It might be too late. They’ll be old, and lonely...hideous with faded tattoos covering their now, unrecognizable faces, and having the usual problems and diseases of getting old. Meanwhile, the rest of us should go on with our lives; we didn’t create the problem, and we (as individuals) don’t have to fix it.

Telepathic Intruder #homophobia #transphobia freerepublic.com

It’s no news to me. Not only transgenderism but homosexuality is being promoted and encouraged. It’s a self-delusional state which not only imposed on them, but everyone else who would otherwise say it’s just wrong. We’re conditioned into thinking it’s somehow brave and admirable to admit sexual deviations from the norm. What percentage of the animal kingdom is actually homosexual?

They will say there are examples in captivity, but that is hardly a natural environment. What percent of them actually prefer their own sex rather than the opposite? No examples I’m aware of. Yet in humans the percentages are increasing as the culture promotes it. It’s not at all something we’re born with, like they claim. It’s conditioned by society. There is also solid scientific evidence that it’s not genetic, according to studies done on identical twins.

marktwain #fundie #homophobia freerepublic.com

Sin is normal. All are born in sin. Sin is not Godly. Avoiding sin is an ongoing and difficult task. The pagans regularly practiced homosexual “sex”. You only need read Roman, Greek, or other ancient texts to know that. It was considered a preference instead of an innate characteristic.

Those who do not want any self control or norms for sex want it both ways, both as an innate, born with preference and as a choice. They simply want to invalidate any legal or moral restraint on sex with anything or anyone. Avoiding homosexual “sex” and upholding self-restraint in sex has been a central point in the building of Western Civilization.

It moved us past the Romans and Greeks. Greek Philosophy, Christian Morality, Jewish business practices combined to create the rule of law and Western Civilization.

Vigilanteman #fundie freerepublic.com

Yep. It gives us hope that other places will awaken as well . . . and put it back in the closet where it belongs.

They can make a good case for homo marriage when they start behaving like heterosexuals where 80% of women and 70% of men are faithful to their marriage partners.

And even among the minority who aren't, most count their affairs in the single digits, not the triple digits.

Most of us saw nothing wrong with giving them Civil Unions so they would have rights of inheritance, hospital visitation, etc. But, no, they had to f*** up the entire definition of marriage!

Paulie #fundie freerepublic.com

I notice that everyone is required not only to buy into the homosexual agenda but to embrace it and celebrate it as well.

Failure to do so give the liberal community license to demonize and destroy you if possible.

Sick of the cow towing to all things liberal.

Ciaphas Cain #fundie freerepublic.com

The Judeo-Christian ethic, among other things, teaches and encourages self control and discipline. ESPECIALLY sexual self control and discipline.

Homosexualiy is not about sexual self control. It could not be more opposite. It is about accepting and CELEBRATING lack of sexual self discipline.

How is that possibly compatible with Christianity?

Fai Mao #homophobia freerepublic.com

The homosexuals will tell you about a guy they know that was married with kids and one day woke up and discovered he was homosexual. They have no problem with that.

Why can’t the opposite happen?

The fag lobby is, or so it appears to me, in violation of the latest leftist bandwagon, gender fluidity.

It isn’t just homosexuals finding a religion that have this happen. The leftist mayor of Ew Yuck City, Michael Bloomberg’s wife is a former lesbian.

factoryrat #fundie freerepublic.com

Homosexuals lack self control, which tends to make them prone to violent outbursts.

Lack of self control, mental instability, self destructive behavior, and a propensity to lash out at anything questioning their state, has psychopathic written all over it.

Truthoverpower #sexist freerepublic.com

Male homosexuality is a short ticket to death and misery

Female homosexuality is generally a temporary and trendy thing or it’s reserved for the older women who never really had a chance with a man

The two are totally and completely different just as men and women are

Boomer #sexist freerepublic.com

And I bet they all wear makeup. They just don't make young men like they used to. Too many effeminate men in the world today. Too many Pajama and Soy boys. It ain't natural or normal at all.

At some point this will come back to haunt these lost generations in a big way.

They may even become slaves to a stronger more male dominant culture, say, Islam for instance.

Strangely enough; these effeminate young men might even like that. Sad. Very Un-American.

mom of young patriots #sexist freerepublic.com

Absolutely. This is fraud as much as changing the birth date or place. If it was accurate at the moment of birth, then it is carved in stone. If a person decides to change something later about their appearance, tough. You don’t get to defraud other people by falsifying your birth certificate.

Reality bites. You should leave it alone.

What disturbs me a lot about this whole “trans” fantasy is how it will affect the dating scene. These people lie. Heck, their whole life becomes a lie once they cross over. And now we have the government colluding in that lie and providing cover up by falsifying birth documents? What do they do with the original, stuff it down the memory hole?

I am teaching my kids to recognize the “trans” people we see around town. Some are so convincing that, at first, they don’t believe me. I have cautioned them that they must learn to spot gender impersonators. The worst thing in the world would be to date one of the and not know.

Mrs. Don-o #fundie freerepublic.com

Homosexual behavior is obviously contrary to Natural as well as Biblical Law. Decent people in all centuries and all continents and cultures have been against perverse sex. Even the pagan Roman dramatists satirized it.

Seeing More Clearly Now #conspiracy freerepublic.com

“Check the membership of the 12 different groups. I’m sure it’s all the same people/things. Great way to get free money from the university.”

Good poing. Equally important it that multiplying the groups and giving them each a different name is key to the Marxist propaganda effort to make it seem falsely to the rest of the campus that homosexual behavior is mainstream and widespread. Strategically, the kingpins of the movement of propaganda for perversion can make demands of campus administrators (some of whom are likely part of the effort), claiming that 10 groups, not just one, want and support their demands.

The same tactic has been used in professional organizations for other Communist-initiated propaganda campaigns. The same tactic is used by Islamic Jihad groups. Setting up differently named groups, all really doing the same thing, but creating a “list” of groups fools a heck of a lot of administrators and media, who report a “groundswell” of support for this or that.

victim soul #fundie freerepublic.com

And Planned Parenthood will support any kind of sex as long as it is sterile.

That is why they provide contraceptives.

When the contraceptive fails abortion is “provided.”

Their original business plan has failed because it killed off millions of future female customers in the womb.

“A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope.”

Saint Pope John Paul II

rdcbn #conspiracy freerepublic.com

Now we begin to understand why the “transgender issue”was manufactured - aside from any damage it does to society, government funded hormone treatment and gender reassignment surgery are big business and easy money id the government and ObamaCare supply the bucks.

KDF48 #fundie freerepublic.com

Is it "love" to encourage behavior that could lead to AIDS? Our society pretending that homosexuality is a form of normality is foolish. Love ? uses the word "No." You wouldn't let your kid play Russian roulette, would you? Apologize profusely if you refuse to tolerate that.

HLPhat #interphobia freerepublic.com

XX, XY, other -- It's a simple blood test - not a "pronoun" you get to choose inflict upon others depending on which way the wind blows out of your wherever that day.

XX: good to go! Please board the bus to the FEMALE barracks.

XY: good to go! Please board the bus to the MALE barracks.

Other: thanks for applying, but we don't have the resources to expend on your special physical and mental care. Ask the special folks with psoriasis how they serve humanity, OK?

Simple, see?



XX + XY = Human

zerosix #fundie freerepublic.com

Sorry Paul but the true symbol of "delivery from evil," is what God achieved in Noah's time and at Sodom and Gomorrah!

During the time of The Flood, God found that only one (flawed no doubt) family was worth saving from worldwide accepted and performed practices so evil, God could not but respond and at the time of Abraham and his beloved nephew, Lot, there were none worth saving in those two depraved homosexual communities.

In fact, Lot's own wife was unable to resist the pull of evil, thus was destroyed as well!

Look to your own religion's true Torah teachings for the definitions of true evil, not your so-called "Reform Judaism" for they have long ago, sold out to evil and all it entails.

Many so-called "mainstream Christians" have embraced those same practices and even celebrate them and installed those practicing evil have been set up as "priests and pastors" in their Satanic temples!

In the New Testament, Paul tells us that even those who do not practice homosexuality but turn their heads or worse yet, welcome as brothers and attend their "celebrations," are condemned along with them.

God makes no allowances for sin, even in a pink hat!

FamiliarFace #fundie freerepublic.com

There is no homosexual gene. Let me repeat myself. There is no homosexual gene.

If there were, by simple mathematics, there would be no or very, very few gays remaining.

Think about it. Before the in vitro age, gays would only pass on their gay genes via heterosexual intercourse. So if they only desired their same sex, they wouldn’t have any progeny. So fewer and fewer “born that way” gays would be around. If gays were “born that way”, we would be seeing “gayness” less frequently, not more.

Being gay is a choice, even if it is a choice borne of abuse.

Savagesusie #fundie #wingnut #homophobia freerepublic.com

They are one and the same. Both are irrational, vile behaviors and irrational ideology which uses others as a means to an end and is a collective, group-(non)-think, ideology where Truth (God/reality) and reason never exist.

That homosexuals “love” the people whom they desire to sodomize is the Big Lie. It is lust and desire to dominate (control). It is a perverted, warped vile desire (intrinsically disordered) which is caused because of child abuse and child neglect. All behaviors/desires are learned and habituated and trauma in childhood can really warp a child. Children in muslim cultures are severely traumatized, as are sexually abused children and those whom have no loving father figure or an evil mother.

Chastity Bono was raped by a lesbian as a child, as was Milk, Hays, Spacey, Milo, etc. etc. -—all behaviors are learned and habituated in childhood or perverted and warped because of neglect and abuse. The parent who allows the abuse to happen, loses all trust and the anger in a child will make them reject reality, Truth (God), etc. They hate and ability to “love” is warped completely. It is easy to emasculate little boys.

Warping children can be as simple as making little boys hate their fathers which is common for socialist (welfare) “mothers”. That natural need to connect to a male role model for little boys is severely warped and will lead to warped relationship with all males, as it is for girls who have no loving male role model (father). Destroying the Natural family was crucial to the Cultural Marxists who took over our institutions by the 50s—to collapse culture and destroy the virtue in children—so they will be warped.

The fixation in the puerile stage of latency is pure narcissism which is what homosexuality is—a fixation so that true love (selflessness) will not likely occur (the love of “the Other”—true diversity).

Islam is irrational, also, and sodomy is fine in islam, esp. with children. It is a homosexual culture and harems of boys are not abnormal. For procreation, they never allow the irrational concept of “homosexual” “marriage” since males learn to hate women anyhow, and visa versa, which is what homosexuality is all about—immaturity—the inability to love the Other.

Homosexuals love the Same which is always a fixation in latency. All little girls should prefer to play with girls and boys with boys. It is part of normal sexual identity formation which will lead to maturity if no trauma occurs (sex “ed” or rape or lack of loving role models of male and female).

Sex Ed now teaches little boys that they are homosexual in latency if they prefer boys over girls which warps their sexual identity.....as does ALL hyper sexualization of children. Sex Ed was a Lukacs/Adorno creation to destroy the Christian worldview in little children and fixate them in the latency stage and make them totally irrational, dumb, and immature (fixated in latency).

Immaturity is rampant in our culture now, because of the publik skool system which traps children in dependency and group (non) think for 12 years so maturity can never happen (thinking for self). Just programmed “bots” are what the evil, unconstitutional system pumps out.

Maelstorm #fundie freerepublic.com

Good. LGBT activism should not be a part of Judicial politics. It will be good to see them no longer have the judicial power they have had. We may be to actually turn back the tide on these disgusting behaviors. At least we can not be forced to bow down and face punishment for not embracing their deviancy by calling it good.

grania #fundie freerepublic.com

That sounds fine. The baker simply doesn't provide as a service inscriptions. If someone is having a ceremony with religious overtones, they can always recommend a company that does that.

I agree with the principle. But when I consider the motives of the gay community, it's obvious that the goal is not the cake. The goal is to put company owners who support traditional values out of business.

ransomnote #fundie freerepublic.com

It’s sad when kids are traumatized by this. What are young children to think when dad becomes mom?

One school read a book to young children telling them that they may discover they are transgender and that traumatized a little girl who was afraid she’d wake up as a boy one morning.

Can’t we keep kids out of this. Oh...that’s hate too. Wanting to protect children from sexualization and identity politics is hate. My bad.

AustinBill #fundie freerepublic.com

Confused. Enabling confusion or confirming others in their confusion is simply misguided. Of course, like everything else embraced by the left, this is simply another flag of convenience to advance the "class struggle". The left cares no more about the welfare of "transgendered" than any other co-opted group. They're simply another flavor of "useful idiots" to be used as needed and discarded when no longer needed.

Sex is determined by one's chromosomes. XX = Female, XY = Male. There are rare cases of genetic diseases where individuals have some other chromosomal makeup and there are rare cases of hermaphrodism where the expression of sex characteristics goes awry. We used to call things like these "birth defects" and they were always handled as rare medical conditions.

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