
Songsinger4Him #fundie

I would hope that if I make a vow to God that I would keep it no matter the cost because I trust that He knows better than me. I don't have any children nor have I been in a postion to sacrifice any therefore I can't fully comment on how I would respond in that situation. I would hope that my faith in Christ is unshakeable enought that even when I dont understand I still trust God.

Storm girl #fundie

These books you've read [on the historical origins of the New Testament],do you believe them to be the truth? Just as the bible was inpired by God, lots of other books have been inspired by satan to make us doubt our faith.

Zealot (Judo Trained ish) #fundie

The Greek and Egyptian gods were amoral meaning they didn't care what they did or who they hurt. I mean alot of them did pretty nasty stuff to their so called "beloved" people. I don't really see much of that amorality in my God. So err yeah big diference!

Uncle Anders #fundie

I find it easier to believe that a God created a world than that it was created by a singularity (something so small it has no width, height nor depth) that farted in on itself and blew up. Scientists are craaazy

Uncle Anders #fundie

I wouldn't say that you [atheists] have won, more that you have a view of life which seems to explain everything with pointless flawed arguments, and that you can't accept any answers contradictory to your own opinions.

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