
Rich White #racist abovethelaw.com

"This is not racism, it's a softball game."

Won't do any good to bring facts into it. To them, the softball game ITSELF is racism. In the USSA, EVERYTHING is racism. Everything.

The "anti-racists" are completely,utterly, insane. Logic is racism. Facts are obstacles. Truth is the enemy. Anti-white racism is "tolerance".

So it comes down to this, are you with us Whites or do you want to join the nutbars?

If you're with us, then that allegiance comes before facts or scientific truth or anything else. Even though the facts are on our side, and you should be armed with them, they are irrelevant to the political problem. All that matters is skin color, because that is all that matters to those who call US "racists".

America, it is time to pick a side. Because this is not a debate, it can't be solved with appeals to common decency or well-reasoned arguments. And not even an Everest-sized mountain of objective evidence can sway a crazy moron. This question will be settled by some very "old-school" methods and tactics. Which we Whites happen to excel at...almost as well as we do at building beautiful and prestigious law schools for anti-white racist parasites to colonize with their sob stories.

So, do you want to join the winning team or the losing team? Because no matter WHAT we do, since human beings are NOT all uniformly equal in intelligence and temperament,the anti-whites will lose in the end. They might be able to plunder our institutions and our governments, but they can't build or maintain them, even by reverse-engineering.

Without us, they simply won't exist.

Dick Decent #sexist abovethelaw.com

[A woman in a law office complains of sexual harassment]

Let this be Defense Exhibit #1 proving conclusively that it is ALWAYS a mistake to hire women in any business except strippers, hookers or janitorial services.
Women are 100% a LIABILITY time bomb just waiting to explode for any number of reasons, real or imagined.
Women are a cancer in any organization, eating away its insides until the entire body succumbs.
OK ladies, you can go cry now and claim PMS and leave early to go get a facial.

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