
Wotans Krieger #racist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.ro

[This blogger believes that Hitler was an incarnation of Wotan]

Since the end of WWII the attack upon the Aryan gene pool by the enemies of our race has intensified. The Wild Hunt led by the incarnate Wotan avatar and His Furious Host during the twelve nights of Yule was a brave but ultimately doomed attempt to hold back and reverse the flow of time within this cycle called the Kali Yuga. Because of His defeat in the material realm which we call call Midgard, the servants of the semitic demiurge have more than doubled their efforts to destroy the Aryan peoples of the world. It never ceases to surprise me how so-called nationalists revere Enoch Powell and his 1968 Rivers of Blood Speech and then conveniently ignore the fact that Powell was one of those politicians who originally encouraged immigration into Britain! Every single Prime Minister and Home Secretary since at least 1945 (immigration actually started during WWII) has been guilty of betraying the native peoples of the *British islands. This is how so-called democracy has served the people!

Equally complicit with the traitorous politicians are the people themselves who like dumb (meant in both senses of the word) animals have permitted this to happen and in some cases, incited by xtian clerics and whorish politicians have even encouraged this state of affairs by taking up the causes of refugees and other fleeers of persecution! This country has been treated like an orphanage and a dumping ground for the worlds waifs and strays, some of whom have commited both in their home countries and in this country the most deplorable of crimes. The ongoing process of turning this country into a sewer continues, all under the watchful eye of a xtian monarch who has failed in her supposed duty of protecting her realm from invasion by foreign invaders.

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