
137 SS Mystic #conspiracy at37.wordpress.com

UPDATE October 7, 2016

Gnosis of John 21: Phi Expressed as Recursive Rotation

Proposed Novel Construction of the Golden Ratio, PHI | Quincy —

Gnosis of John 21: Phi Expressed as Recursive Rotation [Link to YouTube]

What is the point of this video?
Keep reading, if you can figure it out.
Welcome aboard the ship of fools.

UPDATE December 18th, 2015

image image

The image on the right was taken out of a 1914 publication.
Clearly the associations between phi and the swastika
had been noted quite some time ago.

UPDATE September 17th, 2014

On genetic code, Euler and Fibonacci
by Tidjani Negadi

the genetic code invariance: when euler and fibonacci meet

Jean-claude Perez shared the above document with me on faKebook today.

The above article is just more evidence that we can add to this blog you are about to read. The last paragraph in the above article focuses on the number 144 as a starting point.
I agree.
We need nine letters to form a grid or a NET and the TENET cross.
Where nine letters spell TEN too in addition to NET and TENET.

1 x N
4 x E
4 x T

image image

Please note that I want to suggest the Sator/Rotas magic square of Mars can be used to illustrate a link between Egypt, the Jewish Exodus and the Christian mysteries. It also anticipates modern Twistor String theory and super-symmetry as proposed by Roger Penrose and Ed Witten.
bookmark this;
Story of the W and Z – Sator Square – Twistor String Theory – Miller & Penrose & Plichta & Schwaller & Wedekind & Witten

WHAT IF we pretend for a moment that Adam and Eve are the x-axis and y-axis living in a flat world and one day they made a pact, a TENET with each other.
And their offspring the z-axis was born.
It was a marriage made in heaven, two parallel lines, until that day Adam and Eve ‘crossed’ each other —?

Is it possible to merge the bible with today’s emerging sciences?
In fact the Qabalah , i.e. specifically the Zohar predicts the reconciliation of religion with science.

Notice how Adam (x) and Eve (y) are perpendicular to each other forming the TENET Cross, similar to a transverse wave (light) and longitudinal wave (sound) respectively. The rumor in the Garden of Eden was that Adam and Eve were an electromagnetic couple.
Or we could hypothesize that Adam and Eve are one of the three constants, i.e. the e x e coupling strength found in the formula of the fine structure constant 1/137.
Essentially the beginning of a periodic table of elements.

B-mode SwaStikaS ~ the “Smoking Gun” ~ an Intelligent Design ~ ID ~ windmills of the mInD ~ ThE NET – the SEEd pattern


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