
R. Crockett #fundie #homophobia beefviper.newsvine.com

[In response to a woman who said that she was a straight woman hoping to marry a straight man and that CT's recent allowing gay's to marry had no impact on her]

Well, Jeneral....what will you do if there are NO men to marry? What would you do if we become a dominant homosexual state as Sparta was? You ceast to exist....that's what!!! How will you feel when your gay next door neighbors want to come over & seduce your husband?

Remember when God sent the Angel of the Lord (that's Jesus) to Sodom & Gomorriah? They gay men came to Lot's house & said, "Let us have sex with your men visitors." Lot said, "I'll give you my virgin daughters, just leave these men alone."

Do you remember what happened next??? boom!!!

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