
PIRATENEWS #conspiracy beta.fireflyfans.net

To keep you paying your voluntary income taxes to the private foreign jewish "Federal" Reserve Bank. They prefer that to violent Revolution and hanging them till their heads pop off like we did to "Saddam Hussein".

The problem with robots is there's no air on Mars so how the frak do robots land on Mars using PARACHUTES?

It's impossible to land on Mars or Moon using rockets, just like its impossible to take off from the Moon using a teeny tiny itty bitty rocket BETWEEN THE ASTRONOTS LEGS AT PENIS LEVEL WITHOUT ANY SOUND AND WITHOUT ANY FIREBALL/EXHAUST.

NASA's blue sky on "mars" looks just like Earth, ie Antarctica

NASA!!!...Psy-op, Photoshop, Terra-forming... What's Up, NASA?

This is the only thing your loving govt is really good at:

So STFU in the land of the coward and home of the slave

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