
Bible Believers Church #racist biblebelievers.org.au

At the peak of their power the Khazars controlled or exacted tribute from some thirty different nations and tribes inhabiting the vast territories between the Caucasus, the Aral Sea, the Ural Mountains, the town of Kiev and the Ukrainian steppes. The people under Khazar suzerainty included the Bulgars, Burtas, Ghuzz, Magyars (Hungarians), the Gothic and Greek colonies of the Crimea, Slavonic tribes in the north-western woodlands. Beyond these extended dominions, Khazar armies also raided Georgia and Armenia and penetrated into the Arab Caliphate as far as Mosul in Iraq. The Russians defeated Khazaria between the 10th and 11th centuries and inherited most of their lands. The Khazars continued their warfare against Russia for the ensuing thousand years until their invasion from the East side of New York brought them victory in 1917. Financed by their tribesmen in Britain and the United States, they enslaved, raped and pillaged the Russian nation as earlier they mercilessly extorted tribute from countries neighbouring Khazaria. The assassination of Stalin brought about the demise of their power over Russia.

Today the Khazars control the United States of America and extract tribute as they did from their neighbours in the first Millennium AD. Munya Mardoch, Director of the Israeli Institute for the Development of Weaponry, said in 1994, "The moral and political meaning of nuclear weapons is that states which renounce their use are acquiescing to the status of Vassal states. All those states which feel satisfied with possessing conventional weapons alone are fated to become vassal states." Thus Israel is able to hold the threat of using her nuclear arms against her neighbours to extract non-repayable loans and grants from the United States.

After the extinction of their kingdom, the Khazars dispersed. They established themselves in Venice and Genoa and from the Venetian and Genoese oligarchies they began marrying into the Royal houses of Europe. Khazar and Sephardim Jews (who were often Canaanites) dispersed throughout Europe and continued their predatory pursuits as infamous usurers and tax-gatherers until after long sufferance by their host nations they were expelled to wander to some other place.

William the Conqueror was financed by Jews expelled from Spain, and having secured the benevolent neutrality of the Holy Roman emperor Henry IV and with solemn approval by Pope Alexander II, he invaded England in 1066 (Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol # 23, p. 609). There is no evidence of Jews residing in England before the Norman Conquest. William the Conqueror brought the Jews into England with him from Rouen, Normandy, 2,600 of them followed after his invasion. At first treated with special favor and allowed to amass considerable wealth, they collected books and built themselves palatial residences; two or three of them are mentioned as physicians, and several monks are said to have been converted to Judaism. "They brought to England their own form of commerce and a system of rules to facilitate and govern it . . ." (Foootnote 11: H.C. Richardson, The English Jewry Under Angevin Kings (1960) p. 94). They established the Exchequer and subsequently converted into a class of "royal usurers" so abhorrent to the English that in 1290 Edward I expelled them all, over 16,000 Jews, principally owing to the problem of usury. (See the trilogy of historian Sir Arthur Bryant, and JCR-UK - Jewish Communities of the U.K.).

In 1647 the English traitor Oliver Cromwell, whose revolution was financed by Manasseh Ben Israel and Moses Carvajal of Amsterdam, allowed Jews to return to England, though the order of banishment was not rescinded by Parliament. History proves that the objective of the International Jewish money lenders was to obtain control of England's economy and government.

It was to Antonio Fernandez Carvajal, a Portuguese Marrano (secret Jew) who outwardly passed as a Spanish Catholic merchant, that Cromwell gave the assurance of the right of Jews to remain in England. Under the date February 4, 1657, Burton, in his diary, states: "The Jews, those able and general intelligencers whose intercourse with the Continent Cromwell had before turned to profitable account, he now conciliated by a seasonable benefaction to their principal agent [Carvajal] resident in England." His trading connections enabled him to give Cromwell and his secretary, Thurloe, important information as to the plans both of Charles Stuart in Holland and of the Spaniards in the New World (see L. Wolf, "Cromwell's Secret Intelligencers"). Spying activity is continued today by millions of sayanim, the Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Defense League, etc. According to the archives of the Board of Deputies of British Jews established in 1760, the earliest minutes were written in Portuguese reflecting the influence of the Portuguese Jews on Trade.

Following the British Israel hoax devised by the Cabbalist Astronomer to Queen Elizabeth I, John Dee (1527 - 1608), and trading on the Messianic illusions of the Puritans, in 1650 Rabbi Manasseh ben Israel of Amsterdam published Hope of Israel, in which he advocated the return of Jews to England as a preliminary to the appearance of the Messiah. The Messiah could not appear till Jews existed in all the lands of the earth. According to Antonio de Montesinos, the Ten Tribes had been discovered in the North-American Indians, and England was the only country from which Jews were excluded. If England admitted them, the Messianic age might be expected.The next invasion financed by Amsterdam Jews, headed by Solomon Medina, placed William of Orange on the throne of England in 1689 and made it possible for the conspirators to set up the Bank of England, and institute the National Debt, securing for the usurers a first charge on the taxes of England for interest on their loans, and the right to print money was transferred from the Crown to this private "Bank of England." The same pattern was followed in the establishment of the Jew's Federal Reserve non-bank in the United States and other central banks tied in with the City of London's Bank of International Settlements.

Under another name and in a different occupation the International Jews have controlled Britain from that day to this (Genesis 4:14). The so-called British Empire was in reality ever the Empire of the City of London. Australia, the United States and other former colonies remain subservient to the City, spilling the blood of their citizens and borrowing at usury to finance Judaeo-Communist takeovers and fight the City's wars of conquest in pursuit of world hegemony. Jewish author Cecil Roth's House of Nasi compares the underground funnelings of Jewry after their expulsion from Spain and Portugal, with the network set up under Hitler a little later.

Eric Dollard #racist biblebelievers.org.au

But after Einstein was promoted as a god in 1919, he made no real attempts to plagiarize any other work. Rather, he began his real purpose - evangelizing for the cause of Zionism and World Jewry. Though he did publish other articles after this time, all of them were co- authored by at least one other person, and in each instance, Einstein had little if anything to do with the research that led to the articles; he was merely recruited by the co-authors in order to lend credence to their work. Thus freed of the pretense of academia, Einstein began his assault for World Zionism.

In 1921, Einstein made his first visit to the United States on a fund- raising tour for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and to promote Zionism. In April of 1922, Einstein used his status to gain membership in a Commission of the League of Nations. In February of 1923, Einstein visited Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. In June of 1923, he became a founding member of the Association of Friends of the New Russia. In 1926, Einstein took a break from his Communist and Zionistic activities to again embarrass himself scientifically by criticizing the work of Schr"dinger and Heisenberg. Following a brief illness, he resumed his Zionistic agenda, wanting an independent Israel and at the same time a World Government.

In the 1930s he actively campaigns against all forms of war, although he would reverse this position during World War II when he advocated war against Germany and the creation of the atomic bomb, which he thought was impossible to build. In 1939 and 1940, Einstein, at the request of other Jews, wrote two letters to Roosevelt urging an American program to develop an atomic bomb to be used on Germany - not Japan. Einstein would have no part in the actual construction of the bomb, theoretical or practical, because he lacked the skills for either.

In December of 1946, Einstein rekindled his efforts for a World Government, with Israel apparently being the only autonomous nation. This push continued through the rest of the 1940s. In 1952, Einstein, who had been instrumental in the creation of the State of Israel, both politically and economically, was offered the presidency of Israel. He declined. In 1953, he spent his time attacking the McCarthy Committee, and he supported Communists such as J. Robert Oppenheimer. He encouraged civil disobedience in response to the McCarthy trials. Finally, on April 18, 1955, this Jewish demagogue died.

Dead, the Jews no longer had to worry about Einstein making stupid statements. His death was just the beginning of his usage and exploitation by World Jewry. The Jewish-controlled media continued to promote the myth of this Super-Jew long after his death, and as more and more of the men who knew better died off, the Jews were more and more able to aggrandize his myth and lie more boldly. This brazen lying has culminated in the Jew-controlled Time Magazine naming Einstein "The Person of the Century".

Einstein was given this title in spite of the clear-cut choice for the "Person of the Century," Adolf Hitler. Hitler was indeed named "Man of the Year" while he was still living by Time Magazine, and according to a December 27, 1999, article in the USA Today, Einstein was chosen over Adolf Hitler because of the perceived "nasty public relations fallout" that would accompany that choice; yet in internet polling by Time, Hitler finished third and was the top serious candidate. Still the issue of Time Magazine dedicated to Einstein, which has articles by men with names like Isaacson, Golden, Stein, Rudenstine, and Rosenblatt, is interesting to read. For one, they found it necessary to include an article rationalizing why they did not pick the obvious choice, Adolf Hitler.

unknown #fundie biblebelievers.org.au

The religion of Islam has as its focus of worship a deity by the name of "Allah." The Muslims claim that Allah in pre-Islamic times was the biblical God of the Patriarchs, prophets, and apostles. The issue is thus one of continuity. Was "Allah" the biblical God or a pagan god in Arabia during pre-Islamic times? The Muslim's claim of continuity is essential to their attempt to convert Jews and Christians for if "Allah" is part of the flow of divine revelation in Scripture, then it is the next step in biblical religion. Thus we should all become Muslims. But, on the other hand, if Allah was a pre-Islamic pagan deity, then its core claim is refuted. Religious claims often fall before the results of hard sciences such as archeology. We can endlessly speculate about the past or go and dig it up and see what the evidence reveals. This is the only way to find out the truth concerning the origins of Allah. As we shall see, the hard evidence demonstrates that the god Allah was a pagan deity. In fact, he was the Moon-god who was married to the sun goddess and the stars were his daughters.

Anonymous #conspiracy biblebelievers.org.au

Though six million Jews supposedly died in the gas chambers, not one body has ever been autopsied and found to have died of gas poisoning. We have been shown piles of bodies from World War II, but most of these persons died of typhus or starvation or Allied bombings and a great many of those were murdered Germans, not Jews. Roughly the equivalent of ten football fields should be packed full of gassed bodies to present as evidence, yet not one body has ever been discovered.

The Germans documented everything in meticulous detail from shrubbery to arbors, but no pre-war or wartime plans or documents exist that detail or even mention any gas chambers for reasons of genocide. All documents ever presented were drawn up AFTER the war.

Even if we threw away all the evidence and accounted for every so-called gas chamber, it would have taken 68 YEARS to accomplish gassing six million Jews!

Even The Diary of Anne Frank is a hoax. Portions of the diary were written with a ball point pen. These pens were not in use at the time Anne Frank lived.

Benjamin H. Freedman #fundie biblebelievers.org.au

"Christians have been duped by the unholiest hoax in all history, by so-called Jews. This is considered their most effective weapon."

"This 'big lie' technique is brainwashing United States Christians into believing that Jesus Christ was "King of the Jews", in the sense that so-called 'Jews' today call themselves 'Jews'. This reference was first made in English translations of the Old and New Testaments, centuries before the so-called Jews highjacked the word 'Jew' in the 18th century A.D. to palm themselves off on the Christian world as having a kinship with Jesus Christ. This alleged kinship comes from the myth of their common ancestry with the so-called 'Jews' of the Holy Land in the Old Testament history, a fiction based on fable."

"American Christians little suspect they are being brainwashed twenty-four hours of every day over television and radio, by newspapers and magazines, by motion pictures and plays, by books, by political leaders in office and seeking office, by religious leaders in their pulpits and outside their churches, by leaders in the field of education inside and outside their curricular activities, and by all leaders in business, professions and finance, whose economic security demands that they curry the favor of so-called "Jews" of historic Khazar ancestry. Unsuspecting Christians are subjected to this barrage from sources they have little reason to suspect. Incontestable facts supply the unchallengeable proof of the historic accuracy that so-called "Jews" throughout the world today of eastern European origin are unquestionably the historic descendants of the Khazars, a pagan Turko-Finn ancient Mongoloid nation deep in the heart of Asia, according to history, who battled their way in bloody wars about the 1st century B.C. into eastern Europe where they set up their Khazar kingdom. For some mysterious reason the history of the Khazar kingdom is conspicuous by its absence from history courses in the schools and colleges.

Bertrand L. Comparet #racist biblebelievers.org.au

The Bible is NOT a Jewish Book
The statement is commonly made, even by those who should know better, that we Christians owe a debt to the Jews, for we got our Bible and our religion from them. While many people have been deceived into believing this, it is completely false. . . we got neither our Bible nor our Christian religion, either in whole or in part from those who were Jews, either by religion or by race. We owe them no debt, for they gave us nothing.

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