
Olivia #fundie biblicalwomanhoodonline.com

In the majority of cases, no I don't believe daughters should go to college. But I won't say that it's a sin if they do. Obviously, the Lord does have different plans for each of us, and college can be the route for some to take... but more often then not I think it's just something daughters do because it's what everyone does and they don't have anything else to do.

It's not very impressive (to most) to tell them you stay at home and help your parents. They get this blank stare and look at you like you sit at home all day and read novels. It's a lot more accepted to say what you're majoring in.

I do believe it's wrong for girls to move away from their fathers and out of his protection. I wouldn't believe that to be a good idea. So if college is to be attended I think it needs to be one close to home, or through correspondence.

I'm not against futhering ones education, but that doesn't always have to be done by going to college.

As you said in the part of your article you posted... women were created to be help meets, so before that comes to pass what should we be preparing for?

Whatever happened to the old fashioned idea of daughters staying at home and being a help to their mother and father and blessing the community around them until they had a husband to take care of? I know it's practically unheard of today, but I find it to be much more Biblical. Women didn't use to go to college and I think women as a whole were a LOT more happy than most women today.

Lela #fundie biblicalwomanhoodonline.com

I went to a wonderful consertive Christian college, Hyles-Anderson. They actually have a 4 year degree there that is called "Marriage and Motherhood". Its a mix of home eco.,counseling, and education classes. I think its perfect for the future housewife and homeschooling Mom and if for some reason I ever need to work outside the home I have a B.S. degree

Carrie #fundie biblicalwomanhoodonline.com

i really wonder why, as Christians, we think it's ok to go to a secular university and have to sit through their classes on psychology, religion, science, and whatever else. do we really need to subject ourselves to that? i personally think apprenticeships are more appropriate for most if not all fields.

Crystal Paine #fundie biblicalwomanhoodonline.com

Should Girls Go to College? [...]

In the past few years, we have seen many young people who appeared to be wise beyond their years go away to college and seemingly lose everything their parents taught them. We have seen them turn their back on God and break their parent's hearts. After witnessing such things, we began really thinking through the whole college experience in light of God's Word.

God created women to be the 'help meets' for men (Genesis 2:18). Women are not only created to be the 'help meets' for man, they are created to be under the authority of a man (Ephesians 5:22, Colossians 3:18, 1 Timothy 2:12). Scripture is clear that fathers and husbands are to be the heads of their household (1 Corinthians 11:3) and that wives are to submit to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22). How does college prepare a young woman for any of those things?

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