
Polaris431 #fundie boards.msn.com

[On an article about polygamous family]

This is really sad and pathetic. Society isn't evolving but rather slipping into an immoral culture. For those who believe in the Bible as the Word of God (which amounts to over half the people living in the USA), a polygamous marriage of this type is worse than adultery. While biblical polygamous marriages always occured between one man and several women, it was something specific to the time and culture of those events. Those days are long gone. At the time of Jesus, polygamy of any kind was not acceptable to both Jews and Romans. If God wanted a women to have two husbands, he would probably have created Eve first and brought two men to her.

janej #fundie boards.msn.com

Our country was built by Christians and Jews...chances are, your ancestors. Have a little pride in your forefathers and let it be. Why is it that people want to change these things that are barely noticeable and are a sign of our country's history?

Are you going to start singing a different National Anthem now? ...a little known verse (last verse) says - "And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"". Oh and I'll bet "god bless America" really gets your goat too, huh! Do you ban it from your house?

Just how un-American are you?

HOrsenaround23 #fundie boards.msn.com

(Another year, another Harry Potter movie, another slew of fundies claiming the work of teh devil)

I agree with (another fundie ranting about the books, all of his posts have been deleted), that's what old satan wants all the parents to think. Making everyone think it is helping their Children read just opens the door for Satan to move in. Haven't seen one of his movies or opened one of his books. Won't have one in my house. He is evil in a very sneaky way.

He has everyone fooled,except for the Christians.

SnowBird95 #fundie boards.msn.com

Barrenness is a punishment from God, like childbirth pain is. ( For anyone that doesn't beleive me, go study the Torah, it is in there. Jesus never changed this punishment, like he never changed child birth pain and it still applies). No woman has a right to go over God's head on this subject. Barren women are not supposed to raise children. The adoption system in the United States abuses and punishes innocent babies and uses and does not forgive single mothers while treating and spoiling women who God has punished like queens. The reason for this is typical American. Money. Closed adoption records, sealed birth records and denying us our God given right to see our real parents names on our birth certificates is abuse in it's highest form. Millions of people agree with me. Here are some signatures from the Abolish Adoption Petition:



Against America #fundie boards.msn.com

Also Phillip Alexanders father, so If you take Bill Clinton being from Arkansas, as a symbol Marcus Aurelius, Aurelians wall, wallmart. Then cross that with Bentonvilles telephone directory 666. Then if you apply the facts of the Phillip Morris tobacco settlement (once again Morris Mor ris from Osiris Christ, mor from a reprentation of Babylon) then cross that with Phillip being the father of Alex, put all these together you get Alexander(Bush) Persian wars, worship 666. Though also if yoy Apply Saddam Hussein and Darius you get Dar to give(spn) Hussein (husbandtry) So techincally America does not win, just as the Gettysburg Address stated.

aerospaceman #fundie boards.msn.com

One writer in these posts said that he doesn't understand why there is so much evil in the world. Well, evil has always existed but rarely on such a grand scale (percentage-wise). When a nation turns its back on Scriptural values and chooses instead to sanitize wrong behavior, then this is the sort of thing you can expect to happen. Don't we as a society say that it's OK to divorce once or many times, to have affairs, to cohabitate for the purpose of convenient fornication, to look at pornography and have no shame talking about doing so, to laugh at lewdness, to abuse God's name in everyday language, to go after "strange flesh" (i.e. homosexuality), to kill babies in the womb, to ignore laws on the road and elsewhere, to glorify drinking or carousing, to focus on acquiring things instead of time-tested spiritual values (i.e. kindness, selflessness, politeness, modesty, gentleness, etc.), to gossip or cheat or lie without conscience . . . and on and on? Is it any wonder that we are in such a mess? We have only two choices: to go back to a culture centered on God and His ways; or continue in the present worldly ways until it all ends with a worldwide epidemic or nuclear holocaust. These latter things don't have to be; they start with human thought (to do things which should not be done) followed by (bad) action. Disagree with this analysis, if you wish, but effect always follows cause; and reaction always follows action. We can CHOOSE to be more decent people or not . . . .

self thinker #fundie boards.msn.com

Another shooting and once again the "liberals" are crying for gun control ...but they favor legalizing illegal drugs..... and they are opposed to christian teachings ..... and they oppose those who believe in God...... and they favor the destruction of moral social values by promoting issues like gay marriages ...... and they oppose parents punishing their kids ..... and they oppose the death penalty and stronger prison sentences for violent crimes ..... but they oppose the private ownership of guns by HONEST citizens ..... SIGH!!!!!!!!

fonsoc #fundie boards.msn.com

The increasing occurences of this kind of terrible tragedy began when we kicked God out of classrooms across this nation. Our students have been taught to devalue life as we have murdered 40 million babies since 1973 with the passing of Roe v. Wade, and have taught our children that they came from monkeys and then we are amazed when they act like animals. Because some of our students don't really see an purpose beyond this life, and find no joy in much of the life they are living without God, these things will continue no matter how many man-made programs we put into the schools. How sad that parents in this generation have to be fearful when they send their children off to school wondering if they will ever see them again.

I can hear the heathen screaming, "Oh no, another religious freak blaming everything on liberalism or athesim, or evolution or whatever other system pushed God out of our schools." Truth won't change because people don't want to hear it. Evolution and abortion have created a mindset that robs our young people of hope that there is something worth living for on this planet and beyond this life.

I attended school when we opened each school day with prayer and could sing Christian songs in the classrooms. The major problems in our schools then were talking in the halls and chewing gum in class. The students called the teachers maam and sir with respect, and there were no racial wars, rape, murder, drug traffic, alcohol consumption, and other such things happening in our schools as are happening now. The students that came from that environment were very productive in whatever field of work they entered, and families were intact because that was the way people believed they should be. The idea of same sex marriage was shocking to people because they believed that heterosexual marriage was the norm and homosexuality was a perversion of God's purpose for sex. People could leave their homes and go on vacation leaving their doors unlocked because nobody was breaking into homes. Children could go out and stay out after dark and their parents knew they were safe. Sexually transmitted diseases were rare among adults and never heard of in children. Stores were closed on Sunday because most people attended a church of one denomination or another. Children spent their time playing outside because we didn't have all the horrible time-wasting devices children sit and play for countless hours every week. It was a better world, and one we should return to, but it is far fetched to believe we will ever recover from the fall this nation has taken.

Thre is only one hope for this nation, and that is the return of God to the schools, homes and the public arena. The lack of respect for the Bible and God in this generation is appalling and easily verifies what is written here. The people of this country will never return to God until we are on the verge of national collapse, and sadly we will institute more and more programs that will solve nothing and just be stop gap measures while this nation goes down the path to self-destruction.

aerospacemajor #fundie boards.msn.com

God is a myth?! Billions of people down through the ages disagree with you. Perhaps you should change your ways and repent; God will forgive you and not punish you eternally. If you continue on your present course, you will have to explain to God--in person someday--why you blasphemed Him and His ways.


A Sincere Christian

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