
David H. Grisham #fundie boycotthouston.com

Do you want a Texas version of San Francisco? Neither do we!
Do you want Texas to be the abortion capital of America? Neither do we!
Houston has elected an openly homosexual mayor and built the largest abortion clinic in the United States and you can do something about it!

While you may or may not be a resident of Houston and eligible to vote for mayor, you can vote with your dollar.
This is why we are calling on Christians everywhere to boycott the city of Houston.
We want to impose “economic sanctions” on Houston, Texas!
Please make your voice heard and join our cause. By signing the online petition you send Houston a message; That you are tired of babies being
murdered and the radical homosexual agenda being shoved down the throat of normal society.
Texas is a Christian state! Help keep it that way!
Don’t mess with Texas or Texas children.

David Grisham #homophobia #fundie boycotthouston.com

(In regards to a boycott of Houston for electing a gay mayor and largest planned parenthood clinic.)

Homosexual activists are attempting to usurp normalcy through the news media, movies, television,
public school systems, and politics. Radical homosexual activism is attempting to get its foot in the door of Texas politics. Our advice is to slam the door on its foot. Homosexuality belongs back in the closet. Once back in the closet ,we as a culture, need to lock the closet door, nail it shut, brick it up, and put a guard on it. As Christians, we love homosexuals as individuals but we hate the sin of
homosexuality as an offense to God, as a destructive and deadly lifestyle to those involved, and as a degenerate force in our culture.

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