
bnative #racist buffalonews.com

To LaMika:

I could live a very peaceful and happy life never having to be around black people. Could you say the same thing about living your life without white people? Who do you feel safer being around? Black people or white people?

Matthew LaPiana #fundie buffalonews.com

We should give credit to the power of prayer

I am somewhat confused as to why people have a hard time acknowledging faith. The Sept. 15 News article, “Good luck or a minor miracle?” is a prime example. What will it take for skeptics to believe in miracles? The parting of the Red Sea again? A miracle is a miracle no matter how “minor.”

The Buffalo Bills gathered on the field and immediately prayed for Kevin Everett. Many of us prayed at home and abroad. That is the beginning of a miracle, and those of us who believe have no doubt that God has complete control of Everett’s recovery.

Yes, modern medicine is playing a role in his recovery, but who inspired man to create this modern medicine? God has complete control over everything we do, including the discovery of new medicines and medical procedures. Be humble and give credit where credit is due, not in man, but in our creator.

Man has become so wrapped up in self-righteousness that we have pushed God out of the picture. I applaud the staff and everyone who has taken care of Everett, for they are gifts from heaven. I encourage everyone to pray for his recovery, because miracles do happen.

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