
Earl P. Holt III #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia conservative-headlines.org

[From “Decentralization & America’s Future”]

The American Electorate's awakening to the true agenda of the New Communist Party of the USA (NCPUSA) -- laughingly called "Democrats"[…]-- may herald what Lincoln termed "a new birth of freedom" in America. Cultivating and preserving those freedoms will require a great many reforms, among the most important of which may be the DECENTRALIZATION of policy-making, an approach more compatible with federalism and the Ninth and Tenth Amendments

One significant form of decentralization is already abounding: it is the American electorate's growing reliance upon alternative news sources[…]
When the bright and fearless Christina Bobb covered the Arizona Senate's audit of Maricopa County's 2020 election returns for One America News, she pointed out the critical importance of tabulating election returns at the LOCAL LEVEL. The current practice is to transport ballots[…]to a central tabulating facility, where the NCPUSA's voter fraud machines are already staffed[…]
Another obvious example of the need for decentralization is evident in the area of public school curricula and policy. Remote learning during COVID forced parents to recognize that most public school systems are more interested in indoctrinating their kids with Marxist ideology than in educating[…]Traitorous ideas include Critical Race Theory, gender identity counseling, No Child Left Behind, white skin privilege, and ethno-math with no wrong answers[…]
Our uniform and centralized approach to public health policy has been equally disastrous, as the U.S. response to the COVID-19 scamdemic amply demonstrated[…]Opportunity for "Democrat" officials in BLUE counties and states to seize power through lockdowns[…]
It was Fauciwho rejected the inexpensive, proven and readily-available therapies for treating viral infections, such as Ivermectin and HCQ[…]
Centralized power in the federal government has allowed it to impose outrageous "gender identity" policies

Earl P. Holt III #wingnut #conspiracy conservative-headlines.org


(Apologies to William Ernest Henley)

From out the mess subverting us,
So deep the swamp and black as coal,
I thank Almighty God that be,
For Trump's unconquerable soul

The target of vile communists,
He never quit nor cried aloud
Despite their treason and their lies,
He stands un-bloodied and unbowed

Against their seas of treachery,
So often he was forced to wade
And yet that menace of the years,
Still finds him, always, unafraid

It matters not how orange his hue,
How filled with venom be their scroll,
He is the Master of His Fate,
He is the Captain of His Soul

Below is the mugshot of Donald Trump

Earl P. Holt III #racist conservative-headlines.org

[From "RUN from the St. Louis City & County Merger!"]

The usual suspects have resurrected the proposal to merge St. Louis City and St. Louis County that was abandoned in 2019 for lack of popular support[…]It would do for the rest of Missouri what "desegregation" has done for public education

If you are a white person with a brain and live in St. Louis County, you should fight the merger of St. Louis City and County with every resource you can muster. Your livelihood and your savings depend on it, because St. Louis City is a Black Hole where tax revenues and Rule of Law go to die at the hands of corrupt, black officials

Blacks and traitorous "Democrats" aspire to do for St. Louis County what they’ve already done for East St. Louis, North St. Louis, North County, and South St. Louis: that is, destroy it. They want your homes, your tax revenues and your schools, but NO public official has the guts to tell you this[…]
City residents are champing at the bit to trade their voluminous black criminal element for St. Louis County's tax revenues. Black crime and its costs have driven smarter whites and many businesses from the city[…]If you don't mind subsidizing black criminals and incompetent and corrupt black public officials, you may want to support the proposal

Much of St. Louis City is populated by shiftless black criminals, who sit around all day waiting for their baby-momma’s checks[…]an unsupportable burden to white taxpayers[…]If the merger is successful, they might become your new neighbors![…]
It's no coincidence that many of the people supporting the city and county merger are the same liars, crooks, Jews from the county, and morons who urged the $7 Billion Desegregation Program that was the coup d’état for the St. Louis Public Schools[…]
Third World, tribal instincts dominate everything they do and are all they will ever understand because of their under-evolved Frontal Lobes and very low IQs

Earl P. Holt III #racist conservative-headlines.org

[From "Poetic Justice (Part II)"]

Although credit is often wrongly attributed to Shakespeare, it was the 17th Century literary critic Thomas Rymer who coined the term “poetic justice.” Poetic justice occurs when some particularly vile or menacing individual receives a fitting and appropriate end, and always with irony in abundance.

The following are examples of poetic justice, and many are so perfectly appropriate that they even hint at the possibility of Divine Intervention:

Joshua White: Joshua White was a 23-year-old child of leftist, counter-culture types who grew up in San Francisco. He was an ardent, but naïve liberal, who became a child care worker for ghetto children and had a job as a teacher’s aide for learning-disabled (“nigro”) pupils at Martin Luther King Middle School. In March of 1997, he was gunned-down for no reason by a sub-human, black rat-ape, who approached him with a gun, saying “You want to f*ck with me?”

Joshua White’s parents were stoic to the end. Despite their grief, they did what leftists always do, they blamed society and not the killer.


Of course, the truth is far uglier: Had Joshua White’s parents done a proper job of raising him, he might still be alive. A proper raising would have involved repeated warnings about the violent, savage, witless and predatory nature of Africanus Criminalis, the Great American Nigro.

A proper raising would also have included the need to avoid blacks whenever possible, in which case Joshua would have done as most intelligent whites have done, and gotten as far away from these black bastards as geography and income permitted.

Kirsten Brydum: Kirsten was a 25 year-old “social activist” who was on a nationwide tour campaigning for Barack Hussein Obama’s campaign for President. She was gunned down in New Orleans in 2008 by a nigro serial killer named Joseph Brant, who shot her in the head and then robbed her. Brant may also have raped her.


Michael Rockefeller: A book called Thy Will Be Done blames Nelson Rockefeller for exploiting the so-called “Third World,” and explains how Rockefeller’s son, Michael, was killed and eaten by Third-Worlder savages when he went off to save them from his father.


“Timothy Treadwell”: Once upon a time there was a self-anointed “eco-warrior” named Timothy Treadwell. Now Timothy had a very active imagination, and considered himself a “supernatural alien” on “a mission of peace” amongst his friends, the Alaskan brown bears (Ursus Arctos). This he engaged in yearly, from June until October on the Alaskan Peninsula.


In a moment of unusual hubris, Timothy once remarked that he would be honored “to end up in bear scat.” In October of 2003, Timothy got his wish and, moreover, at least two of his friends got a sample of that rare but treasured delicacy, Liberalis Deliciosos.

Of course, as is always the case with any leftist endeavor, those he claimed to be protecting ended up having to be destroyed by Alaska Game Officials after one of Timothy’s friends consumed Timothy and his unfortunate girlfriend.

Conservative Headlines #racist conservative-headlines.org

[From "Poetic Justice (Part I)"]

Although credit is often mistakenly given to Shakespeare, it was the 17th Century literary critic Thomas Rymer who coined the term “poetic justice.” Poetic justice occurs when some particularly hypocritical or vile individual receives a fitting and appropriate end, particularly one with irony in abundance.

The following are examples of poetic justice, and many are so perfectly appropriate that they even hint at the possibility of Divine Intervention.

Amy Biehl: Filled with the self-righteousness that only Jews can feel towards blacks with whom they have no contact, Amy Biehl traveled to South Africa in 1993 to help register blacks to vote in the 1994 South African National Elections that ended “apartheid.”

She must have assumed her degrees from Stanford would insulate her from the routine violence of black savages. However, to paraphrase an African proverb, “the leopard cannot change its spots.”

That election almost immediately transitioned South Africa from a First World civilization into a Third World cesspool. It also ushered in a new era where black savages gird up their courage and their loins before murdering white farm families and stealing their land with impunity.


Four sub-human rat-apes were arrested and charged with her murder, but after their convictions, all four were pardoned by South Africa’s so-called “Truth and Reconciliation Commission.” The latter is anything BUT a source of “reconciliation,” and their pardons were conclusive evidence that South Africa is now as lawless as Zimbabwe, Haiti, or every other black shit-hole.

If there were ever a perfect example of poetic justice, it is Amy Biehl’s brutal and senseless murder at the hands of the same black savages she worked to “liberate.”

It is the Amy Biehls of this world who feel the insane need to empower the most violent, savage, witless and predatory race in human history, and she was instrumental in helping to destroy South Africa by turning it over to witless black savages, whose true nature will forever remain a mystery to her. It is only justice that she should die at their hands.

Julie Laible: This woman was raised on a farm in a nearly all-white region of Illinois. She studied Spanish at the University of Illinois, where she was inspired (wink, wink) by a black teaching assistant who opened her eyes to racial injustice in America. At his suggestion, she attended graduate school at the University of Texas at Austin, where she could get all the exposure to Hispanics she might ever want.


Steven Otter: Steven Otter was a self-righteous author and “journalist,” who routinely vilified other white people for what he charged was their “misperception” of black crime in South Africa.

In a truly delicious example of poetic justice, his home was invaded on December 16, 2016 — South Africa’s “Reconciliation Day” — by two black savages who stabbed him to death. He died in the arms of his mixed-race “partner,” Nathalie Williams.


In truth, Otter was just another foolish white race-traitor, who was not squeamish about affiliating with certain violent and savage, black and Marxist revolutionary parties found in South Africa. These included The Pan-African Congress, and the Afro-Marxist Economic Freedom Fighters.

Otter’s assailants must not have read his work, so they were never informed of how innocent and peaceful they actually are. In any event, had Otter listened to all those “racist thoughts” and “racist voices” from his childhood — that he made it a point to reject — he might very well be alive today to further lecture us about how wrong we all are about blacks and their violent and criminal inclinations.

Earl P. Holt III #fundie conservative-headlines.org

[From "More Victims of the Jews Media"]

We at the CofCC are anything but surprised by the sniper attack on innocent Republicans in Washington by a terrorist supporter of Jewish Socialist, Bernie Sanders.

As it has done for 50 years, the Corrupt Leftist Media and its Jewish-Bolshevik owners have cultivated an atmosphere of lies, slander, disinformation and fear by vilifying anything Republican, conservative, patriotic or nationalistic.

Since the election of Donald Trump, the Jews’ Media and its allies in the New Marxist Party (wrongly referred to as “Democrats,”) have crafted such a poisonous atmosphere, that weak-minded individuals — stupid enough to listen to Jews’ Media lies — have often been inspired to commit such violent acts.

This is a tactic they have used many times, and one they intentionally used against President Ronald Reagan in 1981, in a hauntingly similar attempt to undermine a Republican President’s electoral success, just as they now try to badger and beleaguer Trump.

The Corrupt Leftist Media created such a poisonous atmosphere of lies, that they were able to inspire John Hinckley to attempt to assassinate President Reagan immediately after Reagan had won 49 states in the greatest electoral landslide in U.S. history.

Bolshevik Jews and their minions in the Corrupt Leftist Media have labored for 75 years to convert the U.S. into a socialist nation, and bring it into the orbit of international socialism and one-world government, run by classy folks like themselves.

They had never been as close to their ultimate goal as they were following eight years of Barack Hussein Obama, a communist, pathological liar, Muslim traitor, and likely homosexual.

The venomous efforts of the Jews’ Media — and the rest of the Corrupt Leftist Media — is simply a matter of anger and frustration over their socialist dreams being interrupted by the election of Trump. This is why they have worked so hard to slander and lie about practically every aspect of the 2016 Presidential Election, along with anything else that might further their perverse agenda.

Today, they acquired more victims, which they can add to a long list. This list includes the thousands of conservative, “Alt- Right,” nationalistic, or patriotic individuals assaulted by communist street trash for exercising their First Amendment Rights over the last decade or so.

Every such incident of violence was inspired by the lies of the Jews’ Media, the latter’s stock-in-trade.

Council of Conservative Citizens #fundie conservative-headlines.org

[From "Robert Boyd Patterson, R.I.P."]

On September 21st, Bob Patterson was reunited with his God, his wife of 68 years, and his beloved ancestors when he died peacefully in his sleep at age 95. The causes of State’s Rights, Rule of Law and Race Realism lost a great champion and leader with his passing.

In 1954, Bob “Tut” Patterson founded the Citizens’ Councils of America in response to the arbitrary and unconstitutional U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Bob Patterson recognized what a disaster this decision would be for public schools, particularly those in the South, even if the supposedly “learned” justices of the Supreme Court did not.

Bob Patterson was a born leader who was destined to do great things: His founding of the Citizens’ Council was merely one of many.


Bob Patterson is survived by a daughter, two sons and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren: All doubtless gave him great happiness and pleasure, since it was for them that he fought so many pitched battles.

John Derbyshire #racist conservative-headlines.org

[From "Racial Separation — Or Freedom of Association?"]

Several listeners to last week’s podcast took exception to my casual dismissing of the idea of racial separation—see [b]“Taking A Knee”—Is Racial Separation The Answer?[/b]

I had said that separation is no more feasible now than it was in 1862, when Abraham Lincoln urged it on the freedmen leaders he’d invited to the White House. [Address on Colonization to a Deputation of Negroes, Abraham Lincoln, August 14, 1862]. “We must struggle on forward as best we can, white and black alike,” I concluded.

I think those listeners had been watching American Renaissance Editor Jared Taylor's recent video titled [b]How to Achieve Racial Separation[/b]. Jared makes the case that we can peacefully separate into monoracial regions.


Don’t forget: Hardly anyone predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union, or of Yugoslavia, or Czechoslovakia. And all three countries separated along national and ethnic lines. And people who once had to live together are happier living apart.

How to Achieve Racial Separation Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, October 3, 2017.

Now, Jared has no greater admirer than me. As I have told him myself: If our republic survives, there will be statues to Jared in public squares one day.

I’m sorry, though, guy: This just won’t fly.

Take that first clip I just played: “For blacks to live independently of us —” But blacks can’t live independently of us. They don’t have the human capital to live independently of us.

There is some black human capital: brilliant, high-minded, public-spirited blacks. They are just too few among their own people. Google “Smart Fraction Theory,” or see What Brought Down Detroit from the transcript of my July 27th, 2013 podcast. For a society to function well, to be stable and prosperous, you need a certain threshold proportion of smart people. If your population’s smart fraction is below that threshold, the society won’t work.

I’ll quote myself here, if you don’t mind; from a VDARE.com column three years ago:

Think of it like this: A man is walking along dragging a sack behind him. If the man is large and the sack small, it’s a nuisance but he can make progress. A small man dragging a large sack is, however, severely encumbered.

White populations of course have members with low scores on behavior, intelligence, and personality, but not so many that the more capable whites can’t “carry” them. Smart and well-socialized blacks, by contrast, are numerically far fewer in proportion to the great sullen lumpen-negretariat they drag behind them.

Kicking The Stone: The Hard Reality of Race Relations, November 6, 2014

Of that fraction of blacks with something on the ball, all but the most saintly and self-sacrificing will decamp to the nearest nonblack area, as you see happening today across the Mediterranean. Jared’s white enclaves are going to need some very serious border control. His proposed multicultural enclave, where people who want diversity can enjoy it, will get way less diverse really fast. It’ll just turn black.

There is simply no stable solution here. Whites don’t need blacks, but blacks need whites, if they are to have any kind of civilized life.

Jared’s second clip is similarly flawed, even setting aside the mayhem that attended the breakup of Yugoslavia. The racial gap in what was formerly Soviet Central Asia is nowhere near the size it is between American blacks and nonblacks.

So, sorry to Jared and those of his followers who emailed in, but on the matter of separation: no sale.

I do, though, fully agree with Jared on the desirability of striking down all legal constraints on private freedom of association. Forced racial integration is an outrageous assault on our liberties.

With freedom of association restored there would, I believe, be enough voluntary separation to lower the racial temperature and ease us forward to the calm acceptance of reality that the race issue so badly needs.

Council of Conservative Citizens #fundie conservative-headlines.org

[From "If The South Had Won"]

Like Hank Williams fantasized in his famous song, it’s fun to speculate about what America might be like if history had taken a correct turn, and the South had won the War Against Yankee Aggression and then seceded.

Two Jew-boys who produced the Game of Thrones are allegedly planning a new cable series on HBO, to be titled “Confederate.” It is rumored their new series will speculate about what America would be like if the South had successfully seceded from the Union, and slavery were still legal. Clearly, their “speculations” will be very different from my own, which follow—

First of all, if the good guys had won, there would be no holiday celebrating Martin Luther King, and King’s FBI Files would have been released and not redacted in any manner. The truth about this disgusting communist and pervert would finally penetrate even the skulls of the ghetto-dwellers, race-hustlers and frauds that routinely invoke his name.

Instead, America would have established real holidays to celebrate our true National Heroes, such as George Washington, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, Nathan Bedford Forrest, George Patton and Ronald Reagan. All those arbitrary three-day weekends created by Congress would end: Holidays would be celebrated only on the birthdays of these genuine, American heroes.

Taxation would be used exclusively to fund a Public Purpose: Use of the Taxing Powers as a means to achieve transfers of wealth would be unconstitutional, a restriction that would apply to Foreign Aid, as well.

Welfare would have become a true “safety net” and not a way of life. There would be semi-annual drug-testing of all welfare “Heads of Households,” and a positive test result for any illegal substance would be sufficient to permanently remove these scammers from the welfare rolls.

Furthermore, those who apply for welfare benefits would be eligible only once, and annual benefits would decline by 20% each year for five years, until they ceased altogether. (After five years, “If you breed ‘em, YOU FEED ‘EM!”)

Once again, America would have become an avowedly Christian Nation: Moreover, anyone running for public office or appointed to public office would be required to give a detailed description of the churches they attended and the years they attended them. These would substitute for the detailed financial disclosure statements usually required.

Using its powers under Article 3, Section 2, Congress would have removed Federal Court jurisdiction over school assignment cases, Congressional and state redistricting, and any other alleged inequities involving race, ethnic identity or gender.

Likewise, any member of the Federal Jewdiciary who attempted to create law — rather than merely apply the law — would be subject to summary removal from office by the President, or impeachment by a 51% vote of Congress. This would become our 28th Amendment to the Constitution.

Mapp v. Ohio, Escobido v. The United States, Brown v. Board and any Congressional Redistricting cases would all be considered “judge-made” law, since each is a blatant attempt by federal judges to usurp the functions of Congress and all state legislatures by writing “codes of conduct” for them. They also perpetuate the lie that federal judges are less biased or “political” than members of a deliberative body.

Anyone engaging in voter fraud would face a mandatory sentence of three years and a fine of $1,000 on each count. Those found obstructing justice in such cases would serve the same sentences as those convicted, and in the same penal institutions.

Term Limits for Congressional office-holders would not only be Constitutional, they would become the 29th Amendment to the Constitution. Also, any member of a state’s Congressional Delegation could be Recalled by a 55% majority of voters at any properly scheduled election.

A petition by any citizen with evidence of a pattern of “fake news,” lying, or disinformation by any electronic news media outlet would be sufficient to compel the FCC to investigate such allegations. If found to be true, revocation of that offender’s FCC License would be mandatory.

Any law enacted by Congress would have a five-year “Sunset Provision,” requiring that it be re-enacted by a Majority of both Houses of Congress and signed into law by the President every five years of its existence. Failure to re-enact would constitute automatic repeal.

There would be no Department of Education, no Labor Department, and no Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The EPA would be staffed with scientists, not radical environmentalists, and they would have no authority beyond making recommendations to Congress.

America would have become a sanctuary to white people, so long as they pledged allegiance to democratic and Republican principles in the Constitution, and were financially self-sufficient. Those who betrayed their Oath of Allegiance — like the Jewish communists who emigrated here from Europe in the first half of the 20th Century — would be hastily deported to some far corner of the globe, preferably one populated by cannibals or head-hunters.

Immigrants who have gone without employment for two years would be deported to their nations of origin, along with their families, pets, friends and associates. (Just kidding—)

Those who interfere with immigration authorities in any manner would become subject to deportation, as well. This would apply equally to clergy or political authorities that defy immigration laws and harbor illegal immigrants, particularly those who attempt to create “sanctuaries” for them.

Illegal immigrants would be subject to asset forfeiture by the states in which they reside. Return of such assets would be exclusively at the discretion of the individual states involved, and done so only after all debts and penalties against them have been assessed. The residual could be refunded to them in their new nations of residence.

Finally, Capital Punishment would be used to a far greater extent for First Degree Murder and crimes that involve significant amounts of violence or murderous intentions. Each capital case would be allowed one Habeas Corpus appeal to the Supreme Court: If rejected, only a commutation by the state’s Governor could stop a scheduled execution.

This would mean an end to absurdly long and frivolous appeals in capital cases, some of which have taken 30 years to effectuate.

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