
Marty #conspiracy dailycommonsense.com

It's June 12,2008 and where I live, in Southeast Washington State, the sun now sets in the NORTH, while it used to set in the WEST. It's not tracking as it used to at all, and neither is the moon. My wife and I have been watching these changes for about two years now, and MANY people we talk to around here are asking why this is happening. The only logical explanation is that the earth's tilt is shifting. I don't know what makes you actually believe that the governments of the world cannot stifle the news media, or are you really that naive? All they have to do is say that it is a matter of National Security, and it's done. If you honestly can't see the changes in the locations of the constellations, the sun track and the moon track, then please visit your vision expert. Wake up, kids, something big IS happening. We humans have never seen it happen before, so how do we know how it's supposed to look? I happen to think that a sudden rash of volcano eruptions and earthquakes is significant, especially when it is accompanied by a reported shift in the earth's axis. Has NOBODY ever heard of the HAB theory? Listen, stick your head in the sand if you want, it's perfectly OK with me, but when the sun starts to suddenly change what it's been doing since the day I was born, I pay attention.

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