
David MacDonald #fundie davidmacd.com

If I go into a grocery store and want to choose a good apple I can pick it up and look at it but I can't take a bite out of it then put it back. Having sex before marriage is taking a bite out of the apple before committing to it (buying it), leaving it for the next person. If I have sex with someone before marriage, I am likely having sex with someone else's future wife. I've been there.

David MacDonald #fundie davidmacd.com

If a 15 year old boy goes into a doctor's office saying "I want to get the girls, I need muscles, can you prescribe steroids?" the doctor would say "that's not good for you, go to the gym instead." But if a 15 year old girl goes to a doctor and says. "I want to get the guys, can you give me the pill (steroids)" The doctor says "fine." If you ask me, this is part of society's systematic abuse of women.

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