
Sherrel D Stewart #fundie dbskeptic.com

I would love to see an atheists explain his theorie of Evolution verses the Christian Theory Of Creation ?
The Christian theory of Creation presents thousands of logical and extra-ordinary feats of engeneering in the making of the human Body and all other forms of Life. the design of the enviroment supports Life, so that every element on this earth works in unison to suport the each other. The self healing ability of men, plants and other forms of life on earth, are direct result of creation. The ability of reproduction is just another form of creation within itself. Do Athiests actually belive that all of this just happened out of the clear blue, with no one behind the designing of it??? AHHHH COME ON !!!! Where do they get their resoning? GOD gave man reasoning, man was the only animal on earth that he had given reasoning to. I challenge them to give us give us their beliveable explaination with compareable examples.

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