
Anonymous #fundie equestriadaily.com

**So much controversy stirred up because some guy felt awkward about explaining to his child that a lesbian is a girl that likes other girls instead of boys. If he's dumb enough to have watched the video with her despite the title, I feel doubly sorry for the little girl growing up with a father that is as homophobic as he is moronic.**

For my part, I'm glad there's a father out there who's not bowing down to the gay gestapo's attempts to brainwash everybody into believing that sexual deviancy is okay. I feel sorry for the sheep that buy into it. I'd rather be a homophobe than a cowed sycophant mouthing whatever twisted belief system is currently in vogue. And frankly I feel happy for any kid whose parent cares enough and is brave enough to teach her right from wrong, instead of knuckling under and letting the politically-correct police do it.

Hell of a comment to have to make on a My Little Pony site, but someone's got to make an attempt to scatter the cockroaches, I suppose.

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