
lillysagit #racist fr.youtube.com

lol not all black men are big dumbass anyway they play with there dicks so much at a young age it stretches and by the time there preteen they start sucking on themselves and it further stretched. black guys are fags by nature thats how they spread AIDS to there women and the nation. stay away from those monkeys

argentinianguy #fundie fr.youtube.com

[In response to a video from VenomFangX]

Very good Shawn.You really shut his pie hole. The evolutionists always have a picture of the primitive man as someone with low intelligence.Knowing how stupid the? man was, could he figured out in less than 3 days how to eat or drink?C´mon,if you don´t eat or drink for 3 days you die.Hey evolutionists,just because you don´t want to go to church, you don´t need to lie to people.Just disarm that stupid HLC .

NephilimFree #fundie fr.youtube.com

Actually, chemicals do not exist. They are an illusion created by God who sustains His creation. This is evidenced by the fact that the force of gravity is not great enough to hold the planets in their orbits around the sun.

But we can pretend chemicals exist, because the illusion is beyond our ability to phytscally prove otherwise.

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