
Radical for Christ #fundie fray.slate.com

Dear Prudie,

Exorcism are REAL! The woman is Biblically and Spiritually possessed by demonic forces. Just because we are in the 21st Century does not mean that Demonic spirits do nt exist.....these things will continue to exist until the Bible promises have been totally fulfilled!

I would suggest that you refer to your Bible and do research into this proven fact before giving advice like you have with this lady. Jesus was constantly casting out demon spirits and mental issues are truly demonic forces that He was constantly casting out as well as dumb, mute, deaf, paralyzed, and all matters of blindness, cancers, etc. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John......then read the books of the Apostle Paul!

Jesus is real and so is Satan! Schizophrenia, Stupid, you are not a Schizophrenia and you are not Stupid! Read your bible for yourself, and let God heal you from the demons that want to keep you bound! In all of your getting, get an understanding and if you lack wisdfom, ask God and He will give it to you!

rjb675 #fundie fray.slate.com

I think this article is just another pathetic attempt to cast disparaging and UNTRUE remarks about Gov. Palin in an even more pathetic attempt to divert attemtion from the true evil. Gov. Palin was raised by two public school teachers, I seriously doubt that she is against education. $3 million to study grizzly bear DNA?!? Are you kidding me?!? As far as her choices in religion/ religious practices all I can say is atleast she isn't a member of a faith that would gladly see each and every American dead and buried. And her minister isn't preaching hatered and racism to the point that she has to distance herself. So lets see... she DOES NOT want to WASTE $3 million tax payer dollars studying grizzly bear DNA, and she is a christian. HUH, sounds like a WINNER TO ME!

papajoes1221 #fundie fray.slate.com

(In response to an article about Spain granting non-human apes special rights)

I'll stand on the Bible on this one. Now the Bible says go out and subdue the earth. Now that does not mean go out and kill and destory every thing in sight. Here is what it means in a nut shell. We that means Us yes Us were made caretakers of the earth managers so to speak. That means every one must take their part. So that their Childrens Children may have a healthy earth. And sorry but some wild life have to be killed. Not only for our good but theirs as well. Ours is, do You want to take the food out of the mouth of babes and lets face it the meat is a lot more healthy then what comes from the farm. Now how is it good for the wild life You may ask. Well there is this thing called over popualtion and that is where all kinds of heck happens like more kinds of disease then You or I can count or spell for that matter. And that could wipe out the whole popualtion and most likly spill over to humans. And lets face it You don't want Your $50,000 car runnig into them now do You. So lets all do are part. Oh and the Bible is full of all kinds of wisdom like that. Read it be it live it and You will be ready some day to look up pack up cause You will be going home.

Pogue Mahone #fundie fray.slate.com

Relax! You're an athiest! The cock only crows three times when you renounce Jesus, not when you renounce your non-belief. Remember, a Christian has to answer to God at the end of the day. You don't have to answer to anyone! Isn't that why most of you folks rationalize yourselves into being nonbelievers in the first place?

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