
Jin-Saotome #fundie jin-saotome.deviantart.com

Since everyone else is chanting victory on their journals I might as well chime in with mine. Obama wins eh? Well I'm glad you all went out and did your homework on the man before you voted for him because I sure did.

He was sworn into senate office with his hand on the Koran instead of the Bible. You know what that means, yes? We do not have the first black president. Hell, I'd be estatic if we did. No, we have the first MUSLIM president. You know how it says "Under God, In God We Trust" on all our American seals? Obama must not of gotten the memo. People will tell you, "Oh, he just used his own personal Bible." Which of course was the Koran.

*edit* Why does this bug me? Because I'm Christian, our founding fathers were as well, and being it -my- country I want a Christian in the White House. I have no problem with freedom of religion, you can be whatever you want to be. But when it comes to my leader and my country, I'm pretty picky.*end edit*

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