
mmmmjournal #fundie mmmmjournal.livejournal.com

Can somebody please explain why ANYBODY not associated with al-Qaeda would have issues with the "wire-tapping" telephone surveilance by the Dept. of Homeland Security? Unless you're building a bomb, planning to bring down an airplane, or reporting back to Osama, WHAT THE FUCK are you worried about???????

Telephone surveilance is one of the best defense weapons we have in the war against terror. Somehow I suspect if anybody OTHER than George W. Bush was in the White House, this wouldn't even be an issue. If you're not in cahoots with al-Qaeda, or trying to smuggle illegal aliens or drugs into this nation, then you have NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. Ordinary law-abiding citizens needn't be concerned about telephone taps, only the CRIMINALS and TERRORISTS should be sweating on this one.

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