
Win Worley #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming moodymanual.demonbuster.com

Due to the wide spread of pornographic material, many men force their wives into oral, anal and other sexual perversions, often leading the wife into deviate sex.

Fear of homosexuality is great among American men. A large number of men have had minor or major contact with homosexuality as young boys. Young boys often get their hands on pornographic material by accident and follow its instructions.

Here are some common traits in husbands who have had some homosexual contact. When he marries, he will not see the need to provide financially or spiritually for the wife and children. He often hates the wife and children, and feels they hamper him. He does not understand his responsibility for the family, neither does he care. He usually will not hold a steady job. They are all laden with fear which torments them. Oral Sex is a powerful spirit and will not give up easily. They reside in the mouth, lips, tongue, taste buds, throat, sex organs and the mind. There must be sincere repentance followed by determined discipline. We have seen men recover from this spirit's control.

Many young children are forced into oral sex by some one they trust or are kin to. Even though they hate it, they cannot stop the demon's demand for it and will often continue to seek it even when no one forces them.

Gene Moody #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick moodymanual.demonbuster.com

The Necronomicon (legendary occult text) has its place in modern black magic and Transyuggothian metaphysics. Metaphysics is the philosophical theory of reality, the rational science of the supernatural or supersensuous, the science of formal and final causes, and the science of the obscure, occult or mysterious. For example, there is now a whole line of materials based on the hellish Lovecraft Cthulhu mythos (author Howard Phillips Lovecraft), a form of magic practiced in the darkest Satanism - a system of magic prominently featured in The Satanic Rituals. The Necronomicon and the Cthulhu mythos are quite real. Lycanthropy (shape shifting) is the clinical term for being or believing yourself to be a werewolf. The magical act of changing into any wild animal. These are immensely complicated worlds of magic, spells and violence.

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak #fundie moodymanual.demonbuster.com

Due to my involvement with demons through DELIVERANCE, I have heard many reports of unusual demon activities in connection with houses and objects.

Books and objects identified with anything related to Satan's kingdom have been known to attract demons. Sinful activities on the part of former residents account for some houses needing to be cleansed.

Many have told of hearing voices or sounds in their houses. Such manifestations are sometimes called "poltergeist", a German word meaning "knocking or noisy ghosts".

What about the owls and frogs? These are classified among the creatures mentioned in Deut. 14:7-19 as being unclean and abominable. They are types of demon spirits.

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak #fundie moodymanual.demonbuster.com


Baldness can be a curse that has been handed down through the generations. Some people say that baldness comes through the mother. If you see a family that has generations of men with premature baldness at an early age, that family probably is cursed by the sins of their ancestors. Check for familiar spirits if there is no disease and treatment such as cancer with radiation treatment which causes a loss of hair.

Gene Moody #fundie moodymanual.demonbuster.com

10. After death, we spent a day praying for Earline to be raised from the dead.

11. Sometime after the burial, we had a family prayer meeting. God healed Marie of TMJ, a jaw problem, which she had bothering her for some time.

12. God was showing us that He still healed people. He could have healed Earline or raised her from the dead, but He chose to take her to be with Him.

Gene Moody #fundie moodymanual.demonbuster.com

When you have an operation, your spiritual armour is not in place due to anesthesia and cutting of the flesh. GOD does not want us to depend on surgery. It is the same as if you were drunk and passed out. Demons can come into the body and soul at that time.

GOD's perfect will for you is to be delivered and healed by the Power Of God rather than to be cut on and passed out by surgery and medicine. His permissive will is for you to go to the medical profession for healing. However, you pay the spiritual consequences for using the world rather than God's methods.

I found this out by experience with my wife, Earline. She had an operation after cutting the tip of her finger off. She lost her joy in THE LORD after sewing her finger into her palm to make a new finger tip. Win Worley and another pastor took her through deliverance in our home. When she was to have the final operation of cutting her finger out of her palm, I stayed outside of the operating room and prayed constantly to prevent this from happening again. I was not able to do this and had to take Earline through deliverance again.

Gene Moody #fundie moodymanual.demonbuster.com

It is very clear that those participating in sexual sins (which lead to pregnancy) and then a decision is made to have an abortion are committing murder. The murder of an innocent child then opens the parents to demon attacks of being murdered or having violence committed against them.

A couple that does not want a child should use birth control methods that prevent pregnancy. This is better than having an abortion of an unwanted child. Single parents should not deliberately have children outside of marriage. They are cursed and their descendents are cursed to the tenth generation.

After having an abortion, the woman is subject to having miscarriages or not being able to get pregnant again. She may have painful and prolonged bleeding, and pain during her menstrual cycles. She is subjected to many cruel emotions such as paranoia and insecurity.

Rape can lead to pregnancy. Do you have a right before God to kill the child because you were raped? Soul ties should be broken with any sexual partners outside of marriage whether by rape or by sexual consent.

The church is drastically affected by the bastard which is a child conceived out of wedlock. The bastards have great difficulty in going to church and participating in the church services. Those who have sexual demons may act religious in church to cover their guilt about their sexual sins.

Earline Moody #fundie #racist moodymanual.demonbuster.com

I have an Indian-English-German-French background. There are curses on each of these people. Indians worshipped devils. Some English and Europeans were Druids who worshipped Satan.

In innocence my father participated in some occult practices - wart removal and water witching. From my father came curses of Masons and Indians. Physical problems came as a result of curses on Indian worship: Inactive thyroid, female disorders and heart disease.

My mother was a paranoid schizophrenic with an Indian-English background. Her emotional illness caused me to need a lot of DELIVERANCE from emotional problems.

Gene and Earline Moody #fundie moodymanual.demonbuster.com

Why are children aborted? The following are reasons given in percentages: 1% - victims of incest or rape, 1% - fetal abnormality, 4% - doctor said that health would worsen if pregnancy continued, 50% - didn't want to be single parent or have problems in current relationship, 60% - could not afford child, 75% - child would interfere with lives, 95% - reasons of convenience: not incest, rape, physical condition of unborn or threatened health of mother.

Gene and Earline Moody #racist #fundie moodymanual.demonbuster.com

These are characteristics of African Americans. Do you recognize these characteristics?
Black Men: You can't trust black women. Black women are mean, spiteful, and they use you. Women are only good for having babies and cooking. You have to slap a woman around every now and then. You have to love them and leave them. Black Women: all black men are dogs. Women must take charge and never let a man control them. I can't live without this man. He beats me, but he's a good man. Black Youth: My parents don't deserve obedience.

Morality and Character
Black Men: It's all right to have more than one woman. Drugs and alcohol are not that bad. The only thing that is important is what you do for yourself.
Black Women: You've got to sleep with a man in order to get him.
Black Youth: Everybody else is doing it and so can I. I will do whatever I want. I will hurt others before I hurt myself. I have to do whatever to look cool to my friends and I have to have sex to be accepted by my homeys.
Black Men: I am God. The Bible is the white man's religion. Islam is the black man's religion and the Masons are a good thing.
Black Women: Following my horoscope is all right to engage in and to use to find a mate. Eastern Star is a good thing. Islam is the black man's religion. The church is full of hypocrites. Christianity is a crutch for weak black folks. The Masons are a good thing. I go to church, but I need some stuff from the occult shop too.
Black Youth: There is no God.

Gene and Earline Moody #fundie moodymanual.demonbuster.com

Lord Jesus Christ, I ask that you forgive me for having cursed objects in my home. Show me by The Holy Spirit what to destroy:

1. Books and objects identified with Satan's Kingdom.
2. Sinful activities of former residents that left curses.
3. Knocking and noisy ghosts and apparitions (poltergeist).
4. Owl and frog images.
5. Witch's mask and fetishes used by witch doctors.
6. Objects and literature that pertain to false religions, cults, the occult and spiritism.
7. Graven images of gods (demons).
8. Idols and artifacts dedicated to demons.
9. Ouija boards and other occult paraphernalia.
10. Prayers and worship to demons bring curses on home.
11. Mexican sun gods; idols, incense; Buddhas; hand carved objects from Africa and the Orient; astrology, horoscopes, fortune telling; books and objects associated with witchcraft, good luck charms and cult religions (Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, metaphysics); rock and roll records and tapes and other demonic objects.
12.Jewelry given to a person by someone in witchcraft, hex signs, ancient geometric and mystical motifs, jewelry designed to bring good luck and act as talisman to chase evil.
13. Egyptian ankh, Polynesian tikkis of gods, broken cross (peace symbol), chais, African jujus, Italian horn, protectors from the evil eye, hand with index and little fingers pointing up, crosses, clovers, stars, wishbones, lucky coins, mystic medals, horseshoes, religious fetishes and statues.
14. Products with hidden, secret, occult curses.
15.Puppets, cult objects and representations. Dolls used for witchcraft and magic.

Gene and Earline Moody #fundie #homophobia moodymanual.demonbuster.com

Goals of homosexuals are marriage to children, multiple spouse marriage, polygamy, group marriage, promiscuity (open marriage), same-sex marriage, and destryouing marriage between a man and a woman.

Forced homosexual roommates, gays in the military, radical feminism, lesbian separatist movement, anti-discrimination ordinances, minority status based on homosexuality, graphic pro-gay sex and AIDS education, mandatory sensitivity training, hate crimes, speech codes, fines, Hollywood promotion of homosexual love making and of gay rights agenda in movies and television, public finding of homosexual pornography; invention of gay speak - gay, homophobia, diversity, sexual orientation; unmasking of powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals, homosexual marriage and adoption, attacks on churches, and pederasty.

Gene and Earline Moody #fundie moodymanual.demonbuster.com

Search Warrant Checklist

Occult games (I Ching, ouija boards, tarot cards, crystal ball, fantasy role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons), Ashes from fire pits, including fireplaces and wood stoves, Robes and detachable hoods, Gongs, drums and bells, Wooden stand for an altar, a marble slab or crosses, Chalice, goblet, cruet, Phallus (sculpture of the male sex organ), Heavy wooden staff, sword, knives, Small velvet pillow, scarlet in color, Bullwhip, cat o'nine tails, ligatures, Mirror, Animal, mask, possibly papier mache, Black satin or velvet glove for the right hand, Large ruby ring, worn on the first finger of the right hand, Flash powder, smoke bombs, Incense, Body paint, face paint, Metal crown with four candle holders, Ferns, palms, Human or animal bones (especially skull, long bones, finger bones), Coffin, Ritual books, black books, diaries (such as the Book of Shadows, which may be handwritten), Medallions with satanic symbols, Occult jewelry, Small animals in cages, Graph paper for fantasy games, Oddly shaped dice, Horror masks and costumes, Crystals, Small metal figurines of mythological nature, Posters of mythological beings, animals, half-animals, Nightmarish posters, Sexual, particularly sado-masochistic, posters, Posters of heavy metal and punk rock stars, Paraphernalia related to the martial arts - such as ninja costumes and throwing stars.

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