
Nathan Bickel #conspiracy moralmatters.org

How long will it take, for various (actor) participants in this heinous government / media contrived Sandy Hook fraud to (one by one) divulge their (guilty) parts in the staged event? Certainly some of them will desire to “cleanse their souls” in the near future. Criminal co-conspiratorial government, mainstream media, law enforcement with their non-disclosure [aka “keep mouth shut”] agreements cannot withstand awakened consciences. (May God’s grace spark some of these crisis actors and all involved to that (repentant) [4] “cleansing state!” And, may the same judicious Creator God punish [3] those unrepentant lifestyle liars [5] who were and are presently responsible for suppressing the truth and for perpetrating the Sandy Hook Hoax deception!)

Nathan Bickel #conspiracy moralmatters.org

Fake News Story: Ft. Lauderdale Airport Alleged Shooting

The shooter is now “in custody.”

Shooter supposedly was military (Puerto Rico National Guard, was allegedly deployed to Iraq from P.R. National Guard and served between April 2010 through February 2011).

He also supposedly served in the Alaska Army National Guard and was just discharged in August of 2016. Shooter supposedly stated that “US intelligence infiltrated my mind, forced me to watch ISIS videos.”

The media is making the connection between this patsy “lone gunman” and ISIS.


Shooter is supposedly “mentally ill,” allegedly told FBI on November that he was being “forced to fight for ISIS” by the military. There are stories that the shooter’s brother called the FBI and told them the shooter was mentally ill. (How did the brother know who to call, and why did he call so quickly?)

The news videos and still photos of this Ft. Lauderdale Airport shooting story show scenes of an obviously staged military or police DRILL; that is, some kind “active-shooter drill.” Not a real event.

There is no serious emergency (or urgency) observed in any of the news media films and videos covering this Ft. Lauderdale Airport story.


This story happened in Florida. It occurred just 6 months after the FAKE, 100% HOAX Orlando Gay Nightclub story, also in Florida.

Just two days ago (January 4, 2017), Florida Law makers introduced a new gun control bill into the Florida state legislature, so this airport story is now being foisted on the public so as to boost demand and support for stricter gun control in Florida.

In other words, it is not a coincidence that the mainstream media is pushing a FAKE NEWS story about another “mass shooting” in Florida only 2 days after the Florida gun control bill was introduced.

Nathan Bickel #conspiracy moralmatters.org

Ohio State University Knife Attack: Contrived And Staged False Reality Event

The false reality events under criminal aka Obama’s White House occupancy have long since grown old and stale. “Wolf, wolf!” Another violence event. “Wolf, wolf!” Guess where? Another college community.

The treasure trove of crisis actor possibilities is always in ample supply. always available at the post high school academic educational industry where impressionable youth have their minds daily propagandized by the latest cultural political correctness.

College students are always looking for more money. Extra cash can buy more booze and drugs; more fashionable boxer underwear for slouchy pant butt crackers.

There is no shortage of possible student crisis actors. Being featured in a worldwide publicized event might even garner more future acting possibilities.

No problem with selling one’s soul to the mainstream media whores for a narcissistic piece of ongoing immoral historical revisionism.

Nathan Bickel #conspiracy moralmatters.org

Analysis of the official narrative of the Kalamazoo, MI story reveals that this story is 100% a HOAX:

There are too many crime scenes, with several seemingly random victims. (Too much going on in one story. Nobody drives around town shooting people randomly with no motive.)

Too many crime scenes is the first sign of a HOAX perpetrated to cause people to demand gun control.

Kalamazoo, MI weather 25 degrees at night, a high of 42 degrees during the day. A little bit too cold for some guy to be traipsing around shooting people randomly at a variety of locations.
•Crime scene #1: Woman with 3 children was shot in the parking lot of an apartment complex
•Crime scene #2: Four hours later, two men shot at a KIA dealership
•Crime scene #3: Ten minutes after that, the same perpetrator fired on two people in the parking lot of Cracker Barrel restaurant

NO motive. The perpetrator had NO MOTIVE.

A perpetrator who kills strangers randomly, in various locations, is the second sign of a HOAX.

CNN all over the story (BIG sign this is a HOAX)

Media sources are linking the Kalamazoo “shooting rampage” story to many other shooting HOAXES that were perpetrated to justify Draconian gun control laws.

NOTE: Police seized a semiautomatic handgun from the perpetrator [Dalton]. Police are confident that Dalton acted alone (lone gunman).

The “lone gunman” report is the BIG, telltale sign that this story is a HOAX perpetrated to cause people to demand gun control.

The Control System has a first goal to BAN semiautomatic weapons, so this random act of violence has been committed by a White man wielding a semiautomatic weapon. What a coincidence that the perpetrator in this story used the same weapon the government is trying to ban!

The “lone gunman” narrative is yet another sure sign that this is 100% a HOAX perpetrated to make the public cry out for gun control.


Uber, KIA motors, Cracker Barrel restaurants

Nathan Bickel #conspiracy moralmatters.org

Tons of American flags and Gadsden Purchase (Don’t Tread on Me”) flags are on display at the site of the takeover.

The whole thing looks staged, including the props.

There has been a lot of chatter about this Oregon stand-off being a precursor to civil war, but this event has all the obvious signs of being a political psychological operation because of the drama and because radio talk show spokesholes are comparing it to #BLACKLIVESMATTER.

Anytime you hear a media whore comparing one psychological operation to another psychological operation, you know that both operations were planned and staged.

The Black Lives Matter movement and #BLACKLIVESMATTER are from the George Soros’ civil unrest department. #BLACKLIVESMATTER has been funded and staffed by Soros from the start, so all the Black Lives Matter events are political psychological operations – not real events, for the most part.

The Oregon standoff has its own hashtag #YallQaeda (Y’all Qaeda), which is obviously a manufactured hashtag. It compares the so-called militia protesters in Oregon to al Qaeda (a known “terrorist” organization).

In other words, this Oregon standoff is a divide-and-conquer psychological operation. It is very likely that Soros has funded and staffed the participants because the #YallQaeda hashtag suggests that Patriots = terrorists. Soros and his fellow cabalists are using this standoff event to brainwash Americans into believing that all militia types are the same as “al Qaeda.”

This psychological operation is designed to draw out all the gun-toting patriots and Constitution-loving citizens so as to identify them, put their names and faces into government “watch list” databases, and then brand these well-intentioned America citizens as “Domestic Terrorists.”

Nathan Bickel #conspiracy moralmatters.org

This Moralmatters author thinks that this alleged Planned Parenthood “shooting” smells as if it is just another false reality event. It appears to be agenda driven and possesses some telltale signs of government contrived false realities.

As the (pernicious) mainstream media story enfolds about this reported (alleged) CO Springs PP shooting, there is likely to be a list of anomalies, inconsistencies and contradictions. The perpetrators and players (actors) of government sponsored contrived propaganda / violence events always “mess up.” Crisis actors always expose their falsehood. They are a “dead give-away,” to the false reality event.

Not to overlook:

What’s just around the “corner?” The 2 week European conference on Climate Change / Global Warming. It makes all the aka Obama “maniacal sense in the world” (aka, “smoke screen”) to steer American citizen attention to another contrived government violence event, while his regime hammers out more restrictions on American freedoms and the U.S. economy, vis-a-vis the false reality of man-made climate change.

Nathan Bickel #conspiracy moralmatters.org

The media won’t explain anomalies like the above pic. Instead, they hauled out their leftist playbook accusing those who believe Sandy Hook is a hoax, as being “conspiracy theorists.” Their infantile sandbox ridicule gets old. Please avail yourself of all the pictorial and captioned material which you will find on this page as you keep scrolling down.

Most of the American public will not believe that a hoax of this magnitude is possible. But, they overlook that Obama was elected twice; posing as a legitimate candidate for the US presidency when he did not meet the Constitutional eligibility standard. Instead, he forged his birth certificate [hoax], overlooked by many of the same people who won’t believe in a “Sandy Hook shooting hoax.” Ask yourself: “Who are the real “carnival barkers?” Are they “birthers;” or are they the majority who hide behind their conspiracy theorist mode of silence over Obama’s ineligibility to be legitimate president and over his identity birth certificate fraud; – hoping that the birther protest will gradually die down and be smothered by their silence?

Supposed parent, Robbie Parker, of one of the (alleged) gun-downed, child victims. Which parent laughs before being interviewed about the very recent death of his child? Was this “Robbie Parker” a two-bit Sandy Hook actor? Reportedly, he and his wife reside in Florida, and were Sandy Hook hoax transplants.

Pic of Eugene ‘Gene’ Rosen, reportedly CEO of a local Newtown, CT television station; also a familiar actor in the area who is said to have appeared at local elementary school rooms, entertaining children. Note the sign in the background as the other actors are given an instruction reminder to “check in” so that this political / media event can be an orderly affair to make the Sandy Hook Shooting hoax appear real.

Nathan Bickel #fundie moralmatters.org

Some of you (who are older) may remember the past popular movie, “The Omen” Its subject focus was an adopted boy born under mysterious circumstances. Eventually, (over a series of maddening events) the adoptive father is finally persuaded that “Damien” is demonic and evil. He attempts to rid the world of this demonic personage scourge, but is shot and killed in the process. The boy ends up being adopted (again) by the US Ambassador to Great Britain. The final shot of the movie concludes with “Damien slowly turning to give the camera a diabolical smile.”

Although no analogy is perfect, America’s (aka) “Obama” can be somewhat compared to “The Omen’s,” Damien. Obama’s birth background is shrouded in secrecy. [3] [4] Everything about Obama smacks of a negative (devilish) nature. [5 ] He, like Damien, is an evil scourge of deceit and death to American lives who surround him. [6 ] The most recent evidence of that scourge, is the Obamacare debacle, which involves multiple millions of American lives.


Aka, Obama, is an American (socialist / communist) Muslim / Marxist patsy. No one person since the 1900's has achieved as much success altering this country’s political landscape as aka, Barack Hussein Obama. Granted, Supreme Court decisions such as Roe V. Wade and forced busing did its political correctness damage. Also, uprooting First Amendment religious expression from the public school system and neutering local school boards, have been part and parcel of dismantling traditional, patriotic and Constitutional America, in favor of introducing the false gods of political correctness, secularism and multiculturalism.

The aka Obama “pieces” are being assembled. The demonic Obama “dots” are being connected. As reality would have it; aka Obama, is America’s Omen child. Aka Obama was convinced that he would be (someday) America’s future president. [7 ] Harry Lennix has now come forward to relate how he trained aka Obama to become “presidential.” [8 ]

Obama and his loyal Marxist cabal: A major reason why Obama proliferates his demonic deception and lies:

Those of you reading the aforementioned, may think that this author proposes, a far stretch. That, position has been the propagandist online “conspiracy theorist” assertion of the online ridiculing, Obamabots. Their deceptive argument, is that aka Obama appeared on the American scene, because he was a fresh face in the political arena. Up until the present, they had been successful in touting aka, Obama, as a well-spoken, family man and “Christian,” who was privileged to be America’s first black president. Of course, those informed, well know that this Obama public packaging, is riddled with propaganda lies, as well as Obama’s ID fraud documents. Reality has it, that aka, Obama was the best shot fired by the socialist mindset to destroy America. What could not be achieved by individuals such as Elizabeth Duke, and her Weather Underground comrades, had to be accomplished by their noxious radical political offspring.

There is no way that aka, Obama could have been elected the first time around as US president, had he and his cabal (support) marketed him for what he is now truly revealed to the American people. It was imperative that aka, Obama, lie through his teeth with his deceptive “hope and change” promises. He was the “perfect” candidate for the communist cabal. Anyone who opposed him was (then) labelled a racist. His lifestyle lies duped Americans, who, only desired for themselves and their posterity the best material success possible. Their craving for material success blinded them to the spiritual reality of aka Obama’s depraved human nature. Hence, Obama was first (reportedly) elected by a majority of the “Christian” vote who conveniently overlooked Obama’s Illinois senator support for Infanticide. Such fools they were; and, some still are.

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