
Swa #fundie mybroadband.co.za

I can't believe the people who continually profess a superior logic can't grasp things a 6th grade student can.

No God changing the law is not a contradiction. That should be the only thing that matters if you were really interested in contradictions. But seeing as you are just harping on God supposedly being flawed I have established that there is actually a logical reason for doing so. Just as Jesus denounced polygamy because of the corruption of the world. Just imagine how diseases like AIDS would spread with people having a 1000 wives. Now you are saying you know more than God because He should have said "no you can't marry your sister because hundreds of years from now genetics will cause birth defects." That's just insane especially at a time when incest was needed for humans to breed and practically everyone was a relative.

The real issue is that you have already decided the bible is rubbish and therefor it doesn't make sense. But you know if it's true it actually does make sense so your logic is a fallacy. You can dismiss this as "the usual" but if there's a flaw in your logic I will point it out. Wear the damn shoe. As usual I don't expect you to reply with a reasonable retort because you have none and will just waive it off again.

JCSM #fundie mybroadband.co.za

Hey, picture the baby in a nappy, just able to get on his feet and he fiddles with the buttons on your dvd player. You shout at him that he must not do it. He turns his head towards you, smile but carries on doing what his not suppose to do. Sound familiar? where did he learn that... The seed of sin is already in him!!!!

rza #fundie mybroadband.co.za

People have sex with people of the same sex for their own sexual gratification, there's no God involved in that. You want to ejaculate, and women want to reach orgasm, that's why you have sex with another person of the same sex. You are not doing God a favour, you are doing yourself a favour. Other people have sex with objects like vibrators and I can assure you that God didn't make them to have sex with vibrators. The reason they are having sex with vibrators is to satisfy themselves, the same way you satisfy yourself. Or did God create vibrator-squee human beings as well?

Don't fool yourself, you know very well you want satisfaction out of your own selfish heart. The same way other people want satisfaction from little children, or Michael Jackson with little boys, or R Kelly with tweens, or some sickos with animals. God didn't create you that way, you are just addicted to sin and sin controls you life. That's where Jesus comes into the picture, He wants to relieve you from sin slavery. You can be non-gay again, like Adam was!

PeterCH #fundie mybroadband.co.za

While the Bible does use colourful language and has lots of translation
issues it is the prime source upon which much of religious philosophy is
based. After all you wouldn't know about God, if the Bible didn't exist.

FlyingPika #fundie mybroadband.co.za

I keep reading that the earth is billions of years old, but they dont seem to have any evidence. Last time i checked they used circular reasoning (the layers of the earth are dated according to certain findings in them, and the findings are dated according to which layer they are found in) or dating methods with false assumptions (initial state assumptions).

Some1 once took a branch that was struck by lightening and they where told him it was millions of yrs old. Other historical items with dates engraved in them show dates completely different to the dating results (which say items a few hundred yrs old are millions of years old). Must re believe historical data or the dating results?

So can some1 please state why you have faith that the earth is billions of years old? Or have you just heard it enough times that now it seems fact (ie brain washing).

rza #fundie mybroadband.co.za

If there's no evidence for heaven then it means the sky actually has an end, and the planes and all theses things that NASA uses to go to moons could infact hit the 'wall' of the sky. Anyway it's irrelevant. How many kilos/miles tall (is it the right word) does scientists say the sky is?

rza #fundie #homophobia mybroadband.co.za

I have stopped myself from writing about stoning because it seems you are interested in understanding the reasons why God said people should be killed. Bear in mind that I use killed and not stoning, because those days stoning was the preferred way of killing people, not just by Israelites but by everybody else. I'm sure you can recall that we used to have a hanging (killing by means of hanging a person) period for some time, but it obviously also changed. This days we have guns which do a better job than stoning and hanging.

So if we were living in this days, would have God told us to stone people? No, he would have probably told us to shoot them in the forehead. Is killing people by shooting them better?

On a serious note, I'm very sad to hear that this issue has separated you from God. What I can tell you is that God loves all kinds of people, homosexual or not, and God has a plan for everybody's lives. God doesn't want to kill people, worse by stoning them, but He wants to prosper them. People who jumps to Leviticus without reading Exodus are missing out on God's love for the same people that He would later say they should stone people.

God doesn't want people to commit sin because sin destroys people. I don't like talking about homosexuality because hypocritical Christians treat it as some worse sin when there are worse sins, but let me show you one of the dangers
of homosexuality. Everytime I hear about homosexuality I think about Arthur Brown, formerly CEO of Fidentia, and the trauma he went through in jail because of men who lust after other men. This is the most barbaric act that could ever happen to any man. Many raped men never become men again after this whole ordeal, and I would like to believe that they go through a whole lot more than women go through. Do you see how this man's family is going to be disintegrated because of men who lusts after other men. So why should God allow this to continue?

These men who lusts after other men are also recorded in Judges 19:22 "While they were enjoying themselves, some of the wicked men of the city surrounded the house. Pounding on the door, they shouted to the old man who owned the house, "Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him." What a horrible thing for any man to hear, and why should God allow our men to suffer like this in the hands of this horrible men? Should God apply silent diplomacy? God knew when he told Israel to kill all men who lust after other men that things will get out of hand if they didn't. Now some of us worry that we might get raped, now what a mercyless God He is if He doesn't care about my worry of rape.

In Beeld newspaper today, we have a case of a famous musician who molested a now famous musician when he was young. We read everyday about priests who molest young church kids when they go to church and some of these kids never recover. What a horrible God He is to let this men who lust after other men to continue living. By throwing them in jail it's not going to help as they are only going to progress further in this horrible act.

So should we let men lust after other men?

The Cosmos #fundie mybroadband.co.za

Again, you have no comprehension whatsoever. There is a reason why Christ had to DIE.
God married Israel (his people) through contract, and because Israel sinned, He wanted no more part of them. So, He divorced them. However, the law states that you can only marry again, only if the other half has died. So, in order for Israel to redeemed again by God, Christ had to die, and also in turn the people would be redeemed.

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