
Joe Cortina #fundie mynameisjoecortina.wordpress.com

Starbucks (Jew Bucks) is the devil’s own brew and it KILLS and KILLS and KILLS without mercy. These jew death financing mills are a disgrace to America and what we stand for. How in the name of God – LITERALLY – can ANY human being, patronize the jew filth and death and misery of such racist bigoted Christ hating scum.

Their so-called religion is FILLED with FORMAL DOCUMENTED hated of Christ Christians and Gentiles. The sad and disgraceful irony here is that the religion of the people who these jews spend much of their waking hours plotting how to murder – have shown the greatest respect love and tribute to Jesus and His blessed mother.

While the jews – like Mr. blood-money bucks here – blaspheme and mock our Lord in the most vicious cruel ways – call him a BASTARD who is in hell burning in a vat of boiling shit – AND trash His mother a as a WHORE. Not ONLY Is this in their ‘sacred’ hate filled Talmud – but you can see the same blasphemies 24-7 on their TALMUD VISION networks here in the States and in IsraHELL. Yes Dorothy – it is all true. Here are just a few of examples of what Schultz and his evil tribe members support.

Joe Cortina #fundie mynameisjoecortina.wordpress.com



When most Americans think of the ACLU, it is usually the generalization of ultra-liberal legal assistance to church/state separation cases, anti-death penalty advocacy and protection of an assortment of generally undesirable groups.The truth is much more insidious and dangerous. This carefully documented report will attempt to show that there can be no doubt as to the treacherous and dangerous ongoing agenda of an organization so evil and so deceitful that it could not exist if the whole truth were known by the public at large. This then is a confirmed chronicle which will make most fictional thrillers about sinister and diabolic organizations pale by comparison. Learn why the Jew ACLU is the mortal enemy of ALL DECENT CHRISTIAN Americans – and always will be. Like the treacherous Jew whose ‘god’ is the ideology of Zionist /Marxism – it must be destroyed if we wish to live as a free people.

Joe Cortina #racist mynameisjoecortina.wordpress.com



IF YOU EVER EVER HAD THE SLIGHTEST DOUBT OF THE EVIL AND DEMONIC NATURE OF THE JEWS IN GENERAL -READ THIS FILTH – AND KEEP IN MIND THAT ‘WIKIPEDIA’ ( from the word Wicca which has to do with paganism witchcraft sorcery and demons) is a jew owned and created anti Christian tool – like ALL of the internet ‘cool jew features’ e.g. Face book -Yahoo – My Space – Google & more – to further the demonic Godless control of our people by of the Christ hating jews.

Here- these filthy Christ killers actually accuse all Christians of being anti-Semites - EVEN THE LORD – of being an anti-Semite. These putrid scum actually declare that the words of Christ are hateful lies with their worn-out third world joke line of anti -Semitism. Only rancid jews and their shills are used to illustrate how anti-Semitic the Christian Bible is( the New Testament ) Jew have NO sense of decency decorum or respect.

They accuse Christ as having replaced Christians as the Chosen people rather than the jews whom Christ CLEARLY condemned as being paternal relations of Satan himself. The ONLY entity who has “CHOSEN” these horrid jews is SATAN! Wikipedia goes on to lie again as the jew authors mislead readers with this lie: “In the Book of John, Jesus calls certain Pharisees ”children of the devil“.John 8- 44

Joe Cortina #racist mynameisjoecortina.wordpress.com

If you are a grown individual who is still clinging to inane deceptions about the Bilderbergs or the Illuminati or the UN or giant corporations or chemtrails or shape shifting giant human lizards or Muslims or Al-qaeda or Al Jolson or other nonsense regarding the cause of our moral and economic demise - don't waste your time reading this - as you are stupid beyond help.

We have ONE MORTAL ENEMY - the jews - GOT IT? JEWS! Intelligent informed Americans already know this fact. The rest will die stupid.

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