
Lonnie Harpool #fundie naplesnews.com

Editor, Daily News:

How satisfying it was to see Christians unite and successfully use the democratic process to bring the state constitutions of Florida and California into line with biblical scripture.

Such heroic action has stopped, for now, the steadily creeping infringement of homosexuality on the institution of marriage. Hopefully, this success will embolden Christians to organize to stop two even more significant threats to marriage. Those threats are divorce and adultery.

In keeping with biblical scripture, state constitutions need to be amended now to prohibit divorce and to establish penalties for adultery. Law-enforcement agencies need the authorization to identify and arrest adulterers. Protection of the institution of marriage demands nothing less.

Onward, Christian soldiers. Beware, fornicators, gamblers, card players and dancers. You are next.

Lonnie Harpool, Naples

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