
FUNKbrs #conspiracy newgrounds.com


According to this article, researchers have been combing the metadata of social media for at least the past 5 years trying hunt down the undiagnosed mentally ill like animals.

Open the article .

Hit "CTRL+F".

In the search prompt, type "consent."

No matches, eh?


Part of social media agreements is that you agree to let them sell your data to the mental health industry. You know, the second largest aggregators of involuntary captives behind the prison industrial complex? Yeah, those guys.

You know, the ones who lock up people who have committed no crime without due process, a trial, the right to presumed innocence, or the right to a lawyer? The ones who target the weak and vulnerable that have suffered the most in society because they lack the capacity to defend themselves? Yeah, those guys.


It gets worse, though.

It ends up the researchers well understand that PTSD sufferers by definition avoid discussing the events that caused their PTSD in medical terms like "depression" or "anxiety" explicitly. So instead, they categorized PTSD suspects by their pronoun use.

Specifically, we examined the following nine
categories: first, second and third person pronouns, swear,
anger, positive emotion, negative emotion, death, and anxiety
words. Second person pronouns were used significantly
less often by PTSD users, while third person pronouns and
words about anxiety were used significantly more often.


You know how you hear these statistics about the "undiagnosed mentally ill" and how 50% of all mentally ill are undiagnosed?

Where do you think they get that number from?

There's only one way: secretly going around and "unofficially" diagnosing people with mental illnesses using social media metadata.

Got in a car wreck? Posted about it? Did you use the wrong fucking pronouns, even though you didn't know what the right ones were?

Congratulations! You're now an undiagnosed mentally ill person! You're going to be targeted for the rest of your life! Eventually, this data will be used against you, probably when you are old and sick, and used to throw you in an assisted living facility which is in every practical way a prison only without the chance of parole and the only way out is through the morgue.

Oh, by the way, I work in the medical industry that throws people in these facilities, and I 100% can confirm this is exactly what is happening. I'm actually downplaying the severity of how bad this is quite a bit. Most people can't even make it out of highschool without being diagnosed with a mental illness and forcibly medicated.

Remember, no one under 18 can give legal consent, meaning anyone you know under 18 recieving ADHD or anxiety medication is technically being forcibly medicated. It's statutory mind rape. Even if they think they're consenting at the time, just like that girl R. Kelly peed on.

This is not some secret knowledge. This is all public access. And to be honest, I don't know "1 weird trick the mental health surveillance industry doesn't want you to know!" either. There's no actual way to defend or protect yourself from this: in fact, the harder you try, the bigger and brighter the red flags on your metadata become because "avoidance" is one of the primary symptoms of PTSD.

I don't want to be right about this. I want someone to come in here and make me look like a totally paranoid idiot. I very much don't want this to be happening.

But it is.

nerosmoke #conspiracy newgrounds.com

It is a bit suspicions that someone who was a quote "actor" was the guy who went into a pizza restaurant and shot a computer based on the official story of the events.

Then to expand the cast of weidos at comic ping pong has the music band heavy breathing with the band member majestic ape is doing stand up when telling a joke about enjoying the sites and sounds followed by random people from the crowd and little boys.

Pedofilea is a preferance - mejestic ape

There is more videos then this. and there is also many other strange "performers" who visit comet ping pong along with the owner being a weirdo with weirdo friends who have weirdo child art at the pizza place.

Protesters outside White House demand ‘Pizzagate’ investigation

The people doing something about the pedofiles had a rally outside of the white house. to try and raise awareness for missing and exploited children.

So hope I am getting across who is pro pizzagate and who anti-pizzagate.


Kel-chan #conspiracy newgrounds.com

Two posts, same thread, one right after the other

All Culture is based off the fact of being a "Cult"

Its social memes that are reinforced through societal carrots and sticks. Culture can be malleable but for most people it is the unstoppable force.

Society sets up dichotomies and slots to control the populace even when they deviate from main stream culture to create their own little sects.

Remember government etymology means govern- "control", ment- "mind"

You can be a liberal or a conservative or libertarian or a political atheist. You can be white or black or hispanic or asian. You can be rich or poor or middle class.

But you can never just be you as an individual.

You must belong to some divide and conquer sect so that you can be pigeonholed, marginalized, explained away, controlled, and your dissent can be pigeonholed, marginalized, explained away, and controlled.

Keep it in mind when thinking about hot button issues, or framing debates and setting up false dichotomies

Second Post Begins Here

I'll also add that that men as a whole have been pretty disenfranchised since the mid 80s.

Since then the stable jobs in manufacturing have been obliterated by NAFTA, GAT, the new TPP. It was self serving lobbyists and politicians on both side that destroyed the economy but the policies were enacted under liberal presidents.

So you've decimated the base by which a man supports himself and family. Great

Then add in 2nd and third wave feminism which- I'm sorry to say is just misandry. 1st wave feminism was all the equality stuff which was really just a scam to create two groups of people in the US that could be taxed. Feminists complain about glass ceilings and equal pay while not realizing they're just tax slaves and throwing out obvious things like- If you chose to get pregnant, yeah, you're gonna be out of work for a while if you care the slightest bit about your child which is going to hurt your career.

Men don't have that issue.

Add in the drugs and pharmacology that started in the 90s. It affects mostly males and I think it's because of the feminist culture. If you're man you're probably not gonna want to sit still and boys want to go run around and fight and mess with things hands on. Girls just aren't like that.

Ever wonder why males are dropping out of colleges and the ratio of female to male college graduates is changing drastically on liberal campuses?

Add in the effects of plastics and GMO food and soy that has phytoestrogens and hormone blockers. Wonder why girls are hitting puberty at younger and younger ages and boys are all the sudden becoming more bisexual and gay?

Add in the police state and NIMBY laws that came about in the 90s criminalizing children running around playing and getting into childish mischief. Wonder why everybody spends all their time indoors online or playing games?

Add into the fact that all the old institutions for society in general were destroyed by cultural marxism and moral relativism. Everybody's equal- except they're not. We should however be equal under the law, but we're not.

I was not suprised when I first heard about the men's rights activists popping up in recent years. It makes sense. They are men with no place in society.

And just like all these shooters- they are people with nothing to do, no future, no life. Drug addled in childhood. Fed propaganda, going into a world where they can't support a family because they have to compete with women for fewer and fewer jobs. Their normal childhood activities would get them suspended or detentions or arrested. They have to be politically correct with everything and are told they are the source of all problems in society because they're white men that some how oppress everybody else just by being alive.

That is enough to drive anybody insane. The SSRI's just push people over the edge and a gun is a handy choice.

The media hypes up the drama even though school shootings are more rare than television and most gun violence is suicide and gang warfare.

If you remove suicidal people and criminal behaivor from the mix the anti-gun people have nothing to talk about statistically.

But then again liberals are not interested in facts or truth, only propaganda and self serving platitudes.

Korriken #fundie newgrounds.com

so I was thinking about it, and I'm going to catch a LOT of flak for this idea, but it's one I feel is worth looking into.

The best way to permanently end the threat would be to destroy their religion. They all fight in the name of Allah, and many islamist groups want to impose Islamic law on a worldwide basis. Now, killing a few islamists will only make Muslims angry, in order to permanently put an end to this vicious cycle would be to end it the way you end any war, you destroy their will to fight. and by ending the religion, I mean basically saying "To hell with the middle east and Islam!" and doing what we've always needed to do to end the problem.

a good first move would be to bomb the Kaaba in Mecca during the Hajj. this could probably be done easily enough with a squadron of stealth aircraft, mainly because Saudi Arabia would NEVER see it coming. Who would do such a thing? The answer? a nation with a leader interested with ultimate victory and not just appeasing the enemy and exchanging tit for tat.

This would send a very clear message of "We're tired of your shit." Then, we turn our sights to various other Islamic holy sites and reduce them to rubble. This would make many Muslims second guess their faith, as they see Allah allowing the infidel to destroy the holy sites.

Now, before you say, "But that would make us no better than them!" Maybe, but I'm looking at the end result, It would be like Catholics watching Vatican City be reduced to rubble and the pope killed, surely Jesus would not allow his most holy city to be destroyed.... right? exactly.

Wriggle #racist newgrounds.com

Wanna say the U.S. Was responsible for terrorist bombings on its own soil of the world trade center?
Go ahead! You will find your niche!
Wanna say that its wikileaks fault for having bombed innocent people and NOT the fault of the government?
Go ahead! You will find your niche!
Wanna say that recent wars were all just to make military contractors money and to further the goals of the 1% of the world with all the money?
Go ahead! You will find your niche!
Wanna suggest that aliens are real and that the government is hiding them?
Go ahead! You will find your niche!
Wanna say that the facts about the Holocaust should be re-examined and that there might be some flaws in what was said?

I don't hate Jewish people, but don't you find this a bit odd?

SoulMaster71 #racist newgrounds.com

[On the subject of white supremacist claymations]

Make one based on a race war. On the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama to the office of President of the United States, Obama declares open war against the white race. By that point, African-Americans and Latinos will outnumber Caucasians in the United States (at least if you're counting los inmigrantes ilegales with the other Latinos), so it will be a hard battle: black and Latino agents of genocide, filled with hatred against whitey from years of race-baiting and class warfare theories pushed into their head by the very same people who put Obama in the White House, versus a white race conditioned for decades to be filled with white guilt. Make sure to show the crimes committed by these non-whites: murders, lootings, terrorism, torture, slaughter of women and children and senior citizens, rape, whatever. But then, little pockets of resistance appear: usually led by the Ku Klux Klan or by neo-Nazi skinheads, white people begin to fight back. The men in white hoods, once vilified even by their own people for espousing the view that the blacks and Latinos were dangerous and evil, now become heroes, protecting their people from those same dangerous, evil black and Latino hordes. The scene revealing the KKK fighting back might even call back to an earlier scene: three black men, about to kill a white girl, are just about to get started... But in the later scene, a white knight of the KKK comes up and slaughters the three black murderers before they can kill. In the end, the last of the blacks are killed or escape to their true racial homeland on the dark continent, the last of the Hispanics flee to Latin America, and the remnants of the white man are shown with the task of rebuilding the United States.

I'm not a white supremacist. But there's a certain subversive, offensive artistic merit in the idea of such a shocking concept, assuming it were to be executed well. By skewering cultural preconceptions about racial harmony, you could provide a stark contrast to the histories that American children are fed about atrocities committed by the white race. It would shock and offend people into re-examining the white guilt that they've been fed since the African-American civil rights movement started gaining ground, and in doing so may kick down the doors for a more open racial discourse, where I can say that, for example, President Obama and his wife are treating the Presidency like the world's largest and most elaborate welfare check, and people will understand what I mean or at least give me a chance to explain (that Barack and Michelle Obama are spending taxpayer money on personal vacations and other such frivolities without showing any sort of responsibility to the taxpayers who provided it, since they did not have to work to earn that money and so they don't feel any need to be responsible with it) rather than immediately jumping down my throat and comparing me to Adolf Hitler.

OK, a claymation on Newgrounds probably wouldn't do that part. A live-action movie might, but we just don't have that kind of massive cultural influence here. But at least it'll be funny.

Rapacity #racist newgrounds.com

Most victims of race crime, around 90%, are black, and they are not your friends. Almost 1,000,000 white Americans have been raped by blacks, compared to 132,000 blacks. Blacks create seven times the crimes expected from comparable populations. Wake up and stop the Africans from coming here, we must preserve our land from this menace.

sexypony #racist newgrounds.com

Why aren't races classified biologically by subspecies?

I mean, blacks have very dissimilar appearences to whites and Asians or Indians.
You can denote several different physical features in different races other than skin color.

Blacks have dark skin, flat noses, big dicks etc.
Asians have tiny penises, light skin, slanted eyes, you get the picture.

I don't believe it's all cultural, there has to be some genetics involved.

Hellian00 #fundie newgrounds.com

And, you know what the scientists are basically saying? Same thing as Christians. "Just believe us, because we think we are wright(even though we can't prove it)".

Also, here's anther thing to think about: Explain why Homo Sapiens are the only species we know of that's anywhere at all close to remotely near as technologically advanced as us? The odds of only one species achieving greater intelligence is almost null. Meaning, it basically can't happen.

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