
Matt Barber #fundie newsbull.com

It makes front page news when conservative elected officials are accused of selling-out to monolithic corporate lobbies like “Big Oil” or “Big Tobacco.” Yet the media rarely take notice when liberal politicians toe the line for extreme ideological special interests.

Case in point: Within minutes after swearing in, President Obama had the White House web site updated to declare his unconditional support for every demand of the politically powerful and very well-funded homosexual lobby (a.k.a., “Big Homo”). By announcing to the world his pro-“gay” agenda, Obama has thrown gasoline on smoldering culture war embers, generating a firestorm of controversy.

But amid the heated national debate over both religious liberty versus newfangled “gay rights” and the sanctity of natural marriage versus so-called “same-sex marriage,” something occurred to me. Either homosexual behavior is sexual immorality or there is simply no such thing as sexual immorality – period.

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