
adrianne #fundie nightmareproject.com

the voice in the beginning was the devil. the father of all lies. he has entranced the people but his days are numbered.

it is shown by how your friend screamed the opposite of the Lord's maxim. he has hypnotized the children of God. When she shouted that, she let the devil into her heart, with all the hatred and rage she felt. when someone stands up to the devil many people can be saved as shown in the dream, follow God and bring more people to salvation is the

only protection we have. I LOVE YOU

Sarah #fundie nightmareproject.com

When you realize that abortion is wrong and you seek to save lives instead of killing them then the babies will have nothing to accuse you of on the day of judgement the day when all of us will pay for those unrepented sins you committed against God and the innocent. But repent and all shall be forgiven.

Janet #fundie nightmareproject.com

I had just lain down, my head on the pillow and blankets pulled over me. The bedroom was dark.

Something came through the wall and hovered over me. It was Jesus, bathed in radiance, his face so close and so real that I felt I could touch it. His eyes looked of golden sand. He spoke to me in a language I had never heard, but I still understood and nodded, as if saying, "Okay, okay, okay..."

Then another man appeared, kneeling at the side of my bed. Dressed in a robe, he also had a glowing appearance. He placed a Bible on my bed. Jesus started talking with him in the same language, but I no longer understood what he was saying. The man opened the Bible to its first book, Genesis. Across the pages were written THE END THE END THE END in many different languages.

As they continued to talk, I yelled, "What are you saying? Why is the beginning the end?" Why? Why? Why?" Jesus gave me a look of anger, and they both disappeared. I woke up screaming so loud that I even woke my mother.

This experience seemed so real that I still question whether it was a dream. I'm interested in your interpretations. Has anyone had a similar experience? Do you think a message was being sent to me?

MJM #fundie nightmareproject.com

I have also had dreams about demons/evil chasing me. However I have never had the visualization of dead bodies as you have. I truly believe that when we sleep we are open to all kinds of spirits. I could be that an evil element was trying to do something (I don't want to elaborate). How fortunate that Jesus was so close and made himself known to you. I do believe that HE is always with us and that when we call to HIM he will protect us. I am not a spiritual fanatic.

May His peace be with you always. Also try sleeping with your chest area covered. Some believe that this area should be protected while sleeping.

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