
Mike G. #fundie noanswersingenesis.org.au

[concerning his his 5 year old son]

... I was not real sure if my son was grasping any of the information ... . Well, tonight at bedtime I realized that he has been getting a healthy dose of the truth... . He asked me why the scientists want to deceive people by telling lies about creation and dinosaurs. When I explained that if they admitted to the fact of God creating everything that [sic] they would have to face their own sin, my son thought about it for a second and then said, "Daddy I know what I am going to do when I get older and can read by myself ... I am going to go to the library and get all of the science books and erase all the lies in them." Needless to say I wept and thanked God for my son. ...

Kent Hovind #fundie noanswersingenesis.org.au

Some have ridiculed the size of the school [Patriot Bible University]. If Harvard offers a Ph.D. degree program with only 3 or 4 students (this happens at many schools- sometimes with only 1 student), does the small number automatically mean they are not "earning their degree" or that they are attending a "diploma mill" school? Of course not! Nearly all schools offer classes by correspondence.

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