
Pendarex #racist odinist.com

But, consider this; some of the worst examples of 'our' Aryan Race are not our friends! Christianity of whatever 'brand' - Catholic, Protestant, Identity and all the other 'Dead Jew on a stick worshippers' are and always were our mortal enemies....

Communism - Okay so many of it's 'inventors' were Hebrews, but seems to me that most of it's present day followers would be classed as 'White' or Aryan...

Homosexuality - Seems like the majority of these foul deviants are 'White'. Likewise Paedophiles!

Drug Users - 'Poor white trash', the Negro showed the white Kids what fun they can have filling their bodies with this filth and I would contend that White Kids are the main users of ***** nowadays. Becoming nothing more than mindless zombies...

Being 'White' or 'Aryan' is no reflection of QUALITY of deed, thought or action and I would suggest that as the purpose of this forum is to BE AN ODINIST then our first, second and only loyalty is to ODIN!

Look around the world and you will see the majority of 'White' 'Aryans' are now of no worth and I will never have any loyalty to them.

TWPjames #racist odinist.com

A group of mexicans used to go to this bar that I found. And one day I had the itch to ask them something. Everysince they hadn't been back. I got no answer and people thought I was crazy for asking to begin with. I said, " Hey tacos' How yall doing today. Why don't you ever bring no mexican girls in here so I can talk to them aye, Amigo? Did you leave them all in Mexico?"

I actualy thought they was wanting to fight cause their faces no longer smiled and even though only one spoke decent english they understood I said some bad somehow. But after about ten minutes of whispering amoung themselves I hadn't seen them since. The bar owner was kinda dissapointed cause they do drink a hell of a lot. But so do I while im in there.

Another bar not less than 1/2 a mile down the road has a door that locks and you need to swipe a card to get inside. The owner daughter says its to keep out the unwanteds. I meet her son one day and was very surprized he was somewhere between a 1/3 and 1/4 black(that means 0% white to me). That really surprized me cause she always seemed racist to me. I've always wondered since if she knew he wasn't white, but I don't go back there.

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