
Tony Horton #homophobia oldpaths.com

I was homosexual and I know not to allow the media to fool me into believing it is a healthy alternative lifestyle. Most homosexuals have had so many sexual partners they have lost count. Many can say their number of partners is in the hundreds.

Even though AIDS is killing people (including me), the homosexual community continues to spread disease through frequenting bath houses disguised as health spa's, and having countless sexual encounters in one evening. They have sex in public bathrooms and in parks. They experience sexual acts that would make a decent person become sick at hearing about them. The sexual acts are so perverse, I can't put them in print here.

Activists will tell you that the homosexual lifestyle is not all about sex. I say this is a lie. It is all about sex, sexual perversion.

Most homosexuals realize how perverse their lifestyle is. But society no longer has enough convictions to push good morals, so not enough of society cares to do anything about this plague. People fear backlash from the activists. The homosexual lifestyle has become politically correct due to a lack of courage to stand up to sin. It has become 'unfair' for anyone to say that it is wrong or unacceptable. In fact, this article will fall mostly on deaf ears, because when it comes to morals, many people no longer have any.

To portray the homosexual lifestyle as wholesome and acceptable, as the Media does, is simply to ignorantly parrot untrue homosexual propaganda. The truth is that the homosexual lifestyle is an alternative life of degrading and harmful sexual perversion.

Tony Horton #fundie oldpaths.com

I wasn't born gay and neither were you. It was a path I chose, a sexually perverted choice on my behalf. If I was born that way, others, such as child molesters, drunkards, adulterers, thieves, could claim the same thing. Even if you think you were born that way, God still condemns it. He wouldn't make you that way and then condemn you to hell. It was your choice, so turn from it. Even if you still have the desire after you have repented, fellowship with Christians, personal prayer, and studying God's word will help you refrain and stay right with God. You may never have a heterosexual relationship and you may be single the rest of your life, but as stated above, life here on earth is a vapor. We aren't here long but we have heaven to look forward to if we remain faithful unto death.

Roy Davison #fundie oldpaths.com

Evolution is not working. Where are the people who live to be 900 years old? How many now live to be 120? In connection with the changes at the time of the flood we read: “There were giants on the earth in those days” (Genesis 6:4). Where are the dinosaurs? Where are the hairy mammoths that can still be found well-preserved, frozen in the northern permafrost? Millions of species have become extinct and some scientists predict that from 25% to 50% of species that now exist, will become extinct in the next fifty years!

Evolution is not working and there is no evidence that it ever has. The facts contradict the theory of evolution. The number of life forms continues to decrease and there is historical evidence, also from non-biblical sources, for the devolution of man. Babylonian records also speak of a time when people lived to be a thousand years old.

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