
XxxGooxxX #fundie opendiary.com

Ok I'm gonna change the topic here from Evo. to The Big Bang Theory, I also am totally against this theory because it's just as stupid as Evo. Tell me now, how can one giant piece of rock explode into 9 perfectly round spheres? Huh, don't say gravity because that's just stupid.

XxxgooxxX #fundie opendiary.com

he theory of Evolution is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, or at least it's in my top 3. Darwin was a moron, a huge fucking moron, who I would assume got high off some shit he found on that little island he explored on for so long and made up this big story that man came from apes. That is so stupid you just wanna bring him back from the dead and smack him, numerous times over. I don't know about any of you, but I KNOW for a fact that I never came from no ape. My ancestors never came from no ape.

XxxgooxxX #fundie opendiary.com

I think that homosexuality started out as just being rebellious, being something that no one else is, to get attention, then it became popular for some reason and there ya go. Nothing more then an act of rebellion, an attention grabber, something that makes controversy because you just love it. Oh admit it you do!

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