
Kristor #fundie orthosphere.org

If there must always be an established religion, what religion is it best to establish? I say Christianity. Not because I am a Christian and think it true, or because its tradents have built the most prosperous, beautiful societies and conquered the world. Christianity does have all those things in its favor, to be sure. But the best practical reason to establish Christianity is that alone among religions it has solved the problem that the cycle of blood sacrifice threatens always to destroy even those societies otherwise most sane. In Christianity alone the logic of sacrifice is turned back on itself: the bloody holocaust of God himself has forever obviated the death either of scapegoats or innocents. Christianity therefore provides the best chance of maintaining a high degree of traditional social order that yet leaves room for creative genius to make its contribution to the endless process of social adaptation to changing circumstances. It offers the best chance at maintaining robust and flexible societies. And only a society that manages to survive has a shot at being good.

Amerikanish #fundie orthosphere.org

The only real question left is what design will we use for our Flag in the oncoming Civil War II. Old Glory, Stars & Bars, the Eagle, the Lion, or the Holy Cross? I would vote for the Cross, with smaller emblems of the others. Because war is on its way. There is only one alternative: slavery.

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