
Landon #fundie ovillayouth.com

Extract from Landon's explanation why:-

"medicine is evil, thus sayeth the Lord"

I don’t mean to be tasteless here, but I do think it makes a powerful point because it is such an unpleasant topic. You can get rid of colds, corns, depression, and acne, but in so doing you will receive diarrhea. And diarrhea empties you. After diarrhea, you are emptier than when you started. You are formless and empty on the inside.

Sins are very much like medicine as we strive for things other than God, our true nourishment: they provide momentary, nonpermanent comfort, and in turn, leave you completely formless and empty on the inside. They give you diarrhea.

Rich Lederer wrote a book in the late ‘80s called Crazy English. In it he tells a story of a foreign couple who had a newborn daughter, their first child. They had, by this time, had some exposure to the English language. They decided to name the girl the most beautiful English word they had heard: Diarrhea.

That’s hilarious – until we realize that it’s all too familiar.

Actually, diarrhea is a pretty sounding word.

That is Satan’s appeal.

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