
Mike LaBorde #fundie #homophobia patdollard.com

We have known for a long time now that the LGBTQ community wants Christians to practice their faith only in church. They are bigots and evil by nature. Their chosen lifestyle and confusion makes them believe that they are superior to normal people . But we know that they are very confused individuals.

Ssongtan #conspiracy patdollard.com

Obama was indoctrinated by the American Communist Party of which his mother and grandparents of his mother were high in the organization. He was mentored by another Communist by the name of Frank Marshall Davis, Jr when he lived in Hawaii as a child. His mother may have had an affair with Davis (unable to confirm). He grew up as a Suni Muslim in Indonesia and his alleged birth father was a muslim. In his visit to Kenya on an Indonesia passport Obama received a special gift from a Muslim Cleric that is only given to individuals that have provided great service and dedication to the Muslim faith. Under Muslim radical law, if a Muslim claim another religion it is punishable by death. Obama was given a pass as it is also acceptable to pretend to be of another religion if you are doing covert work for the Muslim faith. Obama is both a communist and a Muslim. His phony belief systems that portray him as a Marxist and a Christian are only covers. For what it is worth I have been investigating Obama since April of 08 and have studied the four ongoing major investigations that are still taking place as I type in addition to my own. He was born in Kenya. His first and only US passport was issued to his as a US Senator and is a diplomatic passport. Many US military carry the same as not all countries recognized the military id as an entry document. He is also a closet bi-sexual and he and Michelle are both HIV positive.

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