
Aleechea Pitts #fundie pauleanministries.weebly.com

Homosexuality is a lifestyle that is easy to get into but hard to get out of. It carries along with it other sexual perversions. The more you gratify the flesh the more it wants. Flesh is never satisfied. It's like a person addicted to cocaine. You try to reach the first high but can never attain it. Most people who have attained the first high that were addicted to this substance most likely overdosed and few recovered from it yet others have died. The Bible lets us to know that the wages of sin is death. Not only physically but spiritually as well. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. There is a way out through Jesus Christ. Sin is sin no matter what form it is in. You are not your own but you have been bought with a price. Jesus paid the price. His blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Yes, even homosexuality and lesbianism.

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