
archaeologist #fundie phpbb88.com

since evolution does not exist we will not be allowing any discussion about that false theory in this forum or website.

that does not mean that science cannot be discussed but it does mean that any mentioning of evolution is out. when scientists see reactions in their experiemnts, they are NOT seeing evolution in action but the result of God's creative work under the influence of the sin and corruption that entered the world at adam's sin.

that also means that there is no such thing as evolutionary biology, there is simply biology and this idea applies to all fields related to science.

do not bring evolutionary ideas into the forum, bring the truth and evolution, the process, the thinking is NOT the truth.

archaeologist #fundie phpbb88.com

one of the things that makes the atheist argument against faith healing moot is their support for abortion. when a christian does faith healing the athiest is up in arms raising holy hell ready to prosecute the believer and send them to prison in case the child dies BUT when it comes to abortion, very few, if any, athiest rallies against the death of the unborn, do not advocate prosecuting the mother or doctors involved, do not seek imprisonment for those involved in the procedure and so on.

their hypocrisy ruins their opposition to faith healing as they are only against the death of a child if the action is not done their way and approved by them. such people need to remove themselves from any discussion on faith healing for they cannot be honest nor impartial,let alone truthful.

archaeologist #fundie phpbb88.com

modern scientists need to be reeled in and monitered, no more giving them a free pass or assuming they know what they are talking about, they don't unless they are true christians who apply God's ways to the field.

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