
jamisings #fundie puns.icanhascheezburger.com

It’s also not funny.

Did you know that non-believers are more likely to cheat on their mates, more likely to commit violent crimes, more likely to abuse their children. They are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol, more likely to commit suicide. LESS likely to recycle. Less likely to volunteer. Less likely to give to charity. Because they don’t pray or meditate they suffer from stress more and therefore recover from illnesses at a slower rate then people who believe in either one or many gods and goddesses.

They are also responsible for the majority of deaths in this world. Nazis and Communists have killed way more people then any supposed “religious driven” war. (And BTW – 93% of wars have nothing to do with religion.) And both regimes were run by non-believers.

So remember, faith, belief, no matter what religion you follow, is a GOOD thing.

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