
Guzman (aka Supersport) #fundie rantsnraves.org

[What exactly do genes do, then? What function do they serve? You could start with a consideration of the ~130 genes known to play a role in color. (Any why mutations in those genes alter color.)]

well I'm not going to play like I know all the functions of genes, but what I do know is they are not the end-all be-all of biology. The organism is not defined or controlled by its DNA...instead, the DNA is defined and controlled by the organism. Genes are followers in evolutionary change, not leaders. Genomes resist genetic change and generally only do so as a last resort.

Guzman (aka Supersport) #fundie rantsnraves.org

[Do you accept the fact that genes control skin color (as well as the color of hair and eyes)?]

No...genes are the ultimate cause of nothing. Genes are the end result of a deeper cause. Genes, however, do play a role in change. Just as a car is involved in the process of rolling down the street, it is not in itself the cause -- the driver is.

Guzman (aka Supersport) #fundie rantsnraves.org

(SuperGuz believes living organisms can consciously control their genetics, or in some form of Lamarckianism, submitter can't quite tell which)

[If your "theory" were correct, there shouldn't be any. Why are the Australians of European descent incapable of manipulating their own phenotypes so their skins are appropriately dark [enough to prevent skin cancer]? You yourself claim that "the course of a few generations" should be enough to do it. Why isn't it happening?]

you must first show me that this isn't true. Got any studies on families that show scientifically that even though they are exposed to pounding effects of the sun that they have not increased their pigmentation over multiple generations? Your baseless assertion doesn't cut it. What city in australia are you referring to? There are different environments in Australia. Sydney, for example rarely gets above the 80s and often has cloud-cover.

Guzman (aka Supersport) #fundie rantsnraves.org

just to clear the record, I am not in any way racist. Just in case anyone forgets, it's me, the creationist who believes skin color is skin deep and not at all the result of "evolution," as probably everyone in here believes. Skin is adaptive just many other human traits.....all it takes is a few minutes in the sun to prove that. Stay out in the sun all day, every day, and your offspring might very well emerge a wee bit darker than you. Over the course of a few generations, this may add up to big differences. But the point is, there is no random mutation and there's definitely no selection.

And to clear the homo thing up, I truly truly love these people. It's just that their bedroom/restroom/carseat activities repulse me and drag society down. So sue me.

Guzman (aka Supersport) #fundie rantsnraves.org

[After being told by another user (not me in this case) that "chimps have a baculum (penis bone) and humans don't. The other 206 bones, though, are in one-to-one correspondence", Guzman's reply was this classic:]

and what about the bones and organs in bacteria?...are we truly just enlarged bacteria? If not you better come up with an explanation for the novelty.

Guzman (aka SuperSport) #fundie rantsnraves.org

[Response to a comprehensive demolition of his usual combination of egregious quote mining, blather and tard ... this takes hubris into several new dimensions even M-theorists are unaware of]

I would not be surprised if these scientists are reading my posts and stealing my ideas. I am the creative genius in the scientific community. They should be paying me!!!!!!

Guzman (aka Supersport) #fundie rantsnraves.org

You know who's really going to burn -- that god-awful piece of trash, Richard Dawkins. That dude is going to smoke. Him and Daniel Dennet.....both of them are just going to boil for all eternity....and then, I'm going to sit there from my perch in Heaven and point and laugh...and then I might offer them a cool drink -- but then change my mind and drink it myself.

Guzman (AKA Supersport) #fundie rantsnraves.org

[In response to asking how genes 'know' what to do and being told "Physics, more specifically chemistry, even more specifically biochemistry. In other words, it's just the way matter works."]

oh, well that explains it. Right....it's just the way it is. Matter does intelligent things for no reason.....if this is the religion that helps you guys sleep at night, then more power to you.

Just curious though....what makes you think genes aren't broken down into millions of sub-parts....and how do all the sub-parts know what to do?...what makes them all stick together to form a gene?...what if some of them don't care to play along?.....do these subparts make their own decisions too? In fact, you could just keep getting smaller and smaller and smaller unil the physical completely disappears, yet the wave (or field, or whatever's left) still somehow knows what to do.

Guzman, AKA Supersport #fundie rantsnraves.org

(In Supersport's world, the study of genetics is a waste of time and money)

The whole scientific establishment is in shambles. They don't know what DNA is...they don't know where it came from....they don't know what it does...they don't know how the information got there.....they don't know what role it plays (if any) in the construction of organisms -- they simply don't know jack, and now their explanations are borderlining on the mentally insane.

But these answers will never be had because the painful reality and truth is these answers are not to be found in the physical....the physical is just a manifestation of the mind. By looking at molecules, science isn't looking at the cause of anything; they're looking at the effects. DNA doesn't control life; life controls DNA....therefore stuyding DNA is mostly a waste of time and money...for it will provide answers to nothing.

Guzman (aka Supersport) #fundie rantsnraves.org

what's funny about that, is along with giant rats there were giant camels, giant beaves, giant buffalo, giant insects, alligators, and virtually every other type of creature living just a few thousand years ago (some say 10,000 years ago near the end of the ice age)....yet when it comes to large reptiles such as dinosaurs the evos close their eyes and play like these over-sized creatures didn't live with them...no, instead they lived the imaginary millions of years ago. And not only that, but they were the only large creatures of the time. But doesn't it makes a bit more since that the oversiized reptiles lived alongside the oversized mammals and oversized insects and oversized fish and oversized plants? Of course...but evolutionists aren't logical and don't admit to common sense explanations, regadless of the fact that dino bones have been dug up with still-rotting flesh attached to their unfossilized bones and that their carcasses have long-known to smell like death and decay when they're dug up out of the ground.

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