
Shelley Goodman #fundie shelleytherepublican.com

How many times have you picked up your cell phone to call the police to report the murder of a pre-born and wound up on some sex line because secular cell phone companies care more about promoting filth than giving you good, smut-free service? How many times have you got a text message asking if you’d like to perform some lewd and indecent act? If you’re as tired of it as I am, then there’s real good news – introducing The American Center for Law and Justice cell phone service company! That’s right, Jay Sekulow’s ACLJ is now offering Christian cell phone service at competitive rates AND when you subscribe, you’re helping to stop homos, Satanists, lie-berals, pedophiles and other members of the Democrat party from gaining a further foothold in the United States of America because part of the price goes to fund the American Center for Law And Justice. So if you’re tired of getting your cell phone calls routed by Satan, then get on over to www.ACLJwireless.com and you’ll never have to talk to a homo again!

Shelley Goodman #racist shelleytherepublican.com

Democratic Party Profiles, Islam, Liberal Democ-Rats, Negroes, Satanism, The Race Issue, Voodoo
It was always pretty obvious Homobama hated America.? Most negros do.? They can’t stand that they ain’t back in Africa starving and getting gored by zebras.? So when he made that dumb speech saying he wouldn’t file charges of treason against his so-called “former” pastor, anybody who wasn’t a retard knew what he was saying - America is the Great Satan.

Homobama ain’t gonna be president.? We already know that cuz God told us.? But that don’t mean the genie ain’t outta the bottle.? What’s the next negro who’s uppity enough to think he can be president gonna be like?? Is he gonna be an out and out muslim?? Lie-berals would just love that!? Is he gonna run on platform of selling out white children to Africa and “see how you like it for a change”?? Maybe he’s gonna be a voodoo priest like Obama but not try to hide it and put his witch doctor out on the campaign trail.

Or maybe he’s just gonna come right out and declare a race war on white Americans that came to this country legally?? If you thought that Rev. Wright hated America and white people, y’all ain’t gonna be able to sleep after THIS boy.

Pray for America!!

Tristan shuddery #fundie shelleytherepublican.com

[A text under a pic of jesus helping a girl to play golf]

How can anybody say that Jesus is not 100% real. Every time something good happens it’s because Jesus makes it so. Anytime something bad happens that is the Devil’s work. The fact that good and bad exists proves that God exists. Atheists have no sensible response to this obvious fact.

Tristan Shuddery #fundie shelleytherepublican.com

TriggerHappy, I find it sad that you would deny what your own heart tells you. It is a plain fact that every human being has innate “God-knowledge”. It is this spiritual aspect of ourselves that connects us all to Jesus Christ. You and Mr Hallquist are merely in denial.

Billy Bob Neck #fundie shelleytherepublican.com

So the activist liberal judge says that Pastor Hovind owes the US Government a great deal of money - but did they count all the good he had done? Did they count the souls he helped save, and the kids he educated? Every single child who passes through Dinosaur Adventure Land gets to learn about how neo-Darwinism is a lie - would they have learnt that important message had Kent not done his best? Did they count the fact that he works for Jesus, the person who founded the USA, a higher authority than even the President? I put it to you that it is not Kent who owes the IRS, but the US government who owes Kent. But hold on a minute - didn’t the Bible say that holy people would be tested? Kent is yet another martyr for Jesus, willing to go to prison to stand up for what he thinks is right. I just know that God has a plan for him, and if that means he has to do ten years in a prison I am sure that Kent will face up to that plan with his usual dignity and moral courage. Heck, he might even get to teach some of his fellow prisoners about the exciting science of Intelligent Design - perhaps that is what God wants?

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