
bigbrain #conspiracy skepticfriends.org

Well, suppose the crap ranging system of NASA's buffoons is able to locate the probe relatively to the Earth.

But the Earth runs at 65,000 miles per hour and turns around itself at 1,000 miles per hour.

Radio signals from the probe near Saturn arrive to the Earth after 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Suppose NASA's buffoons have invented a system able to take into account all these difficulties (But if your tower control is in the opposite place - the Earth turns around itself - as regards your probe ... can your crap system receive the radio signal?) calculating the displacement of the Earth and its rotation, and the delay of radio signals.

And then??? Have they solved anything???





Bill scott #fundie skepticfriends.org

See it is ok for the state to take my tax money and ram evolutionary philosophy and worldviews down my kids throat at public schools because evolutionary philosophy is what evolutionists believe and evangelizes to the infedels with but I don't believe it. Therefor I take great offence at the public schools using my tax money to teach my kid a bankrupt philosophy that I completely dismiss as theory. Just as the skeptic has a cow when the mere mention of their theory/worldview/religion being challenged in the public school causes them to rally their faithful and not let their kids be taught a worldview by the government which in fact is a violation of church and state. The government/public schools has no right to teach my kid philosophy with my money but they do and the skeptics who's battle cry is "no state sponsored religion" turn around and force their state sponsored religion/worldview/philosophy down my kids throat all day long under the guise of science. Hypocrisy!!!!!!!!

Eldibs #fundie skepticfriends.org

[Talking about a failed experiment to create visible psi-balls]

I'd call it a spectacular failure, but I wouldn't call it an experiment. They weren't trying to prove any specific hypothesis, they just wanted to see if they could make a visible psi-ball.

breakballs #fundie skepticfriends.org

The Chinese capsule has landed with parachutes. Why haven't they filmed its landing on the hard ground?
Because no landing has happened.
Chinese astrobuffoons, like Aldrin and Armstrong, have simulated re-entry with that orrible capsule but they have never gone to space.
If NASA buffoons have already been on the moon, why do they want to go there again?
They should send men to Mars.
The problem is always the same: they don't know how to land on Mars without smashing against the ground and how to re-enter in our atmosphere without becoming roast chikens.

verlch #fundie skepticfriends.org

As a liberal the New Order shoudln't bother you. As a Christian they could silence us and not allow us to practice our faith. There are saying all religions are One. I believe in One religion and that is the bible. Nothing else will do, everything else is connected to itself and evoltuion. The bible stands alone, that is why many want to burn it!!!!

HYBRID #fundie skepticfriends.org

YOu motherfuckers are in serious denial [of a 9/11 conspiracy]! Its down right scary!! You motherfuckers would not last one day in my old neighborhoods. You would have gotten all of your shit taken from you until you would have been running around but ass naked, crying. Go ahead watch them, and I bet, that you guys won't even address 90% of it. You will just find one thing and say, hey that's not true, and just ignore all the rest. You won't do any investigations, and if you do find one site that refuted that ONE piece of info, it will probably be a government sponsored site, and the refuttal will be a half of a page with a crappy ass expalnation, and you lames believe that shit!!

HYBRID #fundie skepticfriends.org

i think its simple, we don't have to go into all of the other evidence, but I think of it like this: we have something called radar, and when planes leave the airport, they are constantly being tracked by this. We also have something called NORAD, who's entire purpose is to stop terrorist attacks. They also are supposed to stop attacks like 9/11. But alas, even though we had all of that, no NORAD, even though those planes were off course for over 1 and 45 minutes. But other planes that have went off course and were intercepted by the military and NORAD within minutes, but not on 9/11. Why? Was radar not working that day? How about NORAD? I would love to here the excuses this time.

Ryujin #conspiracy skepticfriends.org

just how...do we get 4 planes supposedly hijacked within 6 hours [on 9/11] in this great country of ours....4 planes in less than 6 hours.....and wheres the wreckage from the "plane" that hit the pentagon....see if you an find pics of a plane that crashed into it.....how does a boeing fit into a 17 foot hole?....

bigbrain #fundie skepticfriends.org

[On the moon landings]

Meteorites, made by rocks and metals, in their impact with atmosphere burn and instead your cork-capsule, your plastic-capsule are magic, they don't burn at 5000/10000 °F.

Only air pressure would brake into pieces your CORK

Plastic would melt like butter and your capsule would grow red-hot.

Aldrin and Armstrong = 2 roast chickens

HYBRID #fundie skepticfriends.org

Hmm, How about the fact that there are no 0 species still evolving on the level humans did supposedly. No species in the intermediate stages. HOw about if you think you can find out everything about the earth's history or humankind's history just by digging ten feet in the earth, and looking at remains you are being naive and furthermore ridiculous. And that is just for starters. I could go on forever. I don't have enough time to expose them all.

How about the fact that an evolutionary jump was made in the last 100,000 years that should not have been possible, homo-erectus to sapien. No intermediate stages. How about, scientists have found foot prints and bones that were supposedly hominids, but could not tell the differenc between them and apes.

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