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Cosmic update:

Sisters and brothers,

There is a massive shift happening right now in the collective field of awareness and it is moving rapidly and intensely. There are notes for each of you.

Sisters, purge it out! Let it go! Scream, cry, wail if you must. We have not received what we deserve yet, and at the same time, it’s been in our favor. The contrast and polarity has simply given us greater relative awareness of what we do desire. We have even more clarity than ever before and while all of this has been the Creation process designed as it is in agreement between our ‘Divine Parents’, our egos have felt the sting of it. We were meant to. Our temporal selves access greater consciousness through contrast and to reach the greatest states of infinite possible outcomes, we needed the contrast to expand us into more realization of what is possible in even grander ways.

That said, in order to shift into the next stage of your conscious evolution, all that has been must be released and healed. This means that we cannot repress any emotions that hold negative vibrations. If it’s coming up, don’t stuff it down. Purge, purge, purge. Some are reporting that it feels like dying. Have no fear. It is only the impermanent aspects of self that are dying, as they need to, in order to embody even more expansive divine energies and integrate more codes that you have been receiving. In order for the new 'programs’ to be activated, the old ones must be removed and your system refreshed. Purge until you feel the neutral energy again. From there, move into gratitude and love. Focus on the men in your life that have done right by you, and if you can’t think of any, then go ahead and fantasize. Feel the love and gratitude for the masculine showing up as you desire in your personal experience and on a global scale. From there, it is highly recommended that you take the time to write it out. This writing process incorporates body, mind and spirit in the act of spell-ing out the desires of the divine feminine. Be sure to write it in a positive manner for the best possible effect.

Example: Instead of saying, “you will never cheat on me”, you would say, “you will always be faithful”. Instead of, “you won’t start anymore wars”, you will say, “you will bring peace and healing to this planet and all of its inhabitants”.

Self care is vital. Drink lots of clean water, eat healthy light organic foods, rest, soak in sea salt baths, get into nature, express creatively, and anything else you typically do to express self love. You can do this. You are Goddess rising and saying, 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!’

You are righteous.

Brothers, hold space and listen. There is no need to get caught up on drama or guilt. Hear truth in what you hear and/or read from the women in your life. You have played your role well and have done so for perfect reasons. You were meant to. Forgive yourself for any perceived failures or wrongs and integrate the new divine masculine codes.

That said, if you are experiencing any overflow from the women in your life, be willing to hear any truth that is being spoken and realize that even though it was meant, there is still pain within the women for all that they have been through in this earthly creation. There is a pendulum swing of energy. The formerly subservient versions of the silenced feminine is integrating with a roar. She is rising now and that means you are too. Stand up. Stand strong. Break yourself free from all that is false and integrate the highest vibration aspects of yourself. You already know how to do this, even if you aren’t aware of it consciously. Meditate, pray and go deep within. The answers are on your heart. It doesn’t matter who you have been. It matters who you are becoming. There is no more need, nor room, on this planet for outdated masculine programming. You are being upgraded in this process as well. Surrender to it. Be willing to hear what is being requested of you and all your brothers globally. While there may be fears of the feminine turning into the dominant ones, just remember that there is balance being sought. This means equality, integrity, commitment, loyalty, peaceful dealings, interdependent relationships and more. The desires the feminine has of you are what you desire of yourself. Move into that and know that it is for the greatest good of all AND the individual fulfillment of each. You can do this. We have faith in you.

If any of you find yourselves overwhelmed and it becomes too much for you to handle alone, reach out to someone. There are many healers that have been prepared for this moment (including us). Some of you already have your favorites and for the rest, find the one(s) that resonate with you the most. There is no reason to suffer alone. Many healers even work on a sliding scale and/or donation basis so that you don’t have to go it alone because of patriarchal limitations. You are worthy of a facilitator that can help you find your way back.

You are all loved. This is a very intense month but the worst of it is almost over and was infinitely valuable, even if you’re challenged to see it in the moment. Trust with faith and patience that greater things will be revealed soon.

Much love to all of you ????????

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