
Evolution or Creation? #fundie straight-talk.net

However, if a few dinosaurs survived the Flood, how could these huge monsters have gotten on the ark? Bear in mind that the ark itself was huge, and young healthy dinosaurs would have had no problem fitting in it.[5]

Several scientific digs over many years have uncovered numerous intermingled dinosaur and human tracks in the riverbed of the Paluxy River in Texas.[22] In addition, 3,000 dinosaur footprints with human footprints right alongside them were recently discovered in Turkmenistan.[5]

Additional evidence that some dinosaurs may have existed until recent times came in 1990 when a very well preserved Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton was found. On examining a cross section of the cells in one of the long bones researchers discovered T-Rex red blood cells. At Montana State University they have been unsuccessfully trying for nine years to prove that they are NOT T-Rex blood cells. If they are, this throws out the whole idea that dinosaurs died out millions [ET*] of years ago.[5]

During the winter of 1856 workmen in France digging a railway tunnel through a layer of Jurassic limestone were startled to find a large creature stumbling out of a recently split boulder, flapping what looked like wings and croaking. It died immediately. A local paleontology student identified the animal as a pterodactyl. The stone in which it was found was consistent with the time period in which pterodactyls are believed to have lived and formed an exact mold of the creature’s body.[47] Is it reasonable to assume that a pterodactyl could have survived entombed in rock for "millions" of years?

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