
teddyhcraig #fundie stumbleupon.com

[responding to an article titled "11 Things The Bible Bans, But You Do Anyway" (including such sins as tattoos, polyester, and letting men missing one or more testicles into church).]

"Another willingly ignorant person with a web-log. Christians are not under the law; we are under grace. However, with that said, grace is not a license to walk in wilful sin; and, doing things which God says are an abomination to Him, as He clearly has done in all the scriptures about improper intercourse, is wilful sin. The New Testament has many passages which clearly show that God still hates the "fornications" of the heathen! Look up when Jesus was speaking against fornications, and then understand that word covers all inappropriate intercourse, and thus Christ did speak against homosexuality. The apostles, in Acts 15, deal with the issue of the gentiles not being under the law nor being required to be circumcised; and, in that passage, one of the four things the Holy Spirit inspires them to instruct the gentiles to keep themselves from is fornications (verse 20). Why is that? Because God still hates all kinds of improper intercourse; He still views men with men and women with women as an abomination! But I don't expect you to understand that! As for Tiller, and the man who shot him, I view that as a grand irony. It is ironic that the US government hunts down terrorists who murdered less people, on 9/11, than Tiller did as he was here killing helpless defenceless and innocent people! It is ironic that a soldier, who shoots a terrorist, and prevents him from committing a terrorist act (from committing a mass murder) is given a medal; but, a man who shoots a co-called doctor who butchers helpless defenceless and innocent human beings is punished for doing so! I would not have done it, I would have let him go on in his wilful ignorance and then roast in hell, for that is his fate; for I know that me trying to speak with him (I sadly didn't get the chance to do so) is probably about as useless as me trying to reason with you; but, I do it so that the others who are reasonable may see this and understand. And, also, so that you may then stand, before the judgement seat of Christ, without any excuse for your failure to repent! I have told you the truth, and it is now up to you to seek Him while still you can, and if you will not do so then your blood is upon your own head. And the time to seek Him, while He may be found, is swiftly running out." - My reply to this Antichrist rant of an article (to a worthless article, such as this one is). Both thumbed down, and blocked, is his site! "It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible. Of all the dispositions and habits that lead to political prosperity, our religion and morality are the indispensable supporters. Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that our national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." - George Washington I am sure I could find 11 quotes from the founding fathers of this once great nation to post on this page, but I don't have the space, I leave it up to you all to search those out and do what is necessary in light of all the truth they declare.

jarbarf #fundie stumbleupon.com

HEY ATHIESTS: Explain to me how a bumble bee flies and what is in the center of a black hole. Once you prove to me that you understand this world, I'll listen to your ideas about the next world.

oflahertymichael #fundie stumbleupon.com

[Commenting on the honor killings wiki. Not sure if it goes under RS or FSTDT... anyway, move away from your irony meters, guys]

Islam is a false religion yes thats right made up! and yet this religion breads followers that use this religion as an excuse to do stupid things like commit murders on their women aswell as ambutation of limbs in certain cases these savages think that its ok to have no f**king brain cell in their non-White! faggot bearded heads!, send the whole lot to guantanamo bay that'll show 'em lol :-)

parhamreza #fundie stumbleupon.com

[About this comic:]

The difference between atheists and theists is on the "why" not the "how". Religious people know full well that scattered light causes the sky to appear blue, in fact, theistic scientists originally came up with the idea. A fairer, more logical cartoon would have the Atheist dad replying "The sky is blue, just cause it is"

FlameWarrior #fundie stumbleupon.com

Although these do point out flawed arguments they make it seem like all arguments against gay marriage are retarded. And they're not. There are a logical arguments, such as the fact that the divorce rate among gay couples is 100%.
[in response to a gay marriage argument]

Number 6 is particularly retarded: our country has a very low population growth, so it wouldn't hurt to have an average of 2 kids per woman. Also the problem with orphanages is partially the parents' fault for not planning children instead of getting teen pregnant and having to give the child away. (There's orphans who have dead parents, and I feel bad for them, but then there's orphans with idiotic 16-year-old parents.)

ijuitri #fundie stumbleupon.com

is anyone else sick of atheists? does anyone else want to tell them to just shut up? I used to be an atheist, until I stopped being so closed minded. Some of the most violent, angry and repulsive people I have come across online have been very vocal atheists. Believe what you want to believe, but enough with the whole atheism thing! Shut up with it!

Shandooga #fundie stumbleupon.com

[In response to the (fake) letter about atheists causing the destruction of America]

The error of religion is considerable so religion for religion's sake is not a virtue. However, atheists aren't even going to try and their godlessness definitely contributes the lion's share to crime, greed and war. The irony of it all is that one can presume that one who doesn't believe in God doesn't believe in the Devil yet atheism is the Devil's agenda.

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